error in make_ERA5 (line 174) create_bulk (line 61)

========= Hi, I’m new using matlab and trying running make_ERA5 I have this error:

NetCDF file not opened: …/CROCO/croco_tools/CROCO_FILES/

Unable to perform assignment because brace indexing is not supported for variables of this type.

Error in create_bulk (line 61)
nw{‘bulk_time’} = ncdouble(‘bulk_time’);

Error in make_ERA5 (line 174)

=========Then, checking from line 61

  1. % Create dimensions
  2. %
  3. nw(‘xi_rho’) = Lp;
  4. nw(‘eta_rho’) = Mp;
  5. nw(‘xi_psi’) = L;
  6. nw(‘eta_psi’) = M;
  7. nw(‘xi_u’) = L;
  8. nw(‘eta_u’) = Mp;
  9. nw(‘xi_v’) = Lp;
  10. nw(‘eta_v’) = M;
  11. nw(‘bulk_time’) = 0;
  12. %
  13. % Create variables and attributes
  14. %
  15. nw{‘bulk_time’} = ncdouble(‘bulk_time’);
  16. nw{‘bulk_time’}.long_name = ncchar(‘bulk formulation execution time’);
  17. nw{‘bulk_time’}.long_name = ‘bulk formulation execution time’;
  18. nw{‘bulk_time’}.units = ncchar(‘days’);
  19. nw{‘bulk_time’}.units = ‘days’;
  20. nw{‘bulk_time’}.cycle_length = bulkc;


Do you have any idea why I can’t add attributes?
Could it be for the matlab version? R2023a

Thanks. Carolina

I started again:

  1. Deleted files that have been created in my attemps.

  2. Then the error appeared at line 263, so I followed the instructions for this question

It is important to delete all files before to start, this caused the error in other lines (related to my original question)