[ERROR] Execution failed: HTTP Error 503: Service Unavailable

Hello all. I’m trying to download mercator boundary conditions using make_OGCM_mercator, but an error is displayed, I have try this for 2 weeks and I have not been able to download them, do you know if the link that I should put in crocotools_param.m is wrong or has changed?, Im using:

elseif mercator_type==3

Thanks in advance. Best regards.

Indeed, their is issues with mentioned data product ID with MOTU client.
you can download this data product in another way using FTP, Copernicus Marine Toolbox, etc. and run your make_OGCM_mercator.m
check the notification with following this link:


can you check this shell script is working or not :slight_smile:

Sorry for the delay.

Thanks for your support. I also noticed the difficulty to download the mercator information with “make_OGCM_mercator.m” via motu.

While I was doing the process as you mentioned, some doubts arose, that I could not solve by reviewing the codes.

  1. If I am not wrong, by default the final result of the processing of “make_OGCM_mercator.m” is three data, only from the boundaries each month. However, in “Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis | Copernicus Marine Service” you have to delimit the region and it doesn’t seem to be possible to specify only the open boundaries of interest. Although, I don’t know if “make_OGCM_mercator.m” takes care of this.
  2. The date range to download. There it is not possible to select the temporal frequency with which the data will be downloaded. Seeing what “make_OGCM_mercator.m” does, somehow it only downloads 3 data of each parameter per month (I don’t know where to change that).
  3. The depth range. I guess it should be defined the same way you do with hmin and hmax in croco_tools.

If you could clarify these points I would be very grateful, or any member of the CROCO community.

Best regards,

Great! can you check now updated code. its working or not?
I hope its able to download 0.493-5727.918 depth.
with five variable (“zos” “uo” “vo” “thetao” “so”).

But there have some limitation about it. as an example latitude dimension
only work the [-80.0, 90.0] range and date 1 Jan 1993 to 24 Oct 2023
And i am working on other kind of data that can work on -180 to 180 and -90 to 90.
when i finish it i will update U.

Can you check it is working or not. its like OGCM_mercator.
And i am not tested yet.
all *.m file are from OGCM_mercator. new only *.py
check in a dev mode. and it can work -180 to 180 and -90 to 90.

Its heavy but good :).

Hi Subhadeep, thanks for the answer. Checking the file cmems_glorys_daily_data_download_using_CMT.sh, I found that command variable should say “copernicusmarine” instead of “copernicus-marine”, and it worked for me, but the script doesn’t concatenate daily files into monthly files.

Eric and César
Its downloading monthly file that’s why don’t need to cat any thing. If you change the productId then its need. its just a example script to do.
can you check this soda3.15.2 (GitHub - subhadeep-maishal/download_soda_data_4CROCO) and ECMWF_ORAS5 (GitHub - subhadeep-maishal/ECMWF_ORAS5_FRC_4CROCO) is working or not. may be for one year. Have a good day!

Referring to concatenate daily files obtained with cmems_glorys_daily_data_download_using_CMT.sh; this wasn’t possible because dimensions were in fixed status.

From https://nco.sourceforge.net/nco.html#mk_rec_dmn: this website says that for files with all dimensions, including time, fixed (non-record), if the user wishes to convert time from a fixed dimension to a record dimension and to append additional time slices to the data, we can use:

ncks -O --mk_rec_dmn time in.nc out.nc # Change “time” to record dimension


OK. no issues. There are many tools available. example cdo.
(Overview - CDO - Project Management Service)
for installation :
Conda environments for NCO, NCL, and CDO
for examples :
cdo cat input*.nc output.nc
cdo mergetime input.nc output.nc
cdo monavg input.nc output.nc
cdo settaxis,2015-01-01,00:00:00,1mon input.nc output.nc

I will check why nco-mapper is not working. because our all most all script is using nco.
default i am not recommending to use cdo. but for your problem to solve you can use it.

Have a good day.

Hi Smaishal,
Thank you! I had not received notification in the mail of your reply. I will check what you said and let you know how it went.


Hi Smaishal,

I have reviewed the information in this link >> ECMWF_ORAS5_FRC_4CROCO/make_OGCM_ECMWF_ORAS5.m at main · subhadeep-maishal/ECMWF_ORAS5_FRC_4CROCO · GitHub). I have copied all the .m and .py files to the “Oforc_OGCM” directory of croco_tools (is it ok?). Then in the command window simply try to do a “make_OGCM_ECMWF_ORAS5” instead of “make_OGCM_mercator”.
At first I thought that with “make_OGCM_ECMWF_ORAS5” no information is downloaded from mercator, but when doing make_OGCM_ECMWF_ORAS5 I see that it tries to download data from ‘cmems_mod_glo_phy_my_0.083_P1M-m’. I get the following error:

Could you kindly help me to fix this error and clarify if the codes download information from mercator (I also see that it tries to download monthly data, I am looking for daily data).

Thank you very much for your huge support.
I look forward to your comments.


check git update.

mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/scratch/20cl91p02/NEXTGEN/CROCO_TOOLS/CROCO_FILES/’: File exists
Take care of OGCM defined in crocotools_param
Overlap before =1
Overlap after =1
Total overlap =2

Compute time axis
Create an initial file for 01-Jan-2022

Creating the file : /scratch/20cl91p02/NEXTGEN/CROCO_TOOLS/CROCO_FILES/croco_ini_ECMWF_ORAS5_Y2022M01.nc
Horizontal interpolation: ECMWF_ORAS5_Y2022M1.cdf

their have issues in
data=interp2(x,y,data,lon,lat,‘nearest’); in ext_data_OGCM causing issue for ECMWF_ORAS5
i am checking.
check croco_ini_ECMWF_ORAS5_Y2022M01.nc file created or not in CROCO_FILES2 directory.

i am doing some other work. when finish it i will check this problem.
you can drope a email in this address: subhadeepmaishal@kgpian.iitkgp.ac.in
now you run make_OGCM_mercator it will work.
Have a good day.

I am getting error while running this code after changing the lat and lon values!!


What is that problem?


I am trying to download daily data but i am getting a warning
‘WARNING - 2024-03-11T12:04:34Z - Some or all of your subset selection [-90.0, 90.0] for the latitude dimension exceed the dataset coordinates [-80.0, 90.0]’
My lat is 3-27N and 58-80E.
and then this “./cmems_glorys_daily_data_download_using_CMT.sh: line 101: 738494 Killed”
and goes to the next time step without saving the file.
Thanks in advance

Good morning
you need define your lat/lon (3-27N and 58-80E)
in line 20-21
Coordinates (example)
lon=(-180 180) #longitude
lat=(-80 90) #latitude

and I am not recommending to use :
cmems_glorys_daily_data_download_using_CMT.sh. i have created this file for my own work.

You use : Files · dev_newcopernicus · croco-ocean / croco_tools · GitLab
their have update.
if you find any Bug and create a another issues in forum. I hope our CROCO community will help you to fix that issues.
Have a good and prosperous day!

Hi Smaishal, I was using your script cmems_glorys_daily_data_download_using_CMT.sh, but this error appears. I don’t know why, because the script worked fine until the date 2022-09-10.

Error: Invalid value for ‘–start-datetime’ / ‘-t’: ‘’ does not match the formats ‘%Y’, ‘%Y-%m-%d’, ‘%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S’, ‘%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S’, ‘%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ’.

You recommend use this link above: Files · dev_newcopernicus · croco-ocean / croco_tools · GitLab , but the link is not working, Can you upload the script or give me the good link please.

I’m using productId=“cmems_mod_glo_phy_myint_0.083deg_P1D-m” for more recent dates

thanks in advance

because few product not available after after the date you mention.
check CMEMS Copernicus Marine Data Store | Copernicus Marine Service
change accordingly . check all variables are available or not. with this different ID and variable name. following:
Product and dataset IDs
#daily data
currently I am out from my place.
I will check it 16th.

give me one two day more. I will send you. trying with python. and able to download. checking cat it with .py. otherwise I will use ncrcat.