Hi everyone!
When I try to run the model with two level nesting (three domains), the model blow up. I am sure that the time step is within the limits of the CFL. I don’t know what the problem is.
And I’ve noticed that when I manually input the subdomain boundaries in AGRIF_FixedGrids.in file, the originally blue commented sections turn black. Could this affect the model? How should I modify the file correctlly?
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The model runs both without nesting and with one nesting. Because this reply seems to be unable to add file links, I have attached the param.h file and the file after ncdump to the answer below.
I’m still not sure what’s weird about the AGRIF_FixedGrids. The area is not land but includes part of land. I’m going to try to narrow down the.1 domain and not include land.
Warning: Contour not rendered for constant ZData > In contour (line 51) In nested_grid (line 436) In interp_child (line 75) In nestgui>interpchild_Callback (line 242) In nestgui (line 49) This is the warning that appeared when I nested, will it affect the result?