Problem with mixing and nudging

Dear all,

I am trying to compile a fully 3D model. However, I am receiving the following error:

I chose to output the momentum diagnostic file, but the vertical mixing and nupting term in the momentum diagnostic file is particularly large, tens or even hundreds of times larger than the other terms.

Thank you in advance for your time,

Its great that you diagnosis 3D. what cppkeys you used for “vertical mixing and nupting” ? :smiley:

Thank you for your reply.
The KPP scheme is used for vertical mixing, but I’m not very familiar with nudging; it might be the default setting.

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after profiling what it will do? Idea :slight_smile:

It will make the momentum equation primarily balanced by vertical mixing and nudging.

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with nudging it is a bit complex, but I hope it’s not intricate for you.
when you do that, do it for me please (please send me in my email). my study region is the Indian ocean. Ekman pumping is seasonally reverse.