LOIRE TEST MODEL 10000 ntimes Total number of timesteps for 3D equations. 40.00 dt Timestep [sec] for 3D equations 10 ndtfast Number of 2D timesteps within each 3D step. 1 ninfo Number of timesteps between runtime diagnostics. 0.000E+00 theta_s S-coordinate surface control parameter. 0.000E+00 theta_b S-coordinate bottom control parameter. 1.000E+16 Tcline S-coordinate surface/bottom layer width used in vertical coordinate stretching, meters. Run start date: 2015-01-01 00:00:00 Run end date: 2015-01-15 00:00:00 WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: origin_date --> DISREGARDED. DT HIS = 1.00H DT AVG = 24.00H DT RST= 24.00H Grid File: ./CROCO_FILES/croco_grd.nc Forcing Data File: ./CROCO_FILES/croco_frc_vilaine.nc WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: bulk_forcing --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: climatology --> DISREGARDED. Boundary File: ./CROCO_FILES/vilaine_bry_2015.nc Initial State File: ./CROCO_FILES/vilaine_ini.nc Record: 1 Restart File: ./CROCO_FILES/croco_rst.nc nrst = 2160 rec/file: -1 History File: ./output/croco_out.nc Create new: T nwrt = 90 rec/file = 0 WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: averages --> DISREGARDED. Wave Data File: ./CROCO_FILES/croco_wave_vilaine.nc Fields to be saved in history file: (T/F) T write zeta free-surface. T write UBAR 2D U-momentum component. T write VBAR 2D V-momentum component. T write U 3D U-momentum component. T write V 3D V-momentum component. T write T( 1) Tracer of index 1. T write T( 2) Tracer of index 2. T write T( 3) Tracer of index 3. T write T( 4) Tracer of index 4. T write T( 5) Tracer of index 5. F write RHO Density anomaly. F write Omega Omega vertical velocity. F write W True vertical velocity. F write Akv Vertical viscosity. F write Akt Vertical diffusivity for temperature. F write Aks Vertical diffusivity for salinity. F write bvf Brunt Vaisala Frequency. F write Visc3d Horizontal viscosity. F write Hbl Depth of model boundary layer. F write shflx_rlw [W/m2] Long Wave heat flux. F write shflx_lat [W/m2] Latent heat flux. F write shflx_sen [W/m2] Sensible heat flux F write Bostr Bottom Stress. F write Bustr U-Bottom Stress. F write Bvstr V-Bottom Stress. F write Wstress Wind Stress. F write U-Wstress comp. U-Wind Stress. F write V-Wstress comp. V-Wind Stress. F write Shflx [W/m2] Surface net heat flux F write Swflx [cm/day] Surface freshwater flux (E-P) F write Shflx_rsw [W/m2] Short-wave surface radiation Fields to be saved in history file: (T/F) F write TKE turbulent kinetic energy. F write GLS generic length scale. F write Lscale vertical mixing length scale. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: primary_averages --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: auxiliary_averages --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: gls_averages --> DISREGARDED. 1025.0000 rho0 Boussinesq approximation mean density, kg/m3. 0.000E+00 visc2 Horizontal Laplacian mixing coefficient [m2/s] for momentum. 0.000E+00 tnu2( 1) Horizontal Laplacian mixing coefficient (m2/s) for tracer 1. 0.000E+00 tnu2( 2) Horizontal Laplacian mixing coefficient (m2/s) for tracer 2. 0.000E+00 tnu2( 3) Horizontal Laplacian mixing coefficient (m2/s) for tracer 3. 0.000E+00 tnu2( 4) Horizontal Laplacian mixing coefficient (m2/s) for tracer 4. 0.000E+00 tnu2( 5) Horizontal Laplacian mixing coefficient (m2/s) for tracer 5. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: tracer_diff4 --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: vertical_mixing --> DISREGARDED. 0.000E+00 rdrg Linear bottom drag coefficient (m/si). 1.000E-03 rdrg2 Quadratic bottom drag coefficient. 3.500E-04 Zobt Bottom roughness for logarithmic law (m). 1.000E-04 Cdb_min Minimum bottom drag coefficient. 1.000E-02 Cdb_max Maximum bottom drag coefficient. 1.00 gamma2 Slipperiness parameter: free-slip +1, or no-slip -1. SPONGE_GRID is defined: x_sponge parameter in sponge/nudging layer is set generically in set_nudgcof.F routine 1.157E-05 tauT_in Nudging coefficients [sec^-1] 3.215E-08 tauT_out Nudging coefficients [sec^-1] 3.858E-06 tauM_in Nudging coefficients [sec^-1] 3.215E-08 tauM_out Nudging coefficients [sec^-1] WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: surf --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: surf_avg --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: surf_history_fields --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: surf_average_fields --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: stations --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: station_fields --> DISREGARDED. Sediment input file for Substance: ./MUSTANG_NAMELIST/parasubstance_MUSTANG_vilaine.txt Sediment input file for Mustang (version): ./MUSTANG_NAMELIST/paraMUSTANGV1_vilaine.txt WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: psource --> DISREGARDED. Runoff Data File: ./CROCO_FILES/croco_runoff_vilaine.nc 2 Number of point sources 167 I point source indice 56 J point source indice 0 Orientation of point source flow -1. Direction of point source flow T write Lsrc( 1) Tracer of index 1. T write Lsrc( 2) Tracer of index 2. T write Lsrc( 3) Tracer of index 3. T write Lsrc( 4) Tracer of index 4. T write Lsrc( 5) Tracer of index 5. 91 I point source indice 99 J point source indice 0 Orientation of point source flow -1. Direction of point source flow T write Lsrc( 1) Tracer of index 1. T write Lsrc( 2) Tracer of index 2. T write Lsrc( 3) Tracer of index 3. T write Lsrc( 4) Tracer of index 4. T write Lsrc( 5) Tracer of index 5. Online forcing: first forcing, year 2014, month 12. Online forcing: last forcing year 2016, month 1. Online forcing: datasets in ./CROCO_FILES/meteo_arome_vilaine_2015.nc with 24 records per day. Activated C-preprocessing Options: COASTAL MPI TIDES OBC_WEST OBC_SOUTH MUSTANG USE_CALENDAR NC4PAR CURVGRID SPHERICAL MASKING WET_DRY NEW_S_COORD SOLVE3D UV_COR UV_ADV SALINITY NONLIN_EOS BULK_FLUX ONLINE AROME READ_PATM OBC_PATM FRC_BRY Z_FRC_BRY M2_FRC_BRY T_FRC_BRY UV_HADV_WENO5 UV_VIS2 UV_VIS_SMAGO UV_VADV_WENO5 TS_HADV_WENO5 TS_DIF2 TS_MIX_S TS_VADV_WENO5 SPONGE LIMIT_BSTRESS GLS_MIXING WAVE_OFFLINE ANA_BSFLUX ANA_BTFLUX PSOURCE PSOURCE_NCFILE PSOURCE_NCFILE_TS SSH_TIDES UV_TIDES TIDES_MAS TIDERAMP OBC_M2CHARACT OBC_M3ORLANSKI OBC_TORLANSKI BIO_HADV_WENO5 key_sand2D MUSTANG_CORFLUX VILAINE ZETA_DRY_IO FILLVAL ANA_INITIAL GUSTINESS ANA_STFLUX M2FILTER_NONE ANA_PSOURCE TRACERS TEMPERATURE HZR VAR_RHO_2D SPLIT_EOS UV_MIX_S VIS_COEF_3D NTRA_T3DMIX SPONGE_GRID SPONGE_DIF2 SPONGE_VIS2 GLS_KEPSILON CANUTO_A CUBIC_INTERP SUBSTANCE key_noTSdiss_insed key_nofluxwat_IWS key_CROCO NF_CLOBBER NUMBER OF THREADS: 1 BLOCKING: 1 x 1. ************************************************** **************** MODULE SUBSTANCE ************ **************** substance_read_alloc ************ ************************************************** TRACER-SUBSTANCE NUMBER NAME UNIT TYPE 1 GRAV kg.m-3 2 2 SAND kg.m-3 2 3 MUD1 kg.m-3 3 VARIABLE NAME : GRAV critical shear stress for deposit : 1000.0000000000000 grain density : 2600.0000000000000 grain diameter : 8.0000000000000002E-003 depot atmospherique (masse/m2/seconde) : 0.0000000000000000 concentration in rain water : 0.0000000000000000 uniform initial conc. in water column : 0.0000000000000000 OBC uniforme and constant conc. : 0.0000000000000000 uniform initial conc. in sediment : 0.20000000000000001 uniform initial conc. in air : 0.0000000000000000 VARIABLE NAME : SAND critical shear stress for deposit : 1000.0000000000000 grain density : 2600.0000000000000 grain diameter : 2.0000000000000001E-004 depot atmospherique (masse/m2/seconde) : 0.0000000000000000 concentration in rain water : 0.0000000000000000 uniform initial conc. in water column : 0.0000000000000000 OBC uniforme and constant conc. : 0.0000000000000000 uniform initial conc. in sediment : 0.20000000000000001 uniform initial conc. in air : 0.0000000000000000 VARIABLE NAME : MUD1 Free settling velocity method : 1 Free settling velocity MIN and MAX : 2.0000000000000002E-005 4.0000000000000001E-003 Free settling velocity parameters : 5.0000000000000001E-003 0.69999999999999996 0.29999999999999999 8.9999999999999997E-002 Hindered settling velocity method : 0 Hindered settling velocity parameters : 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 critical shear stress for deposit : 1000.0000000000000 grain density : 2600.0000000000000 grain diameter : 2.3556623120992628E-316 depot atmospherique (masse/m2/seconde) : 0.0000000000000000 concentration in rain water : 0.0000000000000000 uniform initial conc. in water column : 0.0000000000000000 OBC uniforme and constant conc. : 0.0000000000000000 uniform initial conc. in sediment : 0.59999999999999998 uniform initial conc. in air : 0.0000000000000000 TRACERS_SUBSTANCES number of GRAV : 0 number of SAND : 2 number of MUDS : 1 number of part. var. constitutive : 3 number of part. var. SORB : 0 number of part. var. NO constitutive : 0 number of part. var. SORB : 0 number of dissolved var. (DISS) : 0 number of FIXE : 0 number of BENTHIC : 0 vname(1, 10 )=GRAV vname(1, 11 )=SAND vname(1, 12 )=MUD1 hmin hmax grdmin grdmax Cu_min Cu_max -6.000000 114.170044 0.793566431E+03 0.800402249E+03 0.00000000 0.23652566 volume= 2.128880632141161193848E+11 open_cross= 1.245816722606190480292E+07 lonmin = -3.34 lonmax = -1.44 latmin = 46.78 latmax = 47.73 Vertical S-coordinate System: level S-coord Cs-curve at_hmin over_slope at_hmax 10 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.000 0.000 0.000 9 -0.1000000 -0.0100000 -0.020 -5.709 -11.417 8 -0.2000000 -0.0400000 -0.040 -11.417 -22.834 7 -0.3000000 -0.0900000 -0.060 -17.126 -34.251 6 -0.4000000 -0.1600000 -0.080 -22.834 -45.668 5 -0.5000000 -0.2500000 -0.100 -28.543 -57.085 4 -0.6000000 -0.3600000 -0.120 -34.251 -68.502 3 -0.7000000 -0.4900000 -0.140 -39.960 -79.919 2 -0.8000000 -0.6400000 -0.160 -45.668 -91.336 1 -0.9000000 -0.8100000 -0.180 -51.377 -102.753 0 -1.0000000 -1.0000000 -0.200 -57.085 -114.170 Time splitting: ndtfast = 10 nfast = 10 Maximum grid stiffness ratios: rx0 = 127.65090961180347 rx1 = 100.36115646362374 Origin date of time axis (YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss) : 1900-01-01 00:00:00 GET_INITIAL -- Processing data for time = 0.4200E+05 record = 1 GET_INITIAL - unable to find variable: GRAV in input NetCDF file: ./CROCO_FILES/vilaine_ini.nc -> analytical value GET_INITIAL - unable to find variable: SAND in input NetCDF file: ./CROCO_FILES/vilaine_ini.nc -> analytical value GET_INITIAL - unable to find variable: MUD1 in input NetCDF file: ./CROCO_FILES/vilaine_ini.nc -> analytical value GET_INITIAL - unable to find variable: tke in input NetCDF file: ./CROCO_FILES/vilaine_ini.nc ==> Initialized to zero state. >> CAUTION in case of #define EXACT_RESTART << If it is the case - OK if it is a 'cold start' i.e coming from a 3rd-party initial file - otherwise if it is a 'hot start' i.e from a restart file produced by this code: => problem: run is not restartable => check your initial file GET_INITIAL - unable to find variable: gls in input NetCDF file: ./CROCO_FILES/vilaine_ini.nc ==> Initialized to zero state. >> CAUTION in case of #define EXACT_RESTART << If it is the case - OK if it is a 'cold start' i.e coming from a 3rd-party initial file - otherwise if it is a 'hot start' i.e from a restart file produced by this code: => problem: run is not restartable => check your initial file GET_INITIAL - unable to find variable: AKv in input NetCDF file: ./CROCO_FILES/vilaine_ini.nc ==> Initialized to zero state. >> CAUTION in case of #define EXACT_RESTART << If it is the case - OK if it is a 'cold start' i.e coming from a 3rd-party initial file - otherwise if it is a 'hot start' i.e from a restart file produced by this code: => problem: run is not restartable => check your initial file GET_INITIAL - unable to find variable: AKt in input NetCDF file: ./CROCO_FILES/vilaine_ini.nc ==> Initialized to zero state. >> CAUTION in case of #define EXACT_RESTART << If it is the case - OK if it is a 'cold start' i.e coming from a 3rd-party initial file - otherwise if it is a 'hot start' i.e from a restart file produced by this code: => problem: run is not restartable => check your initial file GET_INITIAL - unable to find variable: AKs in input NetCDF file: ./CROCO_FILES/vilaine_ini.nc ==> Initialized to zero state. >> CAUTION in case of #define EXACT_RESTART << If it is the case - OK if it is a 'cold start' i.e coming from a 3rd-party initial file - otherwise if it is a 'hot start' i.e from a restart file produced by this code: => problem: run is not restartable => check your initial file Ntimes from date_start and date_end: 30240 ***************************************************** READING MUSTANG input file MUSTANG_NAMELIST/paraMUSTANG_default.txt *****************************************************