How do you graph TSM with the model outputs?

I need graph de model output, but in this momento I cannot obtain because the visualisation is not corect.
The code I using is the next:

theta_b = 2;
theta_s = 7;
hc = 10;
N = 32;
vtransform = 1;

zroms=squeeze(zlevs(h,0.*h,theta_s,theta_b,hc,N,‘r’,vtransform)); %funcion sin linux

var1u=permute(temp,[3 1 2]);
var1v=permute(salt,[3 1 2]);

temperatura = vinterp(var1u,zroms,32); vnewu1(mask_rho==0)=NaN;
salinidad = vinterp(var1v,zroms,32);vnewv1(mask_rho==0)=NaN;

Hola a todos. Ya pude solucionar este problema. Ya obtuve mis gráficas de TSM, SSM y corientes.image description