fatal error: netcdf.inc jobcomp from [Scarlett Martinez]

Hi everybody!
I’m gong to start work with croco, I have two questons…

  1. Is there a forum for croco or is this just like agrif?
  2. when I compile croco with jobcomp I GET:

gfortran -c -O3 -fdefault-real-8 -fdefault-double-8 -mcmodel=medium wvlcty_.f -o
cpp -traditional -DLinux -P -I -IROMSFILES/AGRIF_INC checkdims.F | ./mpc >
checkdims.F:37:2: fatal error: netcdf.inc: No such file or directory

compilation terminated.
gfortran -c -O3 -fdefault-real-8 -fdefault-double-8 -mcmodel=medium checkdims_.f
-o checkdims.o
f951: Error: Unexpected end of file in ‘checkdims_.f’
Makedefs:13: recipe for target ‘checkdims.o’ failed
make: *** [checkdims.o] Error 1
mv: cannot stat ‘croco’: No such file or directory

Could someone tell me what is causing this error? or how can I fix it?
Many thanks in advance!


Check your netcdf library (NETCDFLIB) and include (NETCDFINC) paths in jobcomp

Hello everybody!

I think I have the same error. I’m using a macOS Mojave (10.14.16). I downloaded the last version of CROCO and using:
• a C compiler —> g++7
• a Fortran compiler —> gfortran7
• a Netcdf library netcdf-c-4.7.3 and netcdf-fortran-4.5.2
• MPI libraries and compilers if running in parallel —> OpenMPI

When I run jobcomp, first export:
export NETCDFLIB=“-L/usr/local/netcdf-f/lib -lnetcdff -L/usr/local/netcdf-c/lib -lnetcdf -lnetcdf -lm”
export NETCDFINC=“-I/usr/local/netcdf-f/include”
export NF_CONFIG=/usr/local/netcdf-f/bin/nf-config


but I obtained the next error:

./jobcomp: line 60: nf-config: command not found
./jobcomp: line 61: nf-config: command not found
file namelist_pisces exists in Run directory
cpp -traditional -DLinux -P -I -ICROCOFILES/AGRIF_INC mpc.F > mpc_.f

and continued the compilation with some warnings, and finally:

Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
nf_close”, referenced from:
closecdf in closecdf.o
wrt_his in wrt_his.o
wrt_rst in wrt_rst.o
get_initial in get_initial.o
nf_create”, referenced from:
def_his in def_his.o
def_rst in def_rst.o
nf_def_dim”, referenced from:
def_his in def_his.o
def_rst in def_rst.o
nf_def_var”, referenced from:
def_grid_3d in def_grid_3d.o
def_his in def_his.o
def_rst in def_rst.o
nf_enddef”, referenced from:
def_his in def_his.o
def_rst in def_rst.o
nf_get_att_double”, referenced from:
set_cycle in set_cycle.o
nf_get_att_text”, referenced from:
get_initial in get_initial.o
nf_get_var1_double”, referenced from:
set_cycle in set_cycle.o
get_initial in get_initial.o
get_stflux in get_stflux.o
get_srflux in get_srflux.o
nf_get_vara_double”, referenced from:
nf_fread in nf_fread.o
nf_fread_x in nf_fread_x.o
nf_fread_y in nf_fread_y.o
nf_read_bry_ns in nf_read_bry.o
nf_read_bry_ew in nf_read_bry.o
nf_get_vara_int”, referenced from:
get_initial in get_initial.o
nf_inq”, referenced from:
checkdims in checkdims.o
nf_inq_attname”, referenced from:
set_cycle in set_cycle.o
nf_inq_dim”, referenced from:
checkdims in checkdims.o
set_cycle in set_cycle.o
nf_inq_var”, referenced from:
set_cycle in set_cycle.o
nf_inq_varid”, referenced from:
def_his in def_his.o
def_rst in def_rst.o
wrt_grid in wrt_grid.o
get_initial in get_initial.o
get_stflux in get_stflux.o
get_srflux in get_srflux.o
nf_inq_varndims”, referenced from:
get_stflux in get_stflux.o
get_srflux in get_srflux.o
nf_open”, referenced from:
def_his in def_his.o
def_rst in def_rst.o
get_initial in get_initial.o
get_stflux in get_stflux.o
get_srflux in get_srflux.o
nf_put_att_double”, referenced from:
put_global_atts in put_global_atts.o
def_grid_3d in def_grid_3d.o
nf_put_att_int”, referenced from:
put_global_atts in put_global_atts.o
nf_put_att_text”, referenced from:
put_global_atts in put_global_atts.o
nf_add_attribute in nf_add_attribute.o
def_grid_3d in def_grid_3d.o
def_his in def_his.o
def_rst in def_rst.o
nf_put_var1_double”, referenced from:
wrt_grid in wrt_grid.o
wrt_his in wrt_his.o
wrt_rst in wrt_rst.o
nf_put_var1_text”, referenced from:
wrt_grid in wrt_grid.o
nf_put_var_double”, referenced from:
wrt_grid in wrt_grid.o
nf_put_vara_double”, referenced from:
nf_fwrite in nf_fread.o
nf_fwrite_x in nf_fread_x.o
nf_fwrite_y in nf_fread_y.o
nf_put_vara_int”, referenced from:
wrt_his in wrt_his.o
wrt_rst in wrt_rst.o
nf_set_fill”, referenced from:
def_his in def_his.o
nf_strerror”, referenced from:
nf_read_bry_ns in nf_read_bry.o
nf_read_bry_ew in nf_read_bry.o
nf_sync”, referenced from:
wrt_his in wrt_his.o
wrt_rst in wrt_rst.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
gmake: *** [Makefile:173: croco] Error 1

Someone knows what is my problem? Pleases!

Thank you so much!

You can try to edit jobcomp and hard-code the path for netcdf, replace around line 60 the lines

NETCDFLIB=$(nf-config --flibs)

NETCDFINC=-I$(nf-config --includedir)

by something like

-lnetcdff -L/usr/local/netcdf-c/lib -lnetcdf”



Thank you so much Rachid. I forgot edit the jobcomp file directly.