error in jobcomp using gfortran 10 when AGRIF is define

Hello very body

I’m working in a new Ubuntu 20.10 machine with gfortran and GCC 10.3.0, and errors during jobcomp compiling was a nightmare. Looking in the forum I found an solution using the following flag in the line 145 : FFLAGS1="-fallow-argument-mismatch ". Yes, its work, but if you activate the AGRIF option (one or two way) in the cppdefs.h the compilation fail.

There are any solution for this problem using the new gfortran 10 characteristics in Ubuntu 20.10? ¿Is The Croco-v1.1 totally compatible with new gfortran 10 ?



Hello every one, this is an update of the jobcomp problem with gfortran 10. This is not the gfortran 10.3 solution but is the solution for successful jobcomp compiling with AGRIF and MPI in Ubuntu 20.10 machine. Finally, I installed the Intel compiler with Fortran, C++ and MPI and the work was done.

I am still waiting for the solution for the gfortran… :slight_smile:
