======================================= = = = STEP2D: ABNORMAL JOB END = = BLOW UP = = = ======================================= VMAX (M/S) = 552.76 IMAX JMAX = 228 20 NODE = 4 IMAX JMAX = 13 20 IINT IEXT = 41 4 oordinate stretching, meters. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: start_date --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: end_date --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: origin_date --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: output_time_steps --> DISREGARDED. Grid File: /exports/home/limramirezmo/100m_clima/input/croco_grd.nc Forcing Data File: /exports/home/limramirezmo/100m_clima/input/croco_frc.nc WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: bulk_forcing --> DISREGARDED. Climatology File: /exports/home/limramirezmo/100m_clima/input/croco_clm.nc WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: boundary --> DISREGARDED. Initial State File: /exports/home/limramirezmo/100m_clima/input/croco_ini.nc Record: 1 Restart File: /exports/home/limramirezmo/100m_clima/output/croco_rst.nc nrst = 14400 rec/file: -1 History File: /exports/home/limramirezmo/100m_clima/output/croco_his.nc Create new: T nwrt =**** rec/file = 24 1 ntsavg Starting timestep for the accumulation of output time-averaged data. 14400 navg Number of timesteps between writing of time-averaged data into averages file. Averages File: /exports/home/limramirezmo/100m_clima/output/croco_avg.nc rec/file = 24 WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: wave_offline --> DISREGARDED. Fields to be saved in history file: (T/F) T write zeta free-surface. T write UBAR 2D U-momentum component. T write VBAR 2D V-momentum component. T write U 3D U-momentum component. T write V 3D V-momentum component. T write T( 1) Tracer of index 1. T write T( 2) Tracer of index 2. F write RHO Density anomaly. F write Omega Omega vertical velocity. F write W True vertical velocity. F write Akv Vertical viscosity. F write Akt Vertical diffusivity for temperature. F write Aks Vertical diffusivity for salinity. F write bvf Brunt Vaisala Frequency. F write Visc3d Horizontal viscosity. F write Hbl Depth of model boundary layer. T write Hbbl Depth of bottom planetary boundary layer. F write Bostr Bottom Stress. F write Bustr U-Bottom Stress. F write Bvstr V-Bottom Stress. F write Wstress Wind Stress. F write U-Wstress comp. U-Wind Stress. F write V-Wstress comp. V-Wind Stress. F write Shflx [W/m2] Surface net heat flux F write Swflx [cm/day] Surface freshwater flux (E-P) F write Shflx_rsw [W/m2] Short-wave surface radiation WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: gls_history_fields --> DISREGARDED. Fields to be saved in averages file: (T/F) F write zeta free-surface. F write UBAR 2D U-momentum component. F write VBAR 2D V-momentum component. F write U 3D U-momentum component. F write V 3D V-momentum component. F write T( 1) Tracer of index 1. F write T( 2) Tracer of index 2. F write RHO Density anomaly F write Omega Omega vertical velocity. F write W True vertical velocity. F write Akv Vertical viscosity F write Akt Vertical diffusivity for temperature. F write Aks Vertical diffusivity for salinity. F write bvf Brunt Vaisala Frequency. F write visc3d Horizontal viscosity F write Hbl Depth of model boundary layer F write Hbbl Depth of the bottom planetary boundary layer F write Bostr Bottom Stress. F write Bustr U-Bottom Stress. F write Bvstr V-Bottom Stress. F write Wstr Wind Stress. F write U-Wstress comp. U-Wind Stress. F write V-Wstress comp. V-Wind Stress. F write Shflx [W/m2] Surface net heat flux. F write Swflx [cm/day] Surface freshwater flux (E-P) F write Shflx_rsw [W/m2] Short-wave surface radiation. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: gls_averages --> DISREGARDED. 1025.0000 rho0 Boussinesq approximation mean density, kg/m3. 0.000E+00 visc2 Horizontal Laplacian mixing coefficient [m2/s] for momentum. 0.000E+00 tnu2( 1) Horizontal Laplacian mixing coefficient (m2/s) for tracer 1. 0.000E+00 tnu2( 2) Horizontal Laplacian mixing coefficient (m2/s) for tracer 2. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: tracer_diff4 --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: vertical_mixing --> DISREGARDED. 0.000E+00 rdrg Linear bottom drag coefficient (m/si). 1.000E-03 rdrg2 Quadratic bottom drag coefficient. 3.500E-04 Zobt Bottom roughness for logarithmic law (m). 1.000E-04 Cdb_min Minimum bottom drag coefficient. 1.000E-02 Cdb_max Maximum bottom drag coefficient. 1.00 gamma2 Slipperiness parameter: free-slip +1, or no-slip -1. SPONGE_GRID is defined: x_sponge parameter in sponge/nudging layer is set generically in set_nudgcof.F routine 1.157E-05 tauT_in Nudging coefficients [sec^-1] 3.215E-08 tauT_out Nudging coefficients [sec^-1] 3.858E-06 tauM_in Nudging coefficients [sec^-1] 3.215E-08 tauM_out Nudging coefficients [sec^-1] WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: surf --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: surf_avg --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: surf_history_fields --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: surf_average_fields --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: sediments --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: sediment_history_fields --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: stations --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: station_fields --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: sediments_mustang --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: psource --> DISREGARDED. Runoff Data File: /exports/home/limramirezmo/100m_clima/input/Magdalena_anualsed_6.nc 6 Number of point sources 224 I point source indice 19 J point source indice 1 Orientation of point source flow 1. Direction of point source flow T write Lsrc( 1) Tracer of index 1. T write Lsrc( 2) Tracer of index 2. 225 I point source indice 19 J point source indice 1 Orientation of point source flow 1. Direction of point source flow T write Lsrc( 1) Tracer of index 1. T write Lsrc( 2) Tracer of index 2. 226 I point source indice 19 J point source indice 1 Orientation of point source flow 1. Direction of point source flow T write Lsrc( 1) Tracer of index 1. T write Lsrc( 2) Tracer of index 2. 227 I point source indice 19 J point source indice 1 Orientation of point source flow 1. Direction of point source flow T write Lsrc( 1) Tracer of index 1. T write Lsrc( 2) Tracer of index 2. 228 I point source indice 19 J point source indice 1 Orientation of point source flow 1. Direction of point source flow T write Lsrc( 1) Tracer of index 1. T write Lsrc( 2) Tracer of index 2. 229 I point source indice 19 J point source indice 1 Orientation of point source flow 1. Direction of point source flow T write Lsrc( 1) Tracer of index 1. T write Lsrc( 2) Tracer of index 2. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: online --> DISREGARDED. Activated C-preprocessing Options: REGIONAL BQUILLA MPI OBC_EAST OBC_WEST OBC_NORTH LOGFILE CURVGRID SPHERICAL MASKING NEW_S_COORD SOLVE3D UV_COR UV_ADV SALINITY NONLIN_EOS ANA_DIURNAL_SW QCORRECTION SFLX_CORR CLIMATOLOGY ZCLIMATOLOGY M2CLIMATOLOGY M3CLIMATOLOGY TCLIMATOLOGY ZNUDGING M2NUDGING M3NUDGING TNUDGING UV_HADV_UP3 UV_HADV_WENO5 UV_VIS2 UV_VIS_SMAGO UV_VADV_WENO5 TS_HADV_WENO5 TS_MIX_S TS_VADV_WENO5 SPONGE LMD_MIXING LMD_SKPP LMD_BKPP LMD_RIMIX LMD_CONVEC LMD_NONLOCAL ANA_BSFLUX ANA_BTFLUX PSOURCE PSOURCE_NCFILE ANA_PSOURCE PSOURCE_NCFILE_TS OBC_M2CHARACT OBC_M3ORLANSKI OBC_TORLANSKI AVERAGES AVERAGES_K M2FILTER_POWER TRACERS TEMPERATURE HZR VAR_RHO_2D SPLIT_EOS UV_MIX_S VIS_COEF_3D NTRA_T3DMIX SPONGE_GRID SPONGE_DIF2 SPONGE_VIS2 LMD_SKPP2005 NF_CLOBBER NUMBER OF THREADS: 1 BLOCKING: 1 x 1. Spherical grid detected. hmin hmax grdmin grdmax Cu_min Cu_max 10.893809 11.240022 0.101009575E+03 0.101010101E+03 0.03627898 0.03675436 volume= 1.174371215237337684631E+10 open_cross= 7.726508715005458798259E+05 lonmin = -75.02 lonmax = -74.66 latmin = 10.89 latmax = 11.24 Vertical S-coordinate System: level S-coord Cs-curve at_hmin over_slope at_hmax 35 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.000 0.000 0.000 34 -0.0285714 -0.0000848 -0.295 -0.156 -0.304 33 -0.0571429 -0.0003426 -0.591 -0.312 -0.608 32 -0.0857143 -0.0007835 -0.886 -0.469 -0.913 31 -0.1142857 -0.0014252 -1.181 -0.625 -1.217 30 -0.1428571 -0.0022929 -1.477 -0.781 -1.522 29 -0.1714286 -0.0034209 -1.773 -0.938 -1.826 28 -0.2000000 -0.0048536 -2.069 -1.094 -2.131 27 -0.2285714 -0.0066474 -2.365 -1.250 -2.436 26 -0.2571429 -0.0088723 -2.662 -1.407 -2.742 25 -0.2857143 -0.0116147 -2.958 -1.564 -3.048 24 -0.3142857 -0.0149806 -3.255 -1.720 -3.354 23 -0.3428571 -0.0190988 -3.553 -1.877 -3.660 22 -0.3714286 -0.0241254 -3.851 -2.034 -3.967 21 -0.4000000 -0.0302484 -4.149 -2.191 -4.275 20 -0.4285714 -0.0376932 -4.449 -2.349 -4.583 19 -0.4571429 -0.0467286 -4.749 -2.506 -4.893 18 -0.4857143 -0.0576729 -5.050 -2.664 -5.203 17 -0.5142857 -0.0708998 -5.353 -2.822 -5.515 16 -0.5428571 -0.0868441 -5.657 -2.981 -5.829 15 -0.5714286 -0.1060051 -5.963 -3.140 -6.145 14 -0.6000000 -0.1289464 -6.271 -3.300 -6.462 13 -0.6285714 -0.1562908 -6.582 -3.460 -6.783 12 -0.6571429 -0.1887062 -6.895 -3.621 -7.106 11 -0.6857143 -0.2268782 -7.212 -3.783 -7.433 10 -0.7142857 -0.2714662 -7.532 -3.946 -7.764 9 -0.7428571 -0.3230363 -7.856 -4.110 -8.099 8 -0.7714286 -0.3819661 -8.185 -4.276 -8.438 7 -0.8000000 -0.4483212 -8.517 -4.442 -8.782 6 -0.8285714 -0.5217057 -8.854 -4.609 -9.130 5 -0.8571429 -0.6011025 -9.193 -4.778 -9.481 4 -0.8857143 -0.6847342 -9.536 -4.947 -9.835 3 -0.9142857 -0.7699944 -9.879 -5.116 -10.190 2 -0.9428571 -0.8535179 -10.221 -5.285 -10.544 1 -0.9714286 -0.9314572 -10.560 -5.453 -10.895 0 -1.0000000 -1.0000000 -10.894 -5.620 -11.240 Time splitting: ndtfast = 60 nfast = 82 Maximum grid stiffness ratios: rx0 = 4.0592943839033731E-005 rx1 = 2.6059061899050499E-003 GET_INITIAL -- Processing data for time = 0.000 record = 1 GET_INITIAL - unable to find variable: hbl in input NetCDF file: /exports/home/limramirezmo/100m_clima/input/croco_ini.nc ==> Initialized to zero state. >> CAUTION in case of #define EXACT_RESTART << If it is the case - OK if it is a 'cold start' i.e coming from a 3rd-party initial file - otherwise if it is a 'hot start' i.e from a restart file produced by this code: => problem: run is not restartable => check your initial file GET_TCLIMA -- Read climatology of tracer 1 for time = 345.0 0 GET_TCLIMA -- Read climatology of tracer 1 for time = 15.00 0 GET_TCLIMA -- Read climatology of tracer 2 for time = 345.0 0 GET_TCLIMA -- Read climatology of tracer 2 for time = 15.00 0 GET_UCLIMA -- Read momentum climatology for time = 345.0 0 GET_UCLIMA -- Read momentum climatology for time = 15.00 0 GET_SSH -- Read SSH climatology for time = 345.0 0 GET_SSH -- Read SSH climatology for time = 15.00 0 GET_PSOURCE -- Read Run-off flow fields for time = 345.0 0 GET_PSOURCE -- Read Run-off flow fields for time = 15.00 0 GET_PSOURCE_TS -- Read conc fields of tracer 1 for time = 345.0 0 GET_PSOURCE_TS -- Read conc fields of tracer 1 for time = 15.00 0 GET_PSOURCE_TS -- Read conc fields of tracer 2 for time = 345.0 0 GET_PSOURCE_TS -- Read conc fields of tracer 2 for time = 15.00 0 GET_SMFLUX -- Read surface momentum stresses for time = 345.0 0 GET_SMFLUX -- Read surface momentum stresses for time = 15.00 0 GET_STFLUX -- Read surface flux of tracer 1 for time = 345.0 0 GET_STFLUX -- Read surface flux of tracer 1 for time = 15.00 0 GET_SST -- Read SST and dQdSST fields for time = 345.0 0 GET_SST -- Read SST and dQdSST fields for time = 15.00 0 GET_STFLUX -- Read surface flux of tracer 2 for time = 345.0 0 GET_STFLUX -- Read surface flux of tracer 2 for time = 15.00 0 GET_SSS -- Read SSS fields for time = 345.0 0 GET_SSS -- Read SSS fields for time = 15.00 0 GET_SRFLUX -- Read solar shortwave radiation for time = 345.0 0 GET_SRFLUX -- Read solar shortwave radiation for time = 15.00 0 DEF_HIS/AVG - Created new netCDF file '/exports/home/limramirezmo/100m_clima/output/croco_his.00000.nc'. mynode = 0 WRT_GRID -- wrote grid data into file '/exports/home/limramirezmo/100m_clima/output/croco_his.00000.nc'. mynode = 0 WRT_HIS -- wrote history fields into time record = 1 / 1 mynode = 0 MAIN: started time-stepping STEP time[DAYS] KINETIC_ENRG POTEN_ENRG TOTAL_ENRG NET_VOLUME trd 0 0.00000 0.000000000E+00-3.9980892E-02-3.9980892E-02 1.1743712E+10 0 1 0.00017 7.246981108E-05-3.9957308E-02-3.9884838E-02 1.1743725E+10 0 2 0.00035 1.375140974E-04-3.9932622E-02-3.9795107E-02 1.1743762E+10 0 3 0.00052 1.836820719E-04-3.9907340E-02-3.9723658E-02 1.1743797E+10 0