compile error for version 1.2


I wonder if anyone has encountered the following error while compiling CROCO ver 1.2.

gmake: Circular oce_sed.mod ← oce_sed.o dependency dropped.
m2c -o oce_sed.o oce_sed.mod
gmake: m2c: Command not found
gmake: *** [oce_sed.o] Error 127

It looks like the object file, ocean.sed.o is sediment transport module which I did not activate.

I tried to compile with some test cases including upwelling, but none of them worked.
I did not have the same error for version 1.1, which works fine.
I tried openmpi + gfortran and intel fortran + intelmpi and neither worked.

I wanted to ask on this forum before I start looking at the makefile.

Thanks in advance.


Just to make sure, can you just in your Run directory remove the Compile directory and re-launch jobcomp ?

Thanks for your comment. That makes no difference. The same error.
jobcomp and Makefile between v1.1 and v1.2 are similar and no red flags so far.
I compared ver 1.1 and ver 1.2 compiling log and it looks like the error occurred when compiling CROCO was either pisces_ini or module_parameter_oa.F.


Did you check that the source path in your jobcomp is correct ?
It should point to your “OCEAN” directory and make sure you have all the others directories of CROCO source code next to OCEAN.



Hi, I ran into this also for v1.2.1 and gfortran

gfortran --version
GNU Fortran (GCC) 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-36)

gmake: Circular oce_sed.mod <- oce_sed.o dependency dropped.
m2c    -o oce_sed.o oce_sed.mod
gmake: m2c: Command not found
gmake: *** [oce_sed.o] Error 127

any update on a solution?

I found comments on other forums

about doing this to solve the problem

You can override it by adding the following
line to your makefile:

%.o: %.mod

but I am not sure where to apply it


It should be added in OCEAN/Makedefs.generic


Almost there… when I do that, the compilation advances a bit more and then I get

/include pisces_ini_.f90 -o pisces_ini.o
gmake: *** No rule to make target oce_sed.o', needed by croco’. Stop.