I have been wondering if any of you know we can modify any motuclient file to download mercator data with a size greater than 1024.0Mb?? it’s possible??
Thanks in advance
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/scratch/11652307/CROCO/SAO/Run/CROCO_FILES/’: File exists
Overlap before =1
Overlap after =1
Total overlap =2
Compute time axis
Download data…
Processing year: 1993
Get data for Y1993M1
Minimum Longitude: -70
Maximum Longitude: 35
Minimum Latitude: -60
Maximum Latitude: 15.1429
!/scratch/11652307/CROCO/SAO/croco_tools/Forecast_tools/motuclient-python/motuclient.py -u sgarcialoyola -p XXXXXXX -m Login -s GLOBAL_MULTIYEAR_PHY_001_030-TDS -d cmems_mod_glo_phy_my_0.083_P1D-m -t 1993-01-01 -T 1993-01-31 -x -71.000000 -X 36.000000 -y -61.000000 -Y 16.142925 -z 0.000000 -Z 200.000000 -o ./ --out-name /scratch/11652307/CROCO/SAO/Run/DATA/mercator_Benguela_LR/raw_motu_mercator_Y1993M1.nc -v zos -v uo -v vo -v thetao -v so
2022-02-17 12:15:32.871 [ERROR] 010-7 : The result file size, 7396.0Mb, is too big and shall be less than 1024.0Mb. Please narrow your request.