Postdoctoral position in Ocean-Atmosphere-Wave Coupling at LEGOS, PEPR BRIDGES

The LEGOS (Toulouse, France), in collaboration with the LOPS (Brest, France) and the IGE (Grenoble, France), has received a 2-year fuding within the framework of the French National Program PEPR Bridges (BRIDGES-AVATAR ANR Project). The goal is to carry out process studies of Atmosphere-Ocean-Wave (AOW) interactions and their impacts on the ocean and atmosphere dynamics over Mozambique Channel using AOW coupled models. As described below, LEGOS seeks one postdoctoral scholar to work on this project.

The aim of this postdoc will be to

  1. Establish and validate a regional coupled ocean modeling framework at very high spatial resolution (dx = 2 km for the ocean, dx = 6 km for the atmosphere and the waves) that will cover the Mozambique Channel and will be forced by lateral boundary conditions generated by basin-scale simulations from the PEPR BRIDGES
  2. Conduct sensitivity studies based on simulations in which the coupling between the ocean, the atmosphere and waves will be gradually degraded (as done e.g., by Renault et al., 2019) in order to disentangle the different processes involved and to highlight the most important ones ;
  3. Perform a future simulation based on basin-scale future simulations developped within the PEPR BRIDGES.

Strong collaborations are expected with the LEGOS (F. Desbiolles) LOPS (P. Penven, Brest, France), the IGE (P. Brasseur, Grenoble, France), the GdR and IRN-South CROCO, and the PEPR Bridges consortium, and other french universities. International collaborations are also expected. The position is available for two years, starting as soon as possible.

Applicants should have a PhD in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, effective oral and written communication skills, and an interest air-sea interactions and numerical modeling. Strong programming skills and running regional or global numerical models (wave, oceanic and possibly atmospheric) are also essential. Applicants should submit a two pages statement of research interests and goals and insights related to this project, as well as a complete CV, including contact information for three references to Dr. Lionel Renault via email (lionel.renault at Consideration of applications will begin immediately.