Problems downloading CFSR information

Hello dear friends,

I try to follow the steps to run interannual simulations. I follow the steps described in section 9.4 of the guide, to obtain CFSR and OGCM forcings. After doing start, when I do make_CFSR, I get the following error:

mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/home/ctorresm/CROCO/croco_tools/CROCO_FILES/’: File exists

Read in the grid /home/ctorresm/CROCO/croco_tools/CROCO_FILES/

NetCDF file not opened: /home/ctorresm/CROCO/croco_tools/DATA/CFSR_Benguela_LR/

Use this land file :/home/ctorresm/CROCO/croco_tools/DATA/CFSR_Benguela_LR/
Brace indexing is not supported for variables of this type.

Error in make_CFSR (line 108)

I have created a DATA folder, but I don’t know what information should go there, because I work with the croco_tools and DATASETS_CROCOTOOLS files and I can’t find the CFSR_Benguela_LR folder nor the file.

I would greatly appreciate your support and guidance to solve this problem.

Best regards,

Hello, I would like to ask you if you have solved this problem? Where can I find the file?


No, I did not find the solution. Apparently the link where the code downloads the data was down (see “download_CFSR.m” file in Aforc_CFSR). Although I didn’t try much more for using CFSR. I have been working with ERA5 instead. Maybe you can try with ERA5.



Hi Dear Cesar,
Thank you very much for your previous response which helped me resolve my doubts. I want to ask another question. Have you ever faced a situation where you do not get the croco_clm file when running make_clim?

Sorry, I’m new to croco and unable to set the reply format well.

Dear Yxli,

Not really, because I don’t work with clm, I use make_bry instead.
Although it seems obvious, check the CROCO_files_dir (check where the generated file is being saved) and that you have makeclim=1 defined in crocotools_param.


Sorry, it seems I’m not good at using the forum either,…
Regarding your question. Not really, because I don’t work with clm, I use make_bry instead.
Although it seems obvious, check the CROCO_files_dir (make sure you know where the generated file is being saved) and that you have makeclim=1

Thank you very much for your reply. And I would like to ask another question. Have you ever encountered any issues related to MPI? I followed the user manual to set the path, but there were errors, like the post I shared.

Dear Cesar, I noticed that you used make_bry, did you use make_frc or make_bulk in the previous step? When I used make_bulk, it will report an error. And may I ask your email address?

i answer you below…

Hi, some errors I have experienced in the compilation had to do with the version of gfortran. I recommend using version 9 if you are going to compile with AGRIF in a desktop, although that may not be the case you mention. I guess you define MPI because you will be using a cluster, in that case better use intel compiler or ifort, which I understand there is a free version. well, these are just a few ideas.

About make_bulk, yes, it is true, recently I have had problems when I wanted to use it. Although I have not tried to see what the error is, because I use other codes for boundary and surface data.
I guess the order is:





Although it is obvious, try to have the following well defined in crocotools_param:

makeini = 1; % initial data

makeclim = 0; % climatological data (for boundaries and nudging layers)

makebry = 1; % lateral boundary data

makefrc = 0; % 1: create forcing files

makeblk = 1; % 1: create bulk files

My email is

Hi, some errors I have experienced in the compilation had to do with the version of gfortran. I recommend using version 9 if you are going to compile with AGRIF in a desktop, although that may not be the case you mention. I guess you define MPI because you will be using a cluster, in that case better use intel compiler or ifort, which I understand there is a free version. well, these are just a few ideas.

About make_bulk, yes, it is true, recently I have had problems when I wanted to use it. Although I have not tried to see what the error is, because I use other codes for boundary and surface data. I guess the order is:





Although it is obvious, try to have the following well defined in crocotools_param:

makeini = 1; % initial data

makeclim = 0; % climatological data (for boundaries and nudging layers)

makebry = 1; % lateral boundary data

makefrc = 0; % 1: create forcing files

makeblk = 1; % 1: create bulk files

Best regards,