BioeBus and Psource, READ_INP ERROR


i’ve been working on a simulation with BioeBus model and variable rivers using psource_ncfile , but the problem is that i don’t know how to set up tracers from BioeBus in the

i just want to the rivers contributes with constant temperature and salinity, for example, when i run up the model without biology, the simulation work it, but if i add BioeBus to the simulation, it shows me this error:

Runoff Data File: /home/orpa/CROCO/Chile_central/CROCO_FILES/

       5  Number of point sources

READ_INP ERROR while reading block with keyword ‘psource_ncfile’.

READ_INP ERROR: A total of 1 configuration errors discovered.

so, if someone knows how to fix it, please help me :smiley:

Please post your file

What is the structure of this runoff file? Can you show the result from

ncdump -h ?

there are the files:

Try using that file without BIOEBUS.

If it fails it might be because the name of the file (path+filename) is too long. Use a relative path, not an aboslute path. Or put the file in the same directory the and the croco executable is.

Once it runs ok, try adding BIOEBUS. You might need then to add the biogeochemical variables to the file (not sure)

previously, i run it without BioeBus (only physics and Psource) and i got 10 years of simulation, but if i add the biological model, it didn’t works.

i’m not sure if i have to add biological variables to file, because i don’t want the sources contribute biological components to the sea.

Try running the code compiled with psource first, not psource_ncfile to check on the biogeochemistry.

Use constant values for the discharge and the biogeochemical variables

i did it, i got a little problem,in this case.

Apparently the bry file doesn’t have boundery conditions to 4 variables sdet, ldet, don and n2o, but it’s strange becouse i used make_bry_bioebus. i only found a rutine for n2o (make_n2o_bioebus.m).

GET_BRY_BIO - unable to find variable: sdet_time
in input NetCDF file: → analytical value

GET_BRY_BIO - unable to find variable: ldet_time
in input NetCDF file: → analytical value

GET_BRY_BIO - unable to find variable: don_time
in input NetCDF file: → analytical value

GET_BRY_BIO - unable to find variable: n2o_time
in input NetCDF file: → analytical value

  GET_BRY_BIO    -- Read all boundary data         for time =    3684.    
  GET_BRY_BIO    -- Read all boundary data         for time =    3712.    
  GET_BRY_BIO    -- Read all boundary data         for time =    3684.    

Month Y2010M2 did not work

Please post the croco_Y2010M2.out file. There is a better description of the error there…

this is the file .out


Weird… what is missing are the time vectors for those variables, not the variables themselves.

Can you post the ncdump -h of your file?


Could you detail a few points in order to help you :

  • could you give us the croco version
    you use. I really recommend v1.2.1

  • could you send the cppdefs.h and
    param.h, I recommend to start from
    the one in v1.2.1

  • could you send us the you
    use (again I recommend to start from
    the one in v1.2.1)

  • could you send the ncdump -h of the
    bry file.
