bioebus benguela

Hi everyone.

I’m try to run benguela case with biogechemstry BioEBUS with croco
everything work fine for initial condition (make_grid, make_forcing, make_clim and make_ini) and also to make_clim_bioebus but when I try to do make_ini_bioebus there is a error screen:

In make_ini_bioebus (line 27)
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/disk_4_5t/matiasp/PROPIO_CROCO/CONFIGS/ANIDADO1/CROCO_FILES/’: File exists

Adding BIOEBUS data in file : /disk_4_5t/matiasp/PROPIO_CROCO/CONFIGS/ANIDADO1/CROCO_FILES/

Interpolations / extrapolations

Nitrate …

Ext tracers: ro = 0 km - default value = NaN
ext_tracers_ini: time index: 1 of total: 12
ext_tracers_ini: horizontal interpolation of seasonal data
ext_tracers_ini: vertical interpolation

Oxygen …

Ext tracers: ro = 0 km - default value = NaN
ext_tracers_ini: time index: 1 of total: 12
ext_tracers_ini: horizontal interpolation of seasonal data
ext_tracers_ini: vertical interpolation

Add_ini_chla: creating variable and attribute
time index: 1 of total: 1
temporal interpolation
Initialisation time: 0 - Time 1: -45 - Time 2: 45
Add_ini_chla: horizontal extrapolation of surface data
Add_ini_chla: vertical extrapolation of chlorophyll

SPhyto and LPhyto…
Add_ini_Sphyto_Lphyto: creating variable and attribute
time index: 1 of total: 1

SZoo and LZoo…
Add_ini_Szoo_Lzoo: creating variable and attribute
time index: 1 of total: 1

Make a few plots…
Index exceeds matrix dimensions.

Error in test_clim (line 78)

Error in make_ini_bioebus (line 108)

Hi Matias,

Could be a bug …
Can you explain a bit more what you want to do ?
Saludos en Concépcion

it seems to be just a plotting error at the end of the routine, but the file is probably done … Patrick