Is there any option in CROCO to automatically generate a restart file whenever the model blows up? This file would save the latest time step, just before the model blows up and would make it easier to identify problems. I think this option exists in ROMS Rutgers version.
I’ve been needing something like this too, but so far I haven’t seen any such option. And so for debugging purposes, I’ve had to adjust the output frequency of the ‘his’ output file to be the same as the model timestep after restarting from the closest saved model data (‘rst’ or ‘his’ file) right before the blowup. For me, a using ‘his’ file is better as you can also see the timesteps leading up to the blowup to better understand the cause of the problem.
I “solved” it by manually setting the output in the HIS file to have a very small timestep in It’s a bit tedious, and can lead to a large HIS file if you’re not careful, but it works for me in terms of finding the cause of a blowup.
ok. I got your point. have you tried PISCES+XIOS (latest)+AGRIF.
actually I am facing some problems with that. getting problems in step.F inside the SOLVE3D section, beginning of ONLINE_ANALYSIS (line 597). Have you faced this problem before. its not a PISCES problem. I think in MPI, before calling C$OMP END MASTER.
I’m sorry as I don’t use XIOS and my current model setup does not use AGRIF and would not really know how to solve that specific issue. Perhaps you can make this the topic of a new post, if it has not been reported yet.