It looks like the object file, ocean.sed.o is sediment transport module which I did not activate.
I tried to compile with some test cases including upwelling, but none of them worked.
I did not have the same error for version 1.1, which works fine.
I tried openmpi + gfortran and intel fortran + intelmpi and neither worked.
I wanted to ask on this forum before I start looking at the makefile.
Thanks for your comment. That makes no difference. The same error.
jobcomp and Makefile between v1.1 and v1.2 are similar and no red flags so far.
I compared ver 1.1 and ver 1.2 compiling log and it looks like the error occurred when compiling CROCO was either pisces_ini or module_parameter_oa.F.
Did you check that the source path in your jobcomp is correct ?
It should point to your “OCEAN” directory and make sure you have all the others directories of CROCO source code next to OCEAN.