BENGUELA TEST MODEL 21600 ntimes Total number of timesteps for 3D equations. 120.00 dt Timestep [sec] for 3D equations 1 ndtfast Number of 2D timesteps within each 3D step. 1 ninfo Number of timesteps between runtime diagnostics. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: time_stepping_nbq --> DISREGARDED. 7.000E+00 theta_s S-coordinate surface control parameter. 2.000E+00 theta_b S-coordinate bottom control parameter. 2.000E+02 Tcline S-coordinate surface/bottom layer width used in vertical coordinate stretching, meters. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: run_start_date --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: run_end_date --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: start_date --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: origin_date --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: output_time_steps --> DISREGARDED. Grid File: CROCO_FILES/ Forcing Data File: CROCO_FILES/ WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: bulk_forcing --> DISREGARDED. Climatology File: CROCO_FILES/ WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: boundary --> DISREGARDED. Initial State File: CROCO_FILES/ Record: 1 Restart File: /media/ahumada/MyBook_TWO_modeling/Carlos_Copalita/COPALITA/CROCO_FILES/ nrst = 38880 rec/file: -1 History File: /media/ahumada/MyBook_TWO_modeling/Carlos_Copalita/COPALITA/CROCO_FILES/ Create new: T nwrt = 50 rec/file = 0 1 ntsavg Starting timestep for the accumulation of output time-averaged data. 720 navg Number of timesteps between writing of time-averaged data into averages file. Averages File: /media/ahumada/MyBook_TWO_modeling/Carlos_Copalita/COPALITA/CROCO_FILES/ rec/file = 0 Fields to be saved in history file: (T/F) T write zeta free-surface. T write UBAR 2D U-momentum component. T write VBAR 2D V-momentum component. T write U 3D U-momentum component. T write V 3D V-momentum component. T write T( 1) Tracer of index 1. T write T( 2) Tracer of index 2. T write T( 3) Tracer of index 3. T write T( 4) Tracer of index 4. F write RHO Density anomaly. F write Omega Omega vertical velocity. T write W True vertical velocity. F write Akv Vertical viscosity. T write Akt Vertical diffusivity for temperature. F write Aks Vertical diffusivity for salinity. F write bvf Brunt Vaisala Frequency. F write Visc3d Horizontal diffusivity. T write Hbl Depth of model boundary layer. T write Hbbl Depth of bottom planetary boundary layer. T write Hm [m] Time evolving bathymetry T write Bostr Bottom Stress. F write Bustr U-Bottom Stress. F write Bvstr V-Bottom Stress. T write Wstress Wind Stress. T write U-Wstress comp. U-Wind Stress. T write V-Wstress comp. V-Wind Stress. T write Shflx [W/m2] Surface net heat flux T write Swflx [cm/day] Surface freshwater flux (E-P) T write Shflx_rsw [W/m2] Short-wave surface radiation WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: gls_history_fields --> DISREGARDED. Fields to be saved in averages file: (T/F) T write zeta free-surface. T write UBAR 2D U-momentum component. T write VBAR 2D V-momentum component. T write U 3D U-momentum component. T write V 3D V-momentum component. T write T( 1) Tracer of index 1. T write T( 2) Tracer of index 2. T write T( 3) Tracer of index 3. T write T( 4) Tracer of index 4. F write RHO Density anomaly T write Omega Omega vertical velocity. T write W True vertical velocity. F write Akv Vertical viscosity T write Akt Vertical diffusivity for temperature. F write Aks Vertical diffusivity for salinity. F write bvf Brunt Vaisala Frequency. F write diff3d Horizontal diffusivity T write Hbl Depth of model boundary layer T write Hbbl Depth of the bottom planetary boundary layer T write Hm [m] Time evolving bathymetry. T write Bostr Bottom Stress. F write Bustr U-Bottom Stress. F write Bvstr V-Bottom Stress. T write Wstr Wind Stress. T write U-Wstress comp. U-Wind Stress. T write V-Wstress comp. V-Wind Stress. T write Shflx [W/m2] Surface net heat flux. T write Swflx [cm/day] Surface freshwater flux (E-P) T write Shflx_rsw [W/m2] Short-wave surface radiation. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: gls_averages --> DISREGARDED. 1025.0000 rho0 Boussinesq approximation mean density, kg/m3. 0.000E+00 visc2 Horizontal Laplacian mixing coefficient [m2/s] for momentum. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: lateral_visc --> DISREGARDED. 0.000E+00 tnu2( 1) Horizontal Laplacian mixing coefficient (m2/s) for tracer 1. 0.000E+00 tnu2( 2) Horizontal Laplacian mixing coefficient (m2/s) for tracer 2. 0.000E+00 tnu2( 3) Horizontal Laplacian mixing coefficient (m2/s) for tracer 3. 0.000E+00 tnu2( 4) Horizontal Laplacian mixing coefficient (m2/s) for tracer 4. 0.000E+00 tnu4( 1) Horizontal biharmonic mixing coefficient [m4/s] for tracer 1. 0.000E+00 tnu4( 2) Horizontal biharmonic mixing coefficient [m4/s] for tracer 2. 0.000E+00 tnu4( 3) Horizontal biharmonic mixing coefficient [m4/s] for tracer 3. 0.000E+00 tnu4( 4) Horizontal biharmonic mixing coefficient [m4/s] for tracer 4. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: vertical_mixing --> DISREGARDED. 0.000E+00 rdrg Linear bottom drag coefficient (m/si). 0.000E+00 rdrg2 Quadratic bottom drag coefficient. 1.000E-02 Zobt Bottom roughness for logarithmic law (m). 1.000E-04 Cdb_min Minimum bottom drag coefficient. 1.000E-01 Cdb_max Maximum bottom drag coefficient. 1.00 gamma2 Slipperiness parameter: free-slip +1, or no-slip -1. SPONGE_GRID is defined: x_sponge parameter in sponge/nudging layer is set generically in set_nudgcof.F routine 1.157E-05 tauT_in Nudging coefficients [sec^-1] 3.215E-08 tauT_out Nudging coefficients [sec^-1] 3.858E-06 tauM_in Nudging coefficients [sec^-1] 3.215E-08 tauM_out Nudging coefficients [sec^-1] WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: diagnostics --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: diag_avg --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: diag3D_history_fields --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: diag2D_history_fields --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: diag3D_average_fields --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: diag2D_average_fields --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: diagnosticsM --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: diagM_avg --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: diagM_history_fields --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: diagM_average_fields --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: diags_vrt --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: diags_vrt_avg --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: diags_vrt_history_fields --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: diags_vrt_average_fields --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: diags_ek --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: diags_ek_avg --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: diags_ek_history_fields --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: diags_ek_average_fields --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: surf --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: surf_avg --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: surf_history_fields --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: surf_average_fields --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: diags_pv --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: diags_pv_avg --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: diags_pv_history_fields --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: diags_pv_average_fields --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: diags_eddy --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: diags_eddy_avg --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: diags_eddy_history_fields --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: diags_eddy_average_fields --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: diagnostics_bio --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: diagbio_avg --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: diagbioFlux_history_fields --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: diagbioVSink_history_fields --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: diagbioGasExc_history_fields --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: diagbioFlux_average_fields --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: diagbioVSink_average_fields --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: diagbioGasExc_average_fields --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: biology --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: wkb_boundary --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: wkb_wwave --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: wkb_roller --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: wave_history_fields --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: wave_average_fields --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: wci_history_fields --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: wci_average_fields --> DISREGARDED. Sediment input file: F write act_thick thickness of active bed layer. F write bed_thick thickness of sediment bed layer. F write bed_poros porosity of sediment bed layer. F write bed_frac( 1) Sediment fraction of index 1. F write bed_frac( 2) Sediment fraction of index 2. F write deposition flux( 1) for sediment of index 1. F write deposition flux( 2) for sediment of index 2. F write erosion flux( 1) for sediment of index 1. F write erosion flux( 2) for sediment of index 2. F write xi-bedload flux( 1) for sediment of index 1. F write xi-bedload flux( 2) for sediment of index 2. F write eta-bedload flux( 1) for sediment of index 1. F write eta-bedload flux( 2) for sediment of index 2. T write Abed bed wave excursion amplitude. F write Hripple Bed ripple height. F write Lripple Bed ripple length. T write Zbnot Physical bottom roughness. F write Zbapp Apparent bottom roughness. T write Bostrw Wave-induced bottom stress. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: floats --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: float_fields --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: stations --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: station_fields --> DISREGARDED. 1 Number of point sources 59 I point source indice 59 J point source indice 1 Direction of point source flow -3.380E+00 Total transport at point source T write Lsrc( 1) Tracer of index 1. T write Lsrc( 2) Tracer of index 2. T write Lsrc( 3) Tracer of index 3. T write Lsrc( 4) Tracer of index 4. 2.000E+01 write Tsrc( 1) Tracer of index 1. 3.000E+00 write Tsrc( 2) Tracer of index 2. 9.900E+00 write Tsrc( 3) Tracer of index 3. 9.800E+00 write Tsrc( 4) Tracer of index 4. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: psource_ncfile --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: online --> DISREGARDED. Activated C-preprocessing Options: REGIONAL RIO_COPALITA OPENMP OBC_NORTH SEDIMENT BBL CURVGRID SPHERICAL MASKING NEW_S_COORD SOLVE3D UV_COR UV_ADV SALINITY NONLIN_EOS UV_HADV_UP3 UV_VADV_SPLINES TS_HADV_RSUP3 TS_DIF4 TS_VADV_SPLINES SPONGE LIMIT_BSTRESS LMD_MIXING LMD_SKPP LMD_BKPP LMD_RIMIX LMD_CONVEC LMD_NONLOCAL ANA_DIURNAL_SW QCORRECTION SFLX_CORR ANA_WWAVE CLIMATOLOGY ZCLIMATOLOGY M2CLIMATOLOGY M3CLIMATOLOGY TCLIMATOLOGY ZNUDGING M2NUDGING M3NUDGING TNUDGING ANA_BSFLUX ANA_BTFLUX PSOURCE OBC_M2CHARACT OBC_M3ORLANSKI OBC_TORLANSKI AVERAGES AVERAGES_K BIO_HADV_WENO5 SUSPLOAD BEDLOAD MORPHODYN ANA_PSOURCE TS_HADV_C4 MPI_COMM_WORLD M2FILTER_POWER TRACERS TEMPERATURE HZR VAR_RHO_2D SPLIT_EOS UV_MIX_S DIF_COEF_3D TS_MIX_ISO TS_MIX_IMP TS_MIX_ISO_FILT NTRA_T3DMIX SPONGE_GRID SPONGE_DIF2 SPONGE_VIS2 SPONGE_SED LMD_SKPP2005 Z0_BL Z0_RIP ANA_SEDIMENT BEDLOAD_VANDERA BEDLOAD_UP1 SLOPE_LESSER NF_CLOBBER NUMBER OF THREADS: 12 BLOCKING: 1 x 12. (CROCO - Sediment - Test) Sediment parameters for grain-size class: 1 0.12500 Sd Median sediment grain diameter (mm). 0.00000 Csed Analyt. init. of sed. conc. (kg/m3). 2650.00000 Srho Sediment grain density (kg/m3). 9.40000 Wsed Particle settling velocity (mm/s). 0.00025 Erate Surface erosion rate (kg/(m2s)). 0.05000 tau_ce Critical shear for erosion (N/m2). 0.14000 tau_cd Critical shear for deposition (N/m2). 0.40000 bed_frac Volume fraction, layer: 1 Sediment parameters for grain-size class: 2 0.05000 Sd Median sediment grain diameter (mm). 0.00000 Csed Analyt. init. of sed. conc. (kg/m3). 2650.00000 Srho Sediment grain density (kg/m3). 1.60000 Wsed Particle settling velocity (mm/s). 0.00004 Erate Surface erosion rate (kg/(m2s)). 0.01000 tau_ce Critical shear for erosion (N/m2). 0.14000 tau_cd Critical shear for deposition (N/m2). 0.60000 bed_frac Volume fraction, layer: 1 Bed parameters for all bed levels 1.00000 Bthk Init. bed thickness, layer: 1 (m). 0.41000 Bpor Init. bed porosity, layer: 1 (m). 0.03000 Hrip Init. ripple roughness (m). 0.14000 Lrip Init. ripple height (m). 0.00000 bedload_coeff Bedload rate. 10.00000 morph_fac Morphological factor. Number of size classes in sediment computation: 2 Spherical grid detected. hmin hmax grdmin grdmax Cu_min Cu_max 5.000000 2500.000000 0.687343124E+03 0.687349668E+03 1.72917939 38.66596242 volume= 3.379288403137681152344E+12 open_cross= 0.000000000000000000000E+00 lonmin = -96.46 lonmax = -95.69 latmin = 15.32 latmax = 15.98 Vertical S-coordinate System: level S-coord Cs-curve at_hmin over_slope at_hmax 16 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.000 0.000 0.000 15 -0.0625000 -0.0004109 -0.305 -11.219 -12.525 14 -0.1250000 -0.0017224 -0.610 -23.408 -27.135 13 -0.1875000 -0.0041860 -0.915 -36.838 -44.412 12 -0.2500000 -0.0082712 -1.221 -52.016 -65.443 11 -0.3125000 -0.0147496 -1.526 -69.773 -92.013 10 -0.3750000 -0.0248266 -1.832 -91.408 -126.913 9 -0.4375000 -0.0403320 -2.139 -118.892 -174.380 8 -0.5000000 -0.0639753 -2.447 -155.146 -240.684 7 -0.5625000 -0.0996389 -2.756 -204.352 -334.812 6 -0.6250000 -0.1526095 -3.067 -272.208 -469.003 5 -0.6875000 -0.2294704 -3.382 -365.809 -658.496 4 -0.7500000 -0.3370698 -3.700 -492.532 -919.143 3 -0.8125000 -0.4796058 -4.022 -656.903 -1260.662 2 -0.8750000 -0.6530234 -4.348 -854.551 -1673.665 1 -0.9375000 -0.8381633 -4.675 -1064.831 -2113.804 0 -1.0000000 -1.0000000 -5.000 -1250.000 -2500.000 Time splitting: ndtfast = 1 nfast = 1 Maximum grid stiffness ratios: rx0 = 0.24449965385384415 rx1 = 6.3164568216354491 GET_INITIAL -- Processing data for time = 0.000 record = 1 GET_INITIAL - unable to find variable: hmorph in input NetCDF file: CROCO_FILES/ -> analytical value GET_INITIAL - unable to find variable: Hripple in input NetCDF file: CROCO_FILES/ -> analytical value GET_INITIAL - unable to find variable: Lripple in input NetCDF file: CROCO_FILES/ -> analytical value GET_INITIAL - unable to find variable: sand_01 in input NetCDF file: CROCO_FILES/ -> analytical value GET_INITIAL - unable to find variable: sand_02 in input NetCDF file: CROCO_FILES/ -> analytical value GET_INITIAL - unable to find variable: bed_thick in input NetCDF file: CROCO_FILES/ -> analytical value GET_INITIAL - unable to find variable: bed_poros in input NetCDF file: CROCO_FILES/ -> analytical value GET_INITIAL - unable to find variable: NetCDF: Variable not found in input NetCDF file: GET_INITIAL - unable to find variable: bed_frac_sand_01 in input NetCDF file: CROCO_FILES/ -> analytical value GET_INITIAL - unable to find variable: bed_frac_sand_02 in input NetCDF file: CROCO_FILES/ -> analytical value GET_INITIAL - unable to find variable: hbl in input NetCDF file: CROCO_FILES/ ==> Initialized to zero state. >> CAUTION in case of #define EXACT_RESTART << If it is the case - OK if it is a 'cold start' i.e coming from a 3rd-party initial file - otherwise if it is a 'hot start' i.e from a restart file produced by this code: => problem: run is not restartable => check your initial file GET_TCLIMA -- Read climatology of tracer 1 for time = 345.0 GET_TCLIMA -- Read climatology of tracer 1 for time = 15.00 GET_TCLIMA -- Read climatology of tracer 2 for time = 345.0 GET_TCLIMA -- Read climatology of tracer 2 for time = 15.00 GET_UCLIMA -- Read momentum climatology for time = 345.0 GET_UCLIMA -- Read momentum climatology for time = 15.00 GET_SSH - Read SSH climatology for time = 345.0 GET_SSH - Read SSH climatology for time = 15.00 GET_SMFLUX -- Read surface momentum stresses for time = 345.0 GET_SMFLUX -- Read surface momentum stresses for time = 15.00 GET_STFLUX -- Read surface flux of tracer 1 for time = 345.0 GET_STFLUX -- Read surface flux of tracer 1 for time = 15.00 GET_SST -- Read SST and dQdSST fields for time = 345.0 GET_SST -- Read SST and dQdSST fields for time = 15.00 GET_STFLUX -- Read surface flux of tracer 2 for time = 345.0 GET_STFLUX -- Read surface flux of tracer 2 for time = 15.00 GET_SSS -- Read SSS fields for time = 345.0 GET_SSS -- Read SSS fields for time = 15.00 GET_SRFLUX -- Read solar shortwave radiation for time = 345.0 GET_SRFLUX -- Read solar shortwave radiation for time = 15.00 DEF_HIS/AVG - Created new netCDF file '/media/ahumada/MyBook_TWO_modeling/Carlos_Copalita/COPALITA/CROCO_FILES/'. WRT_GRID -- wrote grid data into file '/media/ahumada/MyBook_TWO_modeling/Carlos_Copalita/COPALITA/CROCO_FILES/'. WRT_HIS -- wrote history fields into time record = 1 / 1 MAIN: started time-stepping STEP time[DAYS] KINETIC_ENRG POTEN_ENRG TOTAL_ENRG NET_VOLUME trd 0 0.00000 0.000000000E+00 1.6446931E+01 1.6446931E+01 3.3792884E+12 9 1 0.00139 2.840888232E-06 1.6439971E+01 1.6439974E+01 3.3800039E+12 5 2 0.00278 1.354476806E+00 1.6439491E+01 1.7793968E+01 3.3794237E+12 1 ======================================= = = = STEP2D: ABNORMAL JOB END = = BLOW UP = = = ======================================= VMAX (M/S) = 19807.24 IMAX JMAX = 82 5 IINT IEXT = 3 1 ======================================= = = = STEP2D: ABNORMAL JOB END = = BLOW UP = = = =======================================