Dear all,
I am trying to compile a fully 2D model only forced by winds and patm and tides (as well as ubar,vbar and zeta as obc).
However, I am receiving the following error:
step2d_.f(484): error #6404: This name does not have a type, and must have an explicit type. [PATM2D]
& *( patm2d(i,j)-patm2d(i-1,j) )
I noticed in the in forces.h the flags READ_PATM and OBC_PATM are read only if OA_COUPLING or BULK_FLUX && TEMPERATURE are defined.
However, in cppdefs_dev.h, I noticed that if SOLVE3D is not defined, than the TEMPERATURE flag is disabled.
I am new to CROCO, so it is possible I am making some mistakes. If it is not the case, is there a way to implemet a fully 2D simulation, forced only by the atmospheric pressure gradient, winds (or surface stress) and tide?
An example of a similar case would be helpful.
Thank you in advance for your time,
Please post your cppdefs.h and your file.
I remember you had to undef SOLVE3D and set NDTFAST to 1 in order to do a 2D run…
Attached you have the cppdefs.h file (cppdefs.h). I still have to finish to modify the file for my application so I did not upload it. The problem is that I receive the error during compilation, so I have never tried to run the model.
Thank you
it looks like you are using an old version of CROCO.
Did you try to use the last release v1.2.1 ?
I downloaded the v1.2.1 and I am receiving the same error during compilation. If I have #undef SOLVE3D I get the error both if I define READ_PATM and OBC_PATM directly, and if I define them via #define BULK_FLUX
Ok you are right.
Atm pressure comes with BULK_FLUX and it seems that you can use BULK_FLUX only in 3D.
I think you can take tides into account but not wind or surface pressure gradient.
Maybe you could set up a light 3D model (with only 1 or 2 vertical layers)
yes, it is indedd what I am trying to do, thank you for your reply