Error while using make_tides

I am new to using croco tools. I was preparing input tide file for my regional study. I had download the TPX07 data croco website. When running the the make_tides in matlab i am encountering the following error.

mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/home/vinay/ROMS/croco/tides/CROCO_FILES/’: File exists
Start date for nodal correction : 1-Jan-2015
Reading CROCO grid parameters …
Tidal components : M2 S2 N2 K2 K1 O1 P1 Q1 Mf Mm
Processing tide : 1 of 10
Getting ssh_r for time index 1
Getting ssh_i for time index 1
Getting u_r for time index 1
Index exceeds the number of array elements (0).

Error in ncvar/subsref (line 243)
start(i) = k(1)-1;

Error in netcdf/subsref (line 73)
result = subsref(result, s);

Error in read_data_tpxo (line 66)

Error in ext_data_tpxo (line 46)

Error in make_tides (line 141)

Could you help me solve this?

Hi, I’m getting the same error, were you able to resolve it?