Hello! Everything, I found the following error when doing make_clim and I have not been able to solve it. Can someone help please? Thank you very much in advance, Regards

Read in the grid…

Create the climatology file…

Creating the file : /data2/matlab/CROCOv1p2p1/croco-v1.2.1/Magallanes/CROCO_FILES/croco_clm.nc


nc =

      NetCDF_File: '/data2/matlab/CROCOv1p2p1/croco-v1.2.1/Magallanes/CROCO_FILES/croco_clm.nc'
      nDimensions: 20
       nVariables: 31
nGlobalAttributes: 0
  RecordDimension: ''
         nRecords: 0
       Permission: 'clobber'
       DefineMode: 'define'
         FillMode: 'fill'
       MaxNameLen: 0

Warning: ## close failed:

In netcdf/close (line 20)
In create_climfile (line 461)
In make_clim (line 106)

Create the OA file…

Creating the file : /data2/matlab/CROCOv1p2p1/croco-v1.2.1/Magallanes/CROCO_FILES/croco_oa.nc

Warning: ## close failed:

In netcdf/close (line 20)
In create_oafile (line 284)
In make_clim (line 124)

Horizontal extrapolations


Ext tracers: Roa = 0 km - default value = NaN

NetCDF file not opened: /data2/matlab/CROCOv1p2p1/croco-v1.2.1/Magallanes/CROCO_FILES/croco_oa.nc

Brace indexing is not supported for variables of this type.

Error in ext_tracers (line 54)

Error in make_clim (line 133)

As explained by Osvaldo Artal, this has to do with the 2GB limit for NetCDF files.
To solve this edit

create_climfile (and create_oafile) changing in line 90

nc = netcdf(clmname,clobber);


mode = bitor(nc_noclobber_mode,nc_64bit_offset_mode);
nc = netcdf(clmname,‘write’);

If the function nc_create_empty is not found add this to your start.m
