Hello all. I’m trying to download mercator boundary conditions using make_OGCM_mercator, but an error is displayed, I have try this for 2 weeks and I have not been able to download them, do you know if the link that I should put in crocotools_param.m is wrong or has changed?, Im using:
Indeed, their is issues with mentioned data product ID with MOTU client.
you can download this data product in another way using FTP, Copernicus Marine Toolbox, etc. and run your make_OGCM_mercator.m
check the notification with following this link:
Thanks for your support. I also noticed the difficulty to download the mercator information with “make_OGCM_mercator.m” via motu.
While I was doing the process as you mentioned, some doubts arose, that I could not solve by reviewing the codes.
If I am not wrong, by default the final result of the processing of “make_OGCM_mercator.m” is three data, only from the boundaries each month. However, in “Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis | Copernicus Marine Service” you have to delimit the region and it doesn’t seem to be possible to specify only the open boundaries of interest. Although, I don’t know if “make_OGCM_mercator.m” takes care of this.
The date range to download. There it is not possible to select the temporal frequency with which the data will be downloaded. Seeing what “make_OGCM_mercator.m” does, somehow it only downloads 3 data of each parameter per month (I don’t know where to change that).
The depth range. I guess it should be defined the same way you do with hmin and hmax in croco_tools.
If you could clarify these points I would be very grateful, or any member of the CROCO community.
Great! can you check now updated code. its working or not?
I hope its able to download 0.493-5727.918 depth.
with five variable (“zos” “uo” “vo” “thetao” “so”).
But there have some limitation about it. as an example latitude dimension
only work the [-80.0, 90.0] range and date 1 Jan 1993 to 24 Oct 2023
And i am working on other kind of data that can work on -180 to 180 and -90 to 90.
when i finish it i will update U.
Can you check it is working or not. its like OGCM_mercator.
And i am not tested yet.
all *.m file are from OGCM_mercator. new only *.py
check in a dev mode. and it can work -180 to 180 and -90 to 90.
Hi Subhadeep, thanks for the answer. Checking the file cmems_glorys_daily_data_download_using_CMT.sh, I found that command variable should say “copernicusmarine” instead of “copernicus-marine”, and it worked for me, but the script doesn’t concatenate daily files into monthly files.
Referring to concatenate daily files obtained with cmems_glorys_daily_data_download_using_CMT.sh; this wasn’t possible because dimensions were in fixed status.
From https://nco.sourceforge.net/nco.html#mk_rec_dmn: this website says that for files with all dimensions, including time, fixed (non-record), if the user wishes to convert time from a fixed dimension to a record dimension and to append additional time slices to the data, we can use:
ncks -O --mk_rec_dmn time in.nc out.nc # Change “time” to record dimension
OK. no issues. There are many tools available. example cdo.
(Overview - CDO - Project Management Service)
for installation : Conda environments for NCO, NCL, and CDO
for examples :
cdo cat input*.nc output.nc
cdo mergetime input.nc output.nc
cdo monavg input.nc output.nc
cdo settaxis,2015-01-01,00:00:00,1mon input.nc output.nc
I will check why nco-mapper is not working. because our all most all script is using nco.
default i am not recommending to use cdo. but for your problem to solve you can use it.
I have reviewed the information in this link >> ECMWF_ORAS5_FRC_4CROCO/make_OGCM_ECMWF_ORAS5.m at main · subhadeep-maishal/ECMWF_ORAS5_FRC_4CROCO · GitHub). I have copied all the .m and .py files to the “Oforc_OGCM” directory of croco_tools (is it ok?). Then in the command window simply try to do a “make_OGCM_ECMWF_ORAS5” instead of “make_OGCM_mercator”.
At first I thought that with “make_OGCM_ECMWF_ORAS5” no information is downloaded from mercator, but when doing make_OGCM_ECMWF_ORAS5 I see that it tries to download data from ‘cmems_mod_glo_phy_my_0.083_P1M-m’. I get the following error:
Could you kindly help me to fix this error and clarify if the codes download information from mercator (I also see that it tries to download monthly data, I am looking for daily data).
Thank you very much for your huge support.
I look forward to your comments.
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/scratch/20cl91p02/NEXTGEN/CROCO_TOOLS/CROCO_FILES/’: File exists
Take care of OGCM defined in crocotools_param
Overlap before =1
Overlap after =1
Total overlap =2
Compute time axis
Create an initial file for 01-Jan-2022
their have issues in
data=interp2(x,y,data,lon,lat,‘nearest’); in ext_data_OGCM causing issue for ECMWF_ORAS5
i am checking. check croco_ini_ECMWF_ORAS5_Y2022M01.nc file created or not in CROCO_FILES2 directory.
i am doing some other work. when finish it i will check this problem.
you can drope a email in this address: subhadeepmaishal@kgpian.iitkgp.ac.in
now you run make_OGCM_mercator it will work.
Have a good day.
I am trying to download daily data but i am getting a warning
‘WARNING - 2024-03-11T12:04:34Z - Some or all of your subset selection [-90.0, 90.0] for the latitude dimension exceed the dataset coordinates [-80.0, 90.0]’
My lat is 3-27N and 58-80E.
and then this “./cmems_glorys_daily_data_download_using_CMT.sh: line 101: 738494 Killed”
and goes to the next time step without saving the file.
Thanks in advance
Hi, febin
Good morning
you need define your lat/lon (3-27N and 58-80E)
in line 20-21
Coordinates (example)
lon=(-180 180) #longitude
lat=(-80 90) #latitude
and I am not recommending to use :
cmems_glorys_daily_data_download_using_CMT.sh. i have created this file for my own work.
You use :Files · dev_newcopernicus · croco-ocean / croco_tools · GitLab
their have update.
if you find any Bug and create a another issues in forum. I hope our CROCO community will help you to fix that issues.
Have a good and prosperous day!
Hi Smaishal, I was using your script cmems_glorys_daily_data_download_using_CMT.sh, but this error appears. I don’t know why, because the script worked fine until the date 2022-09-10.
Error: Invalid value for ‘–start-datetime’ / ‘-t’: ‘’ does not match the formats ‘%Y’, ‘%Y-%m-%d’, ‘%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S’, ‘%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S’, ‘%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ’.
Hi, EricLSM
because few product not available after after the date you mention.
check CMEMS Copernicus Marine Data Store | Copernicus Marine Service
change accordingly . check all variables are available or not. with this different ID and variable name. following:
Product and dataset IDs
serviceId=“” #daily data
currently I am out from my place.
I will check it 16th.