Hi croco users!
Is there a way to start the model in October of year 1 and end in April of year 2?
How can I do it?
Thanks in advance.
Hi croco users!
Is there a way to start the model in October of year 1 and end in April of year 2?
How can I do it?
Thanks in advance.
Hi scarlett,
You need to define the START_DATE key in the cppdef_dev.h and to add two lines in your croco.in :
dd mm yyyy
You can adjut NTIMES (in the croco.in) to set up the duration of the simulation.
Hi Lucie,
Thanks for your help,
I add in the cppdef_dev.h file define START_DATE and add in the croco.in this lines start_date: dd mm yyyy
But I get in the exp1.out file:
GET_SMFLUX - ERROR: requested time record 1454 exeeds the last available
record 1453 in forcing netCDF file: c
TDAYS = 363.0 last available SMS_TIME = 363.0
C:\fakepath\Captura de pantalla de 2019-06-13 11-18-27.png
Where can I change the TDAYS and SMS_TIME ?
For other hand…
I have the inicial files with monthly information (I made them with the crocotools_param ), my question is, if the model going to read the corresponding day in this files, or I need to do a specific inicial file for this specif date?
So many thanks for your help and time…