About run_croco_forecast.bash

What are the steps to perform a running forecast in CROCO?

A tutorial has just been added:

Thank you very much for the information.

I still have some questions:
(a) Can I summarise the preprocessing procedure in CROCO for running forecasts like this: (1) make_grid, (2) make_NCEP, (3) make_OGCM_mercator.

(b) How do we set up section 6 in crocotools_param.m?

Thank you.

You’ll need to do make_grid. You can do the rest (e.g. make_forcing, make_clim) if you want to test your configuration (set time step, test resolution …) but it’s not mandatory. All forcing files will be managed by make_forcast.m (calling make_OGCM_frcst and make_GFS), which is called by the master script run_croco_forecast.bash.

When I tried it, I managed to run for hindcast on that day. But why the croco_rst.nc file is not formed?

When I tried it, I managed to run for hindcast on that day. but why the croco_rst.nc file is not formed?

In croco_forecast.in, NWRT must be set to 86400/dt (choose dt to make NWRT an integer).