I have identified the IFREMER developed CreateBMG/BMGTOOLS packages that are mentioned in the CROCO manual. It seems from documentation online that they are freely distributed under license.

Does anyone know how to access the tool? I would greatly appreciate access to this tool (or anything newer in the same functionality space).


You can download it here :

Note that the generated netcdf file will be in MARS3D model format, you will need a few modifications to transform it for the CROCO model.

That is great, thank you very much

On the following link

I’m wondering would you know how to get the scripts
Or indeed any of the scripts from

Thanks for reading


The scripts are available on a forge at Ifremer. I made a doc that describe the scripts and where you can download an archive of the scripts.
Please follow this link :
Let me know if you have any questions or if you need help.



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That’s great, thank you.

Hi again, it seems that I need a gitlab account with ifremer to access the tar file, could you email to

Ok it’s done. You have access to the documentation ?

That’s great, thank you. I have the documentation for CreateBMG and CheckBMG in the download for them.

yes but for the python tools i made short documentation here :

BMGtools is just a tool to make a grid with a graphical interface. The format in output match with another ocean model , so i made scripts to convert it in CROCO format. (
If you want to INTERPOLATE bathymetry on the grid you should use the tool INTERP_BATHY before conversion

Thanks @Matt29 for all of your support