I have some doubts when setting the bottom stress parameters in croco.in.
If you run in 3D (SOLVE3D) and choose a logarothmic bottom friction (zob in croco.in) the modell computes 3d velocities using that friction parameters (in get_vbc.F), thatś fine, but in the barotropic model (2d), the model uses a linear or cuadratic function (in STEP2D.F) to calculate ubar/vbar, so in the end the model may be using different friction parameters in de 2d and 3d cases, is this ok??.
Is there a way to define manually the fricton parameters for the barotropic model?, i read something you can do in roms defining the cuadratic parameter rdrg2(i,j) in the grid file but not in croco…
I need to put more friction in some places where the tide currents are too big and the simulation ends blowing up (my dt is very small yet, i dont want to lower it more).
The actual bottom friction is given in get_vbc for the 3D equations. The friction that is computed in step2d is only the part that evolves during the barotropic integration (the other part is static during this integration and is added in rufrc, which contains the depth-averaged slow forcing, i.e. the vertical integrals of the 3D terms on the right side of the momentum equations).