I have been trying to run an inter-annual simulation over Bay of Bengal from 2016 to 2023 with mercator ocean boundary forcing. With DT= 300 and nd_avg=15, it shows 6440 time steps. It works fine till 6439, as you can see in the picture. But while finalising outputs, it fails due to some error in get_bry. I tried so many ways to solve it but no luck yet.
Their have to many people in our forum they may be potentially answer your question.
I suspected that OS or croco model library dependency is upgraded/downgraded.
For that also I don’t thing running few time step after model can Blow Up !.
I have NO idea. sorry.
I have run many times CROCO standalone to CPL in Indian Ocean region and my model never Blow Up !
Yesterday I also got a case like this. I suspect that you are using mercator in monthly intervals. So I replaced the mercator in the daily interval. Try using daily data in the mercator.
Yes, I used the daily data in make_OGCM_mercator. Also, I changed itolap_a and itolap_p from 1 to 2.
Can I know how you download the mercator data for OBC, since the motu_client is not working.
Yesterday, I modified the way of downloading and converting the data to produce a new toolbox.
did you manage to fix that ?
i got the same problem, it happened after updating to copernicusmarine library
ERROR in get_bry: cannot read variable 'bry_time'
MAIN - number of records written into history file(s): 159
number of records written into restart file(s): 159
number of records written into averages file(s): 159
ERROR: Abnormal termination: netCDF INPUT
Yes, I manage to fix it with daily mercator and GEBCO topographical data. You can try that too. If you still face any problem, email me in whoerfanul1@gmail.com.
for i=1:lh+1
if lf > 0
for j=1:lf
time3=[]; %(1)=rundate_dnum+1;
Hi, malateibi
can you upload your download_mercator_python.m and “ERROR in get_bry: cannot read variable 'bry_time” complete error.log file.
for i=1:lh+1
for j=1:lf+2
i am recommending you to use this branch and create your file:
git clone --branch dev_newcopernicus croco-ocean / croco_tools · GitLab
It is Anurag here. Last time you suggested me to use croco_tools-v2.0.0 to make boundary condition due to Copernicus motu client is no more longer to use. I tried the new croco_tools_version.
I am able to download data and to make it on our grid by using make_OGCM_mercator.m. Model was running good but in the last of first month I am getting error like below:
MAIN - number of records written into history file(s): 408
number of records written into restart file(s): 420
number of records written into averages file(s): 5
number of records written into diags_t file(s): 0
number of records written into avg diag_t file(s): 5
ERROR: Abnormal termination: netCDF INPUT
I tried to search about this and found your suggestions that to overcome with this issues we need to change time2=datenum(Y,M+1,01) - 1 as time2=datenum(Y,M+1,01) in download_mercator_python.m.
I did it accordingly but when I check the new boundaries files with my old version boundaries files (with them model was running smoothly) then the time dimension have one more index value this time compare to the old one. As I said the previous files was no issue to run the model.
Can you please suggest me, shall it be ideal to run the model with new boundaries files that have one more time index values made by change time2 as you pointed out in your comments?
Thanks for you comments but I tried as you suggested before to change time2=datenum(Y,M+1,01) - 1 as time2=datenum(Y,M+1,01) in in download_mercator_python.m and it’s work perfectly, as I said before with one more time index.
ncrcat: ERROR no variables fit criteria for processing
ncrcat: HINT Extraction list must contain a record variable to concatenate. A record variable is a variable defined with a record dimension. Often the record dimension, aka unlimited dimension, refers to time. To change an existing dimension from a fixed to a record dimensions see NCO 5.2.9 User Guide or to add a new record dimension to all variables see NCO 5.2.9 User Guide
Why do you want to join this file? There are bugs in nco data handling. and also python netcdf4 library. but you can use array to fix that.
use cdo (Conda environments for NCO, NCL, and CDO)
use: cdo cat croco_br*.nc croco_bry.nc
cdo mergetime croco_br*.nc croco_bry.nc
if you are facing this problem with coupled scripts (OAW) use the following.
this is design for croco_clm*.nc
default coupled scripts also support to run the model from boundary file.