I have a strange error. I want to run (crocov1.3) a domain with MPI, TIDES, BLK, BRY, NOTIDERAMP options but it crases and produces the file nout.000000 with the content
(mod_oasis_namcouple:namcouple_abort) calling ABORT
**** ABORT from (oasis_namcouple_init) line number 327
**** (oasis_namcouple_init) :
ERROR opening namcouple file namcouple with unit number 9998
even when no copling was activated…
Any clue where is the error?
The problem persist. Another error message is
(oasis_abort) ABORT: file = mod_oasis_namcouple.F90
(oasis_abort) ABORT: line = 3776
(oasis_abort) ABORT: on model = spval_undef
(oasis_abort) ABORT: on global rank = 0
(oasis_abort) ABORT: on local rank = -1
Hi Andres, the error comes from oasis lib meaning that you have compiled in coupled mode at some point. Can you check that the OA_COUPLING and OW_COUPLING cpp keys are set to undef?
Hi Swen,
Thanks for the reply, I ad those keys as UNDEF, therefore the mysterious error. The problem was of a different nature, I was working in a supercomputing environment and, while testing CROCOv1.3 y had a line loading a module related to CROCOv1.0, left in my scripts from previous runs.
Once I removed that line, all went smoothly.