Netcdf error in cluster

NF_FREAD ERROR: nf_get_vara netCDF error code = -57 mynode = 2

GET_GRID - error while reading variable: h
in grid netCDF file: CROCO_FILES/

Spherical grid detected.

NF_FREAD ERROR: nf_get_vara netCDF error code = -57 mynode = 0

GET_GRID - error while reading variable: h
in grid netCDF file: CROCO_FILES/

MAIN - number of records written into history file(s): 0
number of records written into restart file(s): 0
number of records written into averages file(s): 0

ERROR: Abnormal termination: netCDF INPUT

any idea what this error is?

Hi @febin,

It sounds like you have no bathymetry defined within your file. You probably missed a step when building it. The error code -57 can mean that there is an issue with variable dimension too.

  • check dimensions
ncdump -h CROCO_FILES/
  • check values
 ncdump -v "h" CROCO_FILES/
  • Also mynode=2 may suggest that you are using CROCO in parallel. If you defined PARALLEL_FILES cpp key you have to split your files using partit

./partit np_xi np_eta

same for any other file required at start like

I hope this helps,