High current magnitudes

Hi all.
For some time now, I have been trying to run the CROCO model in a domain covering the Caribbean Sea during the period from January 1, 2013 to December 17, 2013. However, outputs are so bad, exhibiting strong currents with errors above 400%. I have used several settings and different domains. In the last attempt, the CROCO model was run by using the bulk formulations over the region 53-99°W and 4-33 °N in a grid with horizontal resolution = 18 km. Additionally, the time step was 240 s.

I thank who can help me with this problem.

I am attaching the cppdefs.h, param.h, and .in files


Hi Yordan. I have been facing a similar problem. I believe that this problem is associated with regions of large bathymetry gradients because I can see in same areas strong currents as like as strong pressure gradients. Therefore, to solve this problem the strategies adopted were (1) to change the values of viscosity, thetas, thetab and N, as such as to (2) smooth the model’s bathymetry and (3) modify the bottom friction. However, none of these tests changed significantly the current speeds. Please, could you suggest any idea to solve it? Thank you so much.

In cppdefs.h you have NEW_S_COORD undefined. This option goes with Vtransform=1 in pre-processing file crocotools_param.m (Vtranform=2 for #define NEW_S_COORD). Is it the case here? A mismatch of vertical levels between pre-processed input data (especially mass fields) and model setup is often the cause of unrealistic currents … Patrick

Hi Patrick.
When I compared the results of the sea surface level obtained by simulations with data collected in 3 different moorings (M) located at brazilian continental shelf, the values for the correlation coefficient (R2) were variables between 0.87 and 0.92. For mean square error (RMSE) the values were surrounded between 0.14 and 0.24. Although, when velocities were considered the values of R2 and RMSE were those presented below:

        R2	  RMSE
     M1	0.27   0.35
     M2	0.69   0.14
     M3	0.87   0.12

        R2	  RMSE
     M1	0.09   0.11
     M2	0.01   0.13
     M3	0.65   0.08

To improve my results I tried to change the values of viscosity, thetas, thetab and N , as such as to smooth the model’s bathymetry and modify the bottom friction. However, none of these tests changed significantly the velocities. Please, could you suggest any idea that could help me? Thank you so much.

*Attached the cppdefs.h, param.h, and .in files.


Hi Sabrina, in param.h, try setting NPP=1 (but keep your values of NP_XI and NP_ETA)