Time series of kinetic energy, potential energy, total energy, and net volume

Hello every one i want to plot time series of kinetic energy, potential energy, total energy, and net volume contained within the out.txt (I attach my file) out12may_.txt.

With these time series I want to identify when the model is stabilized.

I hope some of you can help me by providing me with some Matlab script to plot these time series. Thank you.

Here’s a quick script that does this:


Thank you very much, I made some adaptations and it worked!

Hello. I have a related question. Where do I find this file ‘out’ with this information of the energy? thank you

This is just the log file that is printed to standard output when you run croco. You can save it to a textfile by adding ‘> log.out’ (or whatever filename you want) when you run croco (e.g. ‘./croco croco.in > log.out’).