Nesting and Particle Tracking

Hi Everyone,

I asked a long time ago on the inria forum the same question ( here ) but could not work on this since, so I am going to re-post it here.

I am trying to use CROCO with particle tracking and a nested grid. However I am facing a problem for the particle inside the child grid : They do not move !

I did 3 tests to initialize the floats module :

  • one file with all the particles inside the parent grid (Fgrd = 0), result : particles inside the child grid do not move,
  • one file with the adequate particles inside the child grid (Fgrd = 1), result : particles inside the child grid are well initialized but after the first time step the coordinates are set to 0,
  • two floats. in file ( and, in only the particle inside the nested area are declared, result : particles inside the child grid are well initialized but after the first time step the coordinates are set to 0.

Does/did someone face the same issue or do I miss a step ?

Thank you,
Best regards,

Hi Marine,

I do not think the online lagrangian module is working ith the AGRIF online nesting.
Other user’s with experience could confirm that ?

At some point the FLOATS were working with 1-way nesting (this implementation was made by Xavier Capet). But I don’t think it was used for a long time and don’t know if it is still operational. Everyone seems to be doing offline Lagrangian computations nowadays (using offline ROMS float model by Xavier or Ariane: and others) … Patrick

Hi Patrick and Gildas,
Thank you for your answers.
I tried with the 1 Way nesting, but I don’t have the feeling it changes something (particles inside not moving). I may then consider switching to offline particle tracking.
Thank you for your help !
Best, Marine