Why I cannot compile the TOY model?

Hi everyone!
I try to compile the TOY model, but the following error occurs.
TOY_MAKE.out File

/home/yxli20/oasis3/MARCONI_oa3-mct_intel/lib/libscrip.a(remap_write.o): In function remap_write_mp_write_remap_csm_': remap_write.f:(.text+0x5dba): undefined reference to nf_put_var_int_’
remap_write.f:(.text+0x5de2): undefined reference to nf_put_var_int_' remap_write.f:(.text+0x642f): undefined reference to nf_put_var_double_’
remap_write.f:(.text+0x6456): undefined reference to nf_put_var_double_' remap_write.f:(.text+0x65a7): undefined reference to nf_close_’
remap_write.f:(.text+0x6f96): undefined reference to nf_put_var_double_' remap_write.f:(.text+0x6fc3): undefined reference to nf_put_var_int_’
remap_write.f:(.text+0x6feb): undefined reference to nf_put_var_int_' remap_write.f:(.text+0x7631): undefined reference to nf_put_var_double_’
remap_write.f:(.text+0x7658): undefined reference to nf_put_var_double_' remap_write.f:(.text+0x7695): undefined reference to nf_put_var_double_’
/home/yxli20/oasis3/MARCONI_oa3-mct_intel/lib/libscrip.a(netcdf.o): In function netcdf_mod_mp_netcdf_error_handler_': netcdf.F90:(.text+0x7b): undefined reference to nf_strerror_’

Whether or not the TOY model is successfully compiled is independent of advanced coupling of WRF-CROCO-WW3?

Hi, if you are going to couple WW3, CROCO, and WRF, you don´t need the toy model. It is mostly used to test the coupling, replacing one of the real models.

Your compilation of OASIS went ok?

Hello, I compiled OASIS according to croco tutorials. The ~/compile_oasis3-mct directory include related files, so I think it was installed successfully. And I am trying to coupling WRF and CROCO. In the provided run_wps.bash, I found that the map_proj is mercator, can I use lambert prrojection?

And if I use the lambert projection, will it affect the subsequent coupling?

As mentionned by Andres if you want to couple WRF-WW3-CROCO you don’t need the TOY model. However if you want to test the coupling procedure, you can use the TOY which “replace” one of the model you want to couple. It consists of a few fortran routines, that exchange variables with OASIS to mimic a wave or atmosphere model.

This being said, your error during the TOY compilation looks like a problem of library path for netcdf. You absolutely need to compile the TOY with the same netcdf libraries and compilers with which you have compiled OASIS, and you need to have environment variables PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH correctly set to point to these netcdf library and compilers. This is generally done with the myenv_mypath.sh file which defined all the paths and environment variables and that should then be sourced before using the coupling script toolbox.

no problem in using another projection, OASIS will deal with this grid when performing interpolations

Thank you!

Yes, you don’t need the TOY model if you are using CROCO and WW3 and WRF. It is used manily for testing, as Swen said.

Thank you! And I meet another question when I try to coupled WRF and CROCO.https://forum.croco-ocean.org/question/1165/how-should-i-edit-run_realbash/

What is your question?

My question is in https://forum.croco-ocean.org/question/1165/how-should-i-edit-run_realbash/

The question is about the WRF and CROCO coupling model.