Hi all.
I have a specific question about the prsgrd.F routine in the CROCO code that computes the pressure gradients.
From line numbers 195 to 213, they are calculating the variable P(i,j,k). I wanted to know if P is the total pressure or only the baroclinic pressure? Also, is the dimension of P given as zrhog (depthdensitygravity) or only z*g? I am copying the code from the prsgrd.F routine below.
194 do i=IstrU-1,Iend
195 P(i,j,N)=gz_w(i,j,N) + GRho( rho(i,j,N)
196 & +0.5*(rho(i,j,N)-rho(i,j,N-1))(z_w(i,j,N)-z_r(i,j,N))
197 & /(z_r(i,j,N)-z_r(i,j,N-1)) )(z_w(i,j,N)-z_r(i,j,N))
198 # ifdef POT_TIDES
199 P(i,j,N) = P(i,j,N) - gPtide(i,j)
200 # endif
201 # ifdef READ_PATM
202 P(i,j,N) = P(i,j,N) + patm2d(i,j)/rho0
203 # endif
204 enddo
205 do k=N-1,1,-1
206 do i=IstrU-1,Iend
207 P(i,j,k)=P(i,j,k+1)+HalfGRho( (rho(i,j,k+1)+rho(i,j,k))
208 & (z_r(i,j,k+1)-z_r(i,j,k))
209 & -OneFifth( (dR(i,k+1)-dR(i,k))( z_r(i,j,k+1)-z_r(i,j,k)
210 & -OneTwelfth(dZ(i,k+1)+dZ(i,k)) )
211 & -(dZ(i,k+1)-dZ(i,k))( rho(i,j,k+1)-rho(i,j,k)
212 & -OneTwelfth(dR(i,k+1)+dR(i,k)) )
213 & ))