I tried to configure the coupling model using Ubuntu22.04. Four files appear when compiling the original wrf, but the following error occurs when compiling the WRF with the OASIS entry. How can I solve it? My compiler version is gcc-11.4.0.

Here are my compile.log and configure.wrf files.

Your problem is that you have not set up correctly the compilers for mpi compilation (which is mandatory with OASIS). In your configure.wrf you currently have :

SFC             =       gfortran
SCC             =       gcc
CCOMP           =       gcc
DM_FC           =       mpif90 
DM_CC           =       mpicc 
FC              =       time $(SFC)
CC              =       $(SCC) -DFSEEKO64_OK 
LD              =       $(FC)

while you should have something like :

SFC             =       gfortran
SCC             =       gcc
CCOMP           =       gcc
DM_FC           =       mpif90
DM_CC           =       mpicc
FC              =       $(DM_FC)
CC              =       $(DM_CC) -DFSEEKO64_OK
LD              =       $(FC)

You can check a configure.wrf example in the directory WRF_IN/CONFIGURE_WRF/Linux