Jobcomp error: while compiling with define biology and define bulk fluxes

Hai everyone

When I define both biology (nchlazd/PICESES) and bulk fluxes together in cppdefs.h, I am ending up with the following error

bulk_flux_.f(489): error #6418: This name has already been assigned a data type. [U10]
real u10,Zo10,Cd10,Ch10,Ct10,Cd
bulk_flux_.f(572): error #6366: The shapes of the array expressions do not conform. [WSTAR]

when I either undef bulk fluxes or BIOLOGY everything goes fine.
Can anybody help me in this issue of what is going around.

Which version of the code are you using ? The v10, v1.1 or the dev version ?

Croco version 1.1.

Croco version 1.1
I experiencing same issue with croco v1.0 also

There is a bug there with biology : there is one global variable in ocean3d.h called u10, and one local in bulk_flux.F called u10…
In bulk_flux.F, you can rename u10 in something else (u11 or other), there are three occurences : around line 400, line 619, line 620

Thank you, It worked to compile the model, but now I am facing a different issue while running the model “NF_FWRITE ERROR: nf_put_vara netCDF error code = -60 mynode = 30
WRT_AVG ERROR while writing variable ‘vbar’ into history file.
Time record: 1 netCDF error code -60 myn”

any help in this, I tried many ways such as newly creating input files no use. Any suggestion would be highly regarded.