How could I make a barotropic (2D) simulation?

I have been trying to do a barotropic simulation, for this I have configured a cppdefs.h without fresh water sources (psource) and I have undefined solve3d. However, when I do the jobcomp I get errors, and finally the croco executable is not generated.

Next I will leave the cppdefs.h file, the jobcomp and the log that it delivers when it is executed.



The way you did it seems ok. I’m not sure the log you attached is totally complete, the end looks missing


Hi Rachid,

The log I uploaded is complete, the process stops there every time I launch it. I am experimenting with different types of configurations and this is the only one where I have errors when executing the jobcomp.

Hi, I am wondering if you redirect the error on your “log_jobcomp_exp3.txt” ? If not maybe compile in this way : ./jobcomp > log_jobcomp_exp3.txt 2>&1
Then tell us what happen


I did ./jobcomp > log_jobcomp_exp3.txt, in the file I uploaded, in terminal the output is the same as in the txt file. I couldn’t say why it cuts off.

Thanks a lot. Stay tuned.

Hi Tomas It s strange, don’t forget the 2>&1, doing like this : ./jobcomp > log_jobcomp_exp3.txt 2>&1

Hi Guillaume,

I tried running the jobcomp in the way you mentioned and this is the log that was recorded:


I swear I copied and pasted the bash command just as you told me, hahaha.

Hi Guillaume,

I just uploaded the file resulting from doing the jobcomp in a separate comment on this question.

Ok Tomas, this is now the good one …! I am wondering what version ( which release or commit ) of croco codes you are using ? Guillaume

I am currently using croco version 1.2.1.


Ok , can you send me an email (see it on my profile) please ? Then we will see this .

Hi Guillaume, I can not find your email in your profile, but I left my email here. Thanks for your help.