! $Id: cppdefs.h 1628 2015-01-10 13:53:00Z marchesiello $ ! !====================================================================== ! CROCO is a branch of ROMS developped at IRD and INRIA, in France ! The two other branches from UCLA (Shchepetkin et al) ! and Rutgers University (Arango et al) are under MIT/X style license. ! CROCO specific routines (nesting) are under CeCILL-C license. ! ! CROCO website : http://www.croco-ocean.org !====================================================================== ! /* This is "cppdefs.h": MODEL CONFIGURATION FILE ==== == ============ ===== ============= ==== */ /* SELECT ACADEMIC TEST CASES */ #undef BASIN /* Basin Example */ #undef CANYON /* Canyon Example */ #undef EQUATOR /* Equator Example */ #undef INNERSHELF /* Inner Shelf Example */ #undef SINGLE_COLUMN /* 1DV vertical mixing Example */ #undef RIVER /* River run-off Example */ #undef OVERFLOW /* Graviational/Overflow Example */ #undef SEAMOUNT /* Seamount Example */ #undef SHELFRONT /* Shelf Front Example */ #undef SOLITON /* Equatorial Rossby Wave Example */ #undef THACKER /* Thacker wetting-drying Example */ #undef UPWELLING /* Upwelling Example */ #undef VORTEX /* Baroclinic Vortex Example */ #undef INTERNAL /* Internal Tide Example */ #undef IGW /* COMODO Internal Tide Example */ #undef JET /* Baroclinic Jet Example */ #undef SHOREFACE /* Shoreface Test Case on a Planar Beach */ #undef RIP /* Rip Current Test Case */ #undef SANDBAR /* Bar-generating Flume Example */ #undef SWASH /* Swash Test Case on a Planar Beach */ #undef TANK /* Tank Example */ #undef MOVING_BATHY /* Moving Bathymetry Example */ #undef ACOUSTIC /* Acoustic wave Example */ #undef GRAV_ADJ /* Graviational Adjustment Example */ #undef ISOLITON /* Internal Soliton Example */ #undef KH_INST /* Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability Example */ #undef TS_HADV_TEST /* Horizontal tracer advection Example */ #undef DUNE /* Dune migration Example */ #undef SED_TOY /* 1DV sediment toy Example */ #undef TIDAL_FLAT /* 2DV tidal flat Example */ /* ... OR REALISTIC CONFIGURATIONS */ #undef COASTAL /* COASTAL Applications */ #define REGIONAL /* REGIONAL Applications */ #if defined REGIONAL /* !==================================================================== ! REGIONAL (realistic) Configurations !==================================================================== ! !---------------------- ! BASIC OPTIONS !---------------------- ! */ /* Configuration Name */ # define RIO_COPALITA /* Parallelization */ # define OPENMP # undef MPI /* Non-hydrostatic option */ # undef NBQ # undef CROCO_QH /* Nesting */ # undef AGRIF # undef AGRIF_2WAY /* OA and OW Coupling via OASIS (MPI) */ # undef OA_COUPLING # undef OW_COUPLING /* Wave-current interactions */ # undef MRL_WCI /* Open Boundary Conditions */ # undef TIDES # undef OBC_EAST # undef OBC_WEST # define OBC_NORTH # undef OBC_SOUTH /* Applications */ # undef BIOLOGY # undef FLOATS # undef STATIONS # undef PASSIVE_TRACER # define SEDIMENT # undef MUSTANG # define BBL /* I/O server */ # undef XIOS /* Calendar */ # undef USE_CALENDAR /* dedicated croco.log file */ # undef LOGFILE /* !------------------------------------------------- ! PRE-SELECTED OPTIONS ! ! ADVANCED OPTIONS ARE IN CPPDEFS_DEV.H !------------------------------------------------- */ /* Parallelization */ # ifdef MPI # undef PARALLEL_FILES # undef NC4PAR # undef MPI_NOLAND # undef MPI_TIME # endif # undef AUTOTILING /* Non-hydrostatic options */ # ifdef NBQ # define W_HADV_TVD # define W_VADV_TVD # endif /* Grid configuration */ # define CURVGRID # define SPHERICAL # define MASKING # undef WET_DRY # define NEW_S_COORD /* Model dynamics */ # define SOLVE3D # define UV_COR # define UV_ADV /* Equation of State */ # define SALINITY # define NONLIN_EOS /* Lateral Momentum Advection (default UP3) */ # define UV_HADV_UP3 # undef UV_HADV_UP5 # undef UV_HADV_WENO5 # undef UV_HADV_TVD /* Lateral Explicit Momentum Mixing */ # undef UV_VIS2 # ifdef UV_VIS2 # define UV_VIS_SMAGO # endif /* Vertical Momentum Advection */ # define UV_VADV_SPLINES # undef UV_VADV_WENO5 # undef UV_VADV_TVD /* Lateral Tracer Advection (default UP3) */ # undef TS_HADV_UP3 # define TS_HADV_RSUP3 # undef TS_HADV_UP5 # undef TS_HADV_WENO5 /* Lateral Explicit Tracer Mixing */ # undef TS_DIF2 # undef TS_DIF4 # undef TS_MIX_S /* Vertical Tracer Advection */ # define TS_VADV_SPLINES # undef TS_VADV_AKIMA # undef TS_VADV_WENO5 /* Sponge layers for UV and TS */ # define SPONGE /* Semi-implicit Vertical Tracer/Mom Advection */ # undef VADV_ADAPT_IMP /* Bottom friction in fast 3D step */ # define LIMIT_BSTRESS # undef BSTRESS_FAST /* Vertical Mixing */ # undef BODYFORCE # undef BVF_MIXING # define LMD_MIXING # undef GLS_MIXING # ifdef LMD_MIXING # define LMD_SKPP # define LMD_BKPP # define LMD_RIMIX # define LMD_CONVEC # define LMD_NONLOCAL # undef LMD_DDMIX # undef LMD_LANGMUIR # endif /* Surface Forcing */ /* ! Bulk flux algorithms (options) ! by default : COARE3p0 paramet with GUSTINESS effects ! ! To change bulk param, define one the following keys (exclusive) : ! - define BULK_ECUMEV0 : ECUME_v0 param ! - define BULK_ECUMEV6 : ECUME_v6 param ! - define BULK_WASP : WASP param ! Note : gustiness effects can be added for all params ! by defining BULK_GUSTINESS */ # undef BULK_FLUX # ifdef BULK_FLUX # undef BULK_ECUMEV0 # undef BULK_ECUMEV6 # undef BULK_WASP # define BULK_GUSTINESS # define BULK_LW # undef SST_SKIN # undef ANA_DIURNAL_SW # undef ONLINE # ifdef ONLINE # undef AROME # undef ERA_ECMWF # endif # undef READ_PATM # ifdef READ_PATM # define OBC_PATM # endif # else # define QCORRECTION # define SFLX_CORR # undef SFLX_CORR_COEF # define ANA_DIURNAL_SW # endif # undef SFLUX_CFB # undef SEA_ICE_NOFLUX /* Wave-current interactions */ # ifdef OW_COUPLING # define MRL_WCI # define BBL # endif # ifdef MRL_WCI # ifndef OW_COUPLING # undef WAVE_OFFLINE # define ANA_WWAVE # undef WKB_WWAVE # endif # undef WAVE_ROLLER # define WAVE_STREAMING # define WAVE_FRICTION # define WAVE_RAMP # ifdef WKB_WWAVE # undef WKB_OBC_NORTH # undef WKB_OBC_SOUTH # define WKB_OBC_WEST # undef WKB_OBC_EAST # endif # endif /* Lateral Forcing */ # define CLIMATOLOGY # ifdef CLIMATOLOGY # define ZCLIMATOLOGY # define M2CLIMATOLOGY # define M3CLIMATOLOGY # define TCLIMATOLOGY # define ZNUDGING # define M2NUDGING # define M3NUDGING # define TNUDGING # undef ROBUST_DIAG # endif # undef FRC_BRY # ifdef FRC_BRY # define Z_FRC_BRY # define M2_FRC_BRY # define M3_FRC_BRY # define T_FRC_BRY # endif /* Bottom Forcing */ # define ANA_BSFLUX # define ANA_BTFLUX /* Point Sources - Rivers */ # define PSOURCE # undef PSOURCE_NCFILE # ifdef PSOURCE_NCFILE # undef PSOURCE_NCFILE_TS # endif /* Open Boundary Conditions */ # ifdef TIDES # define SSH_TIDES # define UV_TIDES # define POT_TIDES # undef TIDES_MAS # ifndef UV_TIDES # define OBC_REDUCED_PHYSICS # endif # define TIDERAMP # endif # define OBC_M2CHARACT # undef OBC_M2ORLANSKI # define OBC_M3ORLANSKI # define OBC_TORLANSKI # undef OBC_M2SPECIFIED # undef OBC_M3SPECIFIED # undef OBC_TSPECIFIED /* Input/Output */ # define AVERAGES # define AVERAGES_K # undef OUTPUTS_SURFACE # undef HOURLY_VELOCITIES /* Exact restart */ # undef EXACT_RESTART /* Parallel reproducibility or restartabilty test */ # undef RVTK_DEBUG # undef RVTK_DEBUG_PERFRST # if defined RVTK_DEBUG && !defined RVTK_DEBUG_PERFRST ! Parallel reproducibility test # undef RVTK_DEBUG_ADVANCED # define XXXRVTK_DEBUG_READ # elif defined RVTK_DEBUG && defined RVTK_DEBUG_PERFRST ! Restartability test # define EXACT_RESTART # undef RVTK_DEBUG_ADVANCED # define XXXRVTK_DEBUG_READ # endif ! RVTK test (Restartability or Parallel reproducibility) # if defined RVTK_DEBUG && defined BULK_FLUX && defined ONLINE # define BULK_MONTH_1DIGIT # endif /* ! Diagnostics !-------------------------------------------- ! 3D Tracer & momentum balance ! 2D Mixing layer balance ! Depth-mean vorticity and energy balance ! Eddy terms !-------------------------------------------- ! */ # undef DO_NOT_OVERWRITE # undef DIAGNOSTICS_TS # undef DIAGNOSTICS_UV # ifdef DIAGNOSTICS_TS # undef DIAGNOSTICS_TS_ADV # undef DIAGNOSTICS_TS_MLD # endif # undef DIAGNOSTICS_TSVAR # ifdef DIAGNOSTICS_TSVAR # define DIAGNOSTICS_TS # define DIAGNOSTICS_TS_ADV # endif # undef DIAGNOSTICS_VRT # undef DIAGNOSTICS_EK # ifdef DIAGNOSTICS_EK # undef DIAGNOSTICS_EK_FULL # undef DIAGNOSTICS_EK_MLD # endif # undef DIAGNOSTICS_BARO # undef DIAGNOSTICS_PV # undef DIAGNOSTICS_DISS # ifdef DIAGNOSTICS_DISS # define DIAGNOSTICS_PV # endif # undef DIAGNOSTICS_EDDY # undef TENDENCY # ifdef TENDENCY # define DIAGNOSTICS_UV # endif /* ! Applications: !--------------------------------- ! Biology, floats, Stations, ! Passive tracer, Sediments, BBL !--------------------------------- ! Quasi-monotone lateral advection scheme (WENO5) for passive/biology/sediment tracers */ # if defined PASSIVE_TRACER || defined BIOLOGY || defined SEDIMENT \ || defined MUSTANG # define BIO_HADV_WENO5 # endif /* Choice of Biology models */ # ifdef BIOLOGY # undef PISCES # undef BIO_NChlPZD # undef BIO_N2ChlPZD2 # define BIO_BioEBUS /* Biology options */ # ifdef PISCES # undef DIURNAL_INPUT_SRFLX # define key_pisces # endif # ifdef BIO_NChlPZD # define OXYGEN # endif # ifdef BIO_BioEBUS # define NITROUS_OXIDE # endif /* Biology diagnostics */ # define DIAGNOSTICS_BIO # if defined DIAGNOSTICS_BIO && defined PISCES # define key_trc_diaadd # endif # endif /* Lagrangian floats model */ # ifdef FLOATS # undef FLOATS_GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTES # undef IBM # undef RANDOM_WALK # ifdef RANDOM_WALK # define DIEL_MIGRATION # define RANDOM_VERTICAL # define RANDOM_HORIZONTAL # endif # endif /* Stations recording */ # ifdef STATIONS # define ALL_SIGMA # endif /* USGS Sediment model */ # ifdef SEDIMENT # define SUSPLOAD # define BEDLOAD # define MORPHODYN # endif /* MUSTANG Sediment model */ # ifdef MUSTANG # undef key_MUSTANG_V2 # undef key_MUSTANG_bedload # undef MORPHODYN # define key_sand2D # define MUSTANG_CORFLUX # undef key_tenfon_upwind # undef WAVE_OFFLINE # endif #elif defined COASTAL /* !==================================================================== ! COASTAL (realistic) Configurations !==================================================================== ! !---------------------- ! BASIC OPTIONS !---------------------- ! */ /* Configuration Name */ # define VILAINE /* Parallelization */ # undef OPENMP # undef MPI /* Open Boundary Conditions */ # define TIDES # undef OBC_EAST # define OBC_WEST # undef OBC_NORTH # define OBC_SOUTH /* Applications */ # undef BIOLOGY # undef FLOATS # undef STATIONS # undef PASSIVE_TRACER # undef SEDIMENT # undef BBL # define MUSTANG /* I/O server */ # undef XIOS /* Custion IO */ # define ZETA_DRY_IO # define FILLVAL /* Calendar */ # undef START_DATE # define USE_CALENDAR /* dedicated croco.log file */ # undef LOGFILE /*! !------------------------------------------------- ! PRE-SELECTED OPTIONS ! ! ADVANCED OPTIONS ARE IN CPPDEFS_DEV.H !------------------------------------------------- */ /* Parallelization */ # ifdef MPI # define NC4PAR # undef MPI_NOLAND # undef MPI_TIME # endif # undef AUTOTILING /* Non-hydrostatic options */ # ifdef NBQ # define W_HADV_WENO5 # define W_VADV_WENO5 # endif /* Grid configuration */ # define ANA_INITIAL # define CURVGRID # define SPHERICAL # define MASKING # define WET_DRY # define NEW_S_COORD /* Model dynamics */ # define SOLVE3D # define UV_COR # define UV_ADV /* Equation of State */ # define SALINITY # define NONLIN_EOS /* Lateral Momentum Advection (default UP3) */ # undef UV_HADV_UP3 # define UV_HADV_WENO5 /* Lateral Explicit Momentum Mixing */ # define UV_VIS2 # ifdef UV_VIS2 # define UV_VIS_SMAGO # endif /* Vertical Momentum Advection */ # undef UV_VADV_SPLINES # define UV_VADV_WENO5 /* Lateral Tracer Advection (default UP3) */ # undef TS_HADV_UP3 # define TS_HADV_WENO5 /* Lateral Explicit Tracer Mixing */ # define TS_DIF2 # define TS_MIX_S /* Vertical Tracer Advection */ # undef TS_VADV_SPLINES # define TS_VADV_WENO5 /* Sponge layers for UV and TS */ # define SPONGE /* Semi-implicit Vertical Tracer/Mom Advection */ # undef VADV_ADAPT_IMP /* Bottom friction in fast 3D step */ # define LIMIT_BSTRESS # undef BSTRESS_FAST /* Vertical Mixing */ # define GLS_MIXING /* Surface Forcing */ # define BULK_FLUX # ifdef BULK_FLUX # undef ECUMEv0 # undef ECUMEv6 # undef WASP # define GUSTINESS # undef BULK_LW # undef SST_SKIN # undef ANA_DIURNAL_SW # define ONLINE # ifdef ONLINE # define AROME # undef ERA_ECMWF # endif # define READ_PATM # ifdef READ_PATM # define OBC_PATM # endif # else # undef QCORRECTION # undef SFLX_CORR # undef SFLX_CORR_COEF # undef ANA_DIURNAL_SW # endif # undef ANA_SSFLUX # define ANA_STFLUX /* Lateral Forcing */ # undef ANA_BRY # define FRC_BRY # ifdef FRC_BRY # define Z_FRC_BRY # define M2_FRC_BRY # undef M3_FRC_BRY # define T_FRC_BRY # endif /* Bottom Forcing */ # define ANA_BSFLUX # define ANA_BTFLUX /* Point Sources - Rivers */ # define PSOURCE # undef PSOURCE_NCFILE # ifdef PSOURCE_NCFILE # define PSOURCE_NCFILE_TS # endif /* Open Boundary Conditions */ # ifdef TIDES # define M2FILTER_NONE # define SSH_TIDES # define UV_TIDES # undef POT_TIDES # define TIDES_MAS # ifndef UV_TIDES # define OBC_REDUCED_PHYSICS # endif # define TIDERAMP # endif # define OBC_M2CHARACT # define OBC_M3ORLANSKI # define OBC_TORLANSKI /* Input/Output */ # undef AVERAGES # undef AVERAGES_K # undef OUTPUTS_SURFACE # undef HOURLY_VELOCITIES /* ! Applications: !--------------------------------- ! Biology, floats, Stations, ! Passive tracer, Sediments, BBL !--------------------------------- ! Quasi-monotone lateral advection scheme (WENO5) for passive/biology/sediment tracers */ # if defined PASSIVE_TRACER || defined BIOLOGY || defined SEDIMENT \ || SUBSTANCE || defined MUSTANG # define BIO_HADV_WENO5 # endif /* USGS Sediment model */ # ifdef SEDIMENT # define SUSPLOAD # define BEDLOAD # define MORPHODYN # endif /* MUSTANG Sediment model */ # ifdef MUSTANG # undef key_MUSTANG_V2 # undef key_MUSTANG_bedload # undef MORPHODYN # define key_sand2D # define MUSTANG_CORFLUX # undef key_tenfon_upwind # define WAVE_OFFLINE # undef key_MUSTANG_specif_outputs # endif /* ! !========================================================== ! IDEALIZED CONFIGURATIONS !========================================================== ! */ #elif defined BASIN /* ! Basin Example ! ===== ======= */ # undef OPENMP # undef MPI # define UV_ADV # define UV_COR # define UV_VIS2 # define SOLVE3D # define TS_DIF2 # define BODYFORCE # define ANA_GRID # define ANA_INITIAL # define ANA_SMFLUX # define ANA_STFLUX # define ANA_BTFLUX # define NO_FRCFILE # undef RVTK_DEBUG #elif defined CANYON /* ! Canyon Example ! ====== ======= */ # undef OPENMP # undef MPI # define CANYON_STRAT # define UV_ADV # define UV_COR # define SOLVE3D # define EW_PERIODIC # define ANA_GRID # define ANA_INITIAL # define ANA_SMFLUX # define ANA_STFLUX # define ANA_BTFLUX # define NO_FRCFILE # undef RVTK_DEBUG #elif defined EQUATOR /* ! Equator Example ! ======= ======= ! Boccaletti, G., R.C. Pacanowski, G.H. Philander and A.V. Fedorov, 2004, ! The Thermal Structure of the Upper Ocean, J.Phys.Oceanogr., 34, 888-902. */ # undef OPENMP # undef MPI # define UV_ADV # define UV_COR # define UV_VIS2 # define SOLVE3D # define TS_DIF2 # define ANA_GRID # define ANA_INITIAL # define ANA_SMFLUX # define ANA_STFLUX # define ANA_SRFLUX # define ANA_SSFLUX # define ANA_BTFLUX # define ANA_BSFLUX # define QCORRECTION # define ANA_SST # define LMD_MIXING # define LMD_RIMIX # define LMD_CONVEC # define NO_FRCFILE # undef RVTK_DEBUG #elif defined INNERSHELF /* ! Inner Shelf Example ! ===== ===== ======= */ # undef OPENMP # undef MPI # undef NBQ # define INNERSHELF_EKMAN # define INNERSHELF_APG # define SOLVE3D # define UV_COR # define ANA_GRID # define ANA_INITIAL # define AVERAGES # define ANA_SSFLUX # define ANA_SRFLUX # define ANA_STFLUX # define ANA_BSFLUX # define ANA_BTFLUX # define ANA_SMFLUX # define NS_PERIODIC # define OBC_WEST # define SPONGE # ifndef INNERSHELF_EKMAN # define UV_ADV # define SALINITY # define NONLIN_EOS # define LMD_MIXING # undef GLS_MIXING # ifdef LMD_MIXING # define LMD_SKPP # define LMD_BKPP # define LMD_RIMIX # define LMD_CONVEC # endif # undef WAVE_MAKER_INTERNAL # ifdef WAVE_MAKER_INTERNAL # define ANA_BRY # define Z_FRC_BRY # define M2_FRC_BRY # define M3_FRC_BRY # define T_FRC_BRY # endif # endif # define NO_FRCFILE # undef RVTK_DEBUG #elif defined SINGLE_COLUMN /* ! Single Column Example ! ====== ====== ======= ! ! Seven sets up are encompassed : */ # define KATO_PHILIPS /* erosion of linear strat by constant wind stress */ # undef WILLIS_DEARDORFF /* erosion of linear strat by constant surf buoyancy loss */ # undef DIURNAL_CYCLE /* erosion of linear strat by constant surf buoyancy loss */ # undef FORCED_EKBBL /* forced Ekman bottom boundary layer */ # undef FORCED_DBLEEK /* forced Ekman bottom and surface boundary layers */ # undef FORCED_NONROTBBL /* non rotating forced bottom boundary layer : Prandt layer */ # undef FORCED_OSCNONROTBBL /* non rotating oscillatory forced bottom boundary layer */ # undef OPENMP # undef MPI # define UV_ADV # define NEW_S_COORD # define UV_COR # define SOLVE3D # undef LMD_MIXING # define GLS_MIXING # define ANA_GRID # define ANA_INITIAL # define ANA_SMFLUX # define ANA_SRFLUX # define ANA_STFLUX # define ANA_BTFLUX # define EW_PERIODIC # define NS_PERIODIC # undef RVTK_DEBUG #elif defined INTERNAL /* ! Internal Tide Example ! ======== ==== ======= ! ! Di Lorenzo, E, W.R. Young and S.L. Smith, 2006, Numerical and anlytical estimates of M2 ! tidal conversion at steep oceanic ridges, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 36, 1072-1084. */ # undef OPENMP # undef MPI # define SOLVE3D # define UV_COR # define UV_ADV # define BODYTIDE # define ANA_GRID # define ANA_INITIAL # define ANA_BTFLUX # define ANA_SMFLUX # define ANA_SRFLUX # define ANA_STFLUX # define ANA_VMIX # define EW_PERIODIC # define NS_PERIODIC # ifdef INTERNALSHELF # undef EW_PERIODIC # define OBC_EAST # define OBC_WEST # define SPONGE # define ANA_SSH # define ANA_M2CLIMA # define ANA_M3CLIMA # define ANA_TCLIMA # define ZCLIMATOLOGY # define M2CLIMATOLOGY # define M3CLIMATOLOGY # define TCLIMATOLOGY # define M2NUDGING # define M3NUDGING # define TNUDGING # endif # define NO_FRCFILE # undef RVTK_DEBUG #elif defined IGW /* ! COMODO Internal Tide Example ! ====== ======== ==== ======= ! ! Pichon, A., 2007: Tests academiques de maree, Rapport interne n 21 du 19 octobre 2007, ! Service Hydrographique et Oceanographique de la Marine. */ # define EXPERIMENT3 # undef OPENMP # undef MPI # undef NBQ # define NEW_S_COORD # define TIDES # define TIDERAMP # define SSH_TIDES # define UV_TIDES # define SOLVE3D # define UV_ADV # define UV_COR # define UV_VIS2 # undef VADV_ADAPT_IMP # define SPHERICAL # define CURVGRID # define ANA_INITIAL # define ANA_VMIX # define ANA_SMFLUX # define ANA_STFLUX # define ANA_SRFLUX # define ANA_SSFLUX # define ANA_BTFLUX # define ANA_BSFLUX # define NS_PERIODIC # define OBC_EAST # define OBC_WEST # undef SPONGE # define ANA_SSH # define ANA_M2CLIMA # define ANA_M3CLIMA # define ANA_TCLIMA # define ZCLIMATOLOGY # define M2CLIMATOLOGY # define M3CLIMATOLOGY # define TCLIMATOLOGY # define M2NUDGING # define M3NUDGING # define TNUDGING # undef ONLINE_ANALYSIS # undef RVTK_DEBUG #elif defined RIVER /* ! River run-off test problem ! ========================== */ # undef OPENMP # undef MPI # define SOLVE3D # define UV_ADV # define UV_COR # define NONLIN_EOS # define SALINITY # define ANA_GRID # define MASKING # define ANA_INITIAL # define ANA_SMFLUX # define ANA_STFLUX # define ANA_SSFLUX # define ANA_SRFLUX # define ANA_BTFLUX # define ANA_BSFLUX # define LMD_MIXING # define LMD_SKPP # define LMD_BKPP # define LMD_RIMIX # define LMD_CONVEC # define PSOURCE # define ANA_PSOURCE # define NS_PERIODIC # undef FLOATS # ifdef FLOATS # define RANDOM_WALK # ifdef RANDOM_WALK # define DIEL_MIGRATION # define RANDOM_VERTICAL # define RANDOM_HORIZONTAL # endif # endif # define NO_FRCFILE # undef RVTK_DEBUG #elif defined SEAMOUNT /* ! Seamount Example ! ======== ======= */ # undef OPENMP # undef MPI # define UV_ADV # define UV_COR # define SOLVE3D # define SALINITY # define NONLIN_EOS # define ANA_GRID # define ANA_INITIAL # define ANA_SMFLUX # define ANA_STFLUX # define ANA_SSFLUX # define ANA_SRFLUX # define ANA_BTFLUX # define ANA_BSFLUX # define NO_FRCFILE # undef RVTK_DEBUG #elif defined SHELFRONT /* ! Shelf Front Example ! ===== ===== ======= */ # undef OPENMP # undef MPI # define UV_ADV # define UV_COR # define SOLVE3D # define SALINITY # define ANA_GRID # define ANA_INITIAL # define ANA_SMFLUX # define ANA_STFLUX # define ANA_SSFLUX # define ANA_SRFLUX # define ANA_BTFLUX # define ANA_BSFLUX # define EW_PERIODIC # define NO_FRCFILE # undef RVTK_DEBUG #elif defined SOLITON /* ! Equatorial Rossby Wave Example ! ========== ====== ==== ======= */ # undef OPENMP # undef MPI # define UV_COR # define UV_ADV # define ANA_GRID # define ANA_INITIAL # define AVERAGES # define EW_PERIODIC # define ANA_SMFLUX # define ANA_BTFLUX # define NO_FRCFILE # undef RVTK_DEBUG #elif defined THACKER /* ! Thacker Example ! ======= ======= ! ! Thacker, W., (1981), Some exact solutions to the nonlinear ! shallow-water wave equations. J. Fluid Mech., 107, 499-508. */ # undef OPENMP # undef MPI # define THACKER_2DV # define SOLVE3D # define UV_COR # define UV_ADV # undef UV_VIS2 # define WET_DRY # define NEW_S_COORD # define ANA_GRID # define ANA_INITIAL # define ANA_BTFLUX # define ANA_SMFLUX # define ANA_SRFLUX # define ANA_STFLUX # define NO_FRCFILE # undef RVTK_DEBUG #elif defined OVERFLOW /* ! Gravitational/Overflow Example ! ====================== ======= */ # undef OPENMP # undef MPI # define UV_ADV # define UV_COR # define UV_VIS2 # define TS_DIF2 # define TS_MIX_GEO # define SOLVE3D # define ANA_GRID # define ANA_INITIAL # define ANA_SMFLUX # define ANA_STFLUX # define ANA_BTFLUX # define NO_FRCFILE # undef RVTK_DEBUG #elif defined UPWELLING /* ! Upwelling Example ! ========= ======= */ # undef OPENMP # undef MPI # define SOLVE3D # define UV_COR # define UV_ADV # define ANA_GRID # define ANA_INITIAL # define AVERAGES # define SALINITY # define NONLIN_EOS # define ANA_SSFLUX # define ANA_SRFLUX # define ANA_STFLUX # define ANA_BSFLUX # define ANA_BTFLUX # define ANA_SMFLUX # define LMD_MIXING # define LMD_SKPP # define LMD_BKPP # define LMD_RIMIX # define LMD_CONVEC # define EW_PERIODIC # define NO_FRCFILE # undef RVTK_DEBUG #elif defined VORTEX /* ! Baroclinic Vortex Example (TEST AGRIF) ! ========== ====== ======= ===== ====== */ # undef OPENMP # undef MPI # undef AGRIF # undef AGRIF_2WAY # undef NBQ # define SOLVE3D # define UV_COR # define UV_ADV # define ANA_STFLUX # define ANA_SMFLUX # define ANA_BSFLUX # define ANA_BTFLUX # define ANA_VMIX # define OBC_EAST # define OBC_WEST # define OBC_NORTH # define OBC_SOUTH # define SPONGE # define ZCLIMATOLOGY # define M2CLIMATOLOGY # define M3CLIMATOLOGY # define TCLIMATOLOGY # define ZNUDGING # define M2NUDGING # define M3NUDGING # define TNUDGING # define NO_FRCFILE # undef RVTK_DEBUG #elif defined JET /* ! Baroclinic JET Example ! ========== === ======= */ # define ANA_JET # undef MPI # undef NBQ # define SOLVE3D # define UV_COR # define UV_ADV # define UV_VIS2 # ifdef ANA_JET # define ANA_GRID # define ANA_INITIAL # endif # define ANA_STFLUX # define ANA_SMFLUX # define ANA_BSFLUX # define ANA_BTFLUX # define ANA_VMIX # define EW_PERIODIC # define CLIMATOLOGY # ifdef CLIMATOLOGY # define ZCLIMATOLOGY # define M2CLIMATOLOGY # define M3CLIMATOLOGY # define TCLIMATOLOGY # define ZNUDGING # define M2NUDGING # define M3NUDGING # define TNUDGING # define ROBUST_DIAG # define ZONAL_NUDGING # ifdef ANA_JET # define ANA_SSH # define ANA_M2CLIMA # define ANA_M3CLIMA # define ANA_TCLIMA # endif # endif # define LMD_MIXING # ifdef LMD_MIXING # undef ANA_VMIX # define ANA_SRFLUX # undef LMD_KPP # define LMD_RIMIX # define LMD_CONVEC # endif # define NO_FRCFILE # undef RVTK_DEBUG #elif defined SHOREFACE /* ! PLANAR BEACH Example ! ====== ===== ======= ! ! Uchiyama, Y., McWilliams, J.C. and Shchepetkin, A.F. (2010): ! Wave-current interaction in an oceanic circulation model with a ! vortex force formalism: Application to the surf zone. ! Ocean Modelling Vol. 34:1-2, pp.16-35. */ # undef OPENMP # undef MPI # define SOLVE3D # define UV_ADV # undef MASKING # define WET_DRY # define NEW_S_COORD # define ANA_GRID # define ANA_INITIAL # define ANA_SMFLUX # define ANA_STFLUX # define ANA_SSFLUX # define ANA_SRFLUX # define ANA_SST # define ANA_BTFLUX # define NS_PERIODIC # define OBC_WEST # define SPONGE # define MRL_WCI # ifdef MRL_WCI # undef WAVE_OFFLINE # ifndef WAVE_OFFLINE # define WKB_WWAVE # define WKB_OBC_WEST # define WAVE_FRICTION # undef WAVE_ROLLER # undef MRL_CEW # endif # endif # define LMD_MIXING # define LMD_SKPP # define LMD_BKPP # undef BBL # undef SEDIMENT # ifdef SEDIMENT # define SUSPLOAD # define BEDLOAD # define TCLIMATOLOGY # define TNUDGING # define ANA_TCLIMA # endif # undef RVTK_DEBUG #elif defined SANDBAR /* ! SANDBAR Example ! ======= ======= ! ! Roelvink, J. A. and Reniers, A. (1995). Lip 11d delta flume experiments ! – data report. Technical report, Delft, The Netherlands, Delft Hydraulics */ # define SANDBAR_OFFSHORE /* LIP-1B */ # undef SANDBAR_ONSHORE /* LIP-1C */ # undef OPENMP # undef MPI # undef NBQ # define SOLVE3D # define UV_ADV # define NEW_S_COORD # define ANA_GRID # define ANA_INITIAL # define ANA_SMFLUX # define ANA_STFLUX # define ANA_SSFLUX # define ANA_SRFLUX # define ANA_SST # define ANA_BTFLUX # define OBC_WEST # define SPONGE # define WET_DRY # ifndef NBQ /* ! NBQ */ # define MRL_WCI # ifdef MRL_WCI # define WKB_WWAVE # define MRL_CEW # define WKB_OBC_WEST # define WAVE_ROLLER # define WAVE_FRICTION # define WAVE_BREAK_TG86 # define WAVE_BREAK_SWASH # define WAVE_STREAMING # undef WAVE_RAMP # endif # define GLS_MIXING # define GLS_KOMEGA # undef LMD_MIXING # ifdef LMD_MIXING # define LMD_SKPP # define LMD_BKPP # define LMD_VMIX_SWASH # endif # define BBL # else /* NBQ */ # define MPI # define NBQ_PRECISE # define WAVE_MAKER # define UV_ADV # define UV_HADV_WENO5 # define UV_VADV_WENO5 # define W_HADV_WENO5 # define W_VADV_WENO5 # define GLS_MIXING_3D # define GLS_KOMEGA # define ANA_BRY # define Z_FRC_BRY # define M2_FRC_BRY # define M3_FRC_BRY # define T_FRC_BRY # define AVERAGES # define AVERAGES_K # define DIAGNOSTICS_EDDY # endif /* NBQ */ # define SEDIMENT # ifdef SEDIMENT # define SUSPLOAD # define BEDLOAD # define MORPHODYN # define TCLIMATOLOGY # define TNUDGING # define ANA_TCLIMA # endif # undef STATIONS # ifdef STATIONS # define ALL_SIGMA # endif # undef DIAGNOSTICS_TS # ifdef DIAGNOSTICS_TS # define DIAGNOSTICS_TS_ADV # endif # define NO_FRCFILE # undef RVTK_DEBUG #elif defined RIP /* ! Rip Current Example ! === ======= ======= ! ! Weir, B., Uchiyama, Y.. (2010): ! A vortex force analysis of the interaction of rip ! currents and surface gravity wave ! JGR Vol. 116 ! ! Default is idealized Duck Beach with 3D topography ! RIP_TOPO_2D: Logshore uniform topography ! BISCA: realistic case with Input files ! GRANDPOPO: idealized Grand Popo Beach in Benin, ! longshore uniform ! WAVE_MAKER & NBQ : wave resolving simulation ! rather than wave-averaged (#undef MRL_WCI) */ # undef BISCA # undef RIP_TOPO_2D # undef GRANDPOPO # ifdef GRANDPOPO # define RIP_TOPO_2D # endif # undef ANA_TIDES # undef OPENMP # undef MPI # define SOLVE3D # define NEW_S_COORD # define UV_ADV # undef NBQ # ifdef NBQ # define NBQ_PRECISE # define WAVE_MAKER # define WAVE_MAKER_SPECTRUM # define WAVE_MAKER_DSPREAD # define UV_HADV_WENO5 # define UV_VADV_WENO5 # define W_HADV_WENO5 # define W_VADV_WENO5 # define GLS_MIXING_3D # undef ANA_TIDES # undef MRL_WCI # define OBC_SPECIFIED_WEST # define FRC_BRY # define ANA_BRY # define Z_FRC_BRY # define M2_FRC_BRY # define M3_FRC_BRY # define T_FRC_BRY # define AVERAGES # define AVERAGES_K # else # define UV_VIS2 # define UV_VIS_SMAGO # define LMD_MIXING # define LMD_SKPP # define LMD_BKPP # define MRL_WCI # endif # define WET_DRY # ifdef MRL_WCI # define WKB_WWAVE # define WKB_OBC_WEST # define WAVE_ROLLER # define WAVE_FRICTION # define WAVE_STREAMING # define WAVE_BREAK_SWASH # define MRL_CEW # ifdef RIP_TOPO_2D # define WAVE_RAMP # endif # endif # ifndef BISCA # define ANA_GRID # endif # define ANA_INITIAL # define ANA_SMFLUX # define ANA_STFLUX # define ANA_SSFLUX # define ANA_SRFLUX # define ANA_SST # define ANA_BTFLUX # if !defined BISCA && !defined ANA_TIDES # define NS_PERIODIC # else # define OBC_NORTH # define OBC_SOUTH # endif # define OBC_WEST # define SPONGE # ifdef ANA_TIDES # define ANA_SSH # define ANA_M2CLIMA # define ANA_M3CLIMA # define ZCLIMATOLOGY # define M2CLIMATOLOGY # define M3CLIMATOLOGY # define M2NUDGING # define M3NUDGING # endif # ifdef BISCA # define BBL # endif # undef SEDIMENT # ifdef SEDIMENT # define SUSPLOAD # define BEDLOAD # undef MORPHODYN # endif # undef DIAGNOSTICS_UV # undef RVTK_DEBUG #elif defined SWASH /* ! SWASH PLANAR BEACH Example ! ===== ====== ===== ======= ! */ # define SWASH_GLOBEX_B2 # undef SWASH_GLOBEX_A3 # undef OPENMP # undef MPI # define SOLVE3D # define AVERAGES # define NBQ # define NBQ_PRECISE # define WAVE_MAKER # define UV_ADV # define UV_HADV_WENO5 # define UV_VADV_WENO5 # define W_HADV_WENO5 # define W_VADV_WENO5 # define GLS_MIXING_3D # define NEW_S_COORD # define ANA_GRID # define ANA_INITIAL # define ANA_SMFLUX # define ANA_STFLUX # define ANA_SSFLUX # define ANA_SRFLUX # define ANA_SST # define ANA_BTFLUX # define OBC_WEST # define OBC_SPECIFIED_WEST # define ANA_BRY # define Z_FRC_BRY # define M2_FRC_BRY # define M3_FRC_BRY # define T_FRC_BRY # define WET_DRY # define NO_FRCFILE # undef RVTK_DEBUG #elif defined TANK /* ! Tank Example ! ==== ======= ! ! Chen, X.J., 2003. A fully hydrodynamic model for three-dimensional, ! free-surface flows. ! Int. J. Numer. Methods Fluids 42, 929â~@~S952. */ # undef MPI # define NBQ # ifdef NBQ # define NBQ_PRECISE # endif # define M2FILTER_NONE # define SOLVE3D # undef UV_ADV # define NEW_S_COORD # define ANA_GRID # define ANA_INITIAL # define ANA_BTFLUX # define ANA_SMFLUX # define ANA_SRFLUX # define ANA_STFLUX # define NO_FRCFILE # undef RVTK_DEBUG #elif defined MOVING_BATHY /* ! Moving Bathy Example ! ====== ===== ======= ! ! Auclair et al., Ocean Mod. 2014: Implementation of a time-dependent ! bathymetry in a free-surface ocean model: Application to internal ! wave generation ! */ # undef MPI # define ANA_MORPHODYN # define NBQ # define NBQ_PRECISE # define M2FILTER_NONE # define SOLVE3D # define NEW_S_COORD # undef PASSIVE_TRACER # define UV_ADV # define TS_HADV_WENO5 # define TS_VADV_WENO5 # define UV_HADV_WENO5 # define UV_VADV_WENO5 # define W_HADV_WENO5 # define W_VADV_WENO5 # define ANA_GRID # define ANA_INITIAL # define ANA_VMIX # define ANA_BTFLUX # define ANA_SMFLUX # define ANA_SRFLUX # define ANA_STFLUX # define NO_FRCFILE # undef RVTK_DEBUG #elif defined ACOUSTIC /* ! ACOUSTIC WAVE TESTCASE ! ======== ==== ======== */ # undef MPI # define NBQ # ifdef NBQ # undef NBQ_PRECISE # endif # undef UV_VIS2 # define SOLVE3D # define NEW_S_COORD # define ANA_GRID # define ANA_INITIAL # define ANA_SMFLUX # define ANA_STFLUX # define ANA_SRFLUX # define ANA_BTFLUX # define NO_FRCFILE # undef RVTK_DEBUG #elif defined GRAV_ADJ /* ! Gravitational Adjustment Example ! ============= ========== ======= */ # undef OPENMP # undef MPI # undef NBQ # undef XIOS # define SOLVE3D # define NEW_S_COORD # define UV_ADV # define TS_HADV_WENO5 # define TS_VADV_WENO5 # define UV_HADV_WENO5 # define UV_VADV_WENO5 # ifdef NBQ # define W_HADV_WENO5 # define W_VADV_WENO5 # endif # undef UV_VIS2 # define ANA_GRID # define ANA_INITIAL # define ANA_SMFLUX # define ANA_STFLUX # define ANA_BTFLUX # undef PASSIVE_TRACER # define NO_FRCFILE # undef RVTK_DEBUG #elif defined ISOLITON /* ! Gravitational Adjustment Example ! ============= ========== ======= ! ! Internal soliton case ISOLITON (non-hydrostatic) is setup from: ! Horn, D.A., J. Imberger, & G.N. Ivey, (2001). ! The degeneration of large-scale interfacial gravity waves in lakes. ! J. Fluid Mech., 434:181-207. ! */ # undef MPI # define NBQ # undef XIOS # define SOLVE3D # define NEW_S_COORD # define UV_ADV # define TS_HADV_WENO5 # define TS_VADV_WENO5 # define UV_HADV_WENO5 # define UV_VADV_WENO5 # define W_HADV_WENO5 # define W_VADV_WENO5 # undef UV_VIS2 # undef TS_DIF2 # define ANA_GRID # define ANA_INITIAL # define ANA_SMFLUX # define ANA_STFLUX # define ANA_BTFLUX # undef PASSIVE_TRACER # define NO_FRCFILE # undef RVTK_DEBUG #elif defined KH_INST /* ! Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability Example ! ================ =========== ======= ! */ # undef KH_INSTY # undef KH_INST3D # undef MPI # define NBQ # undef NBQ_PRECISE # undef XIOS # define SOLVE3D # define NEW_S_COORD # define UV_ADV # define TS_HADV_WENO5 # define TS_VADV_WENO5 # define UV_HADV_WENO5 # define UV_VADV_WENO5 # define W_HADV_WENO5 # define W_VADV_WENO5 # undef SALINITY # undef PASSIVE_TRACER # define ANA_GRID # define ANA_INITIAL # define ANA_SMFLUX # define ANA_STFLUX # undef ANA_SRFLUX # define ANA_BTFLUX # define ANA_SSFLUX # define ANA_BSFLUX # ifndef KH_INSTY # define EW_PERIODIC # else # define NS_PERIODIC # endif # define NO_FRCFILE # undef RVTK_DEBUG #elif defined TS_HADV_TEST /* ! Horizontal TRACER ADVECTION EXAMPLE ! ========== ====== ========= ======= ! */ # undef SOLID_BODY_ROT /* Example with spatially varying velocity */ # undef DIAGONAL_ADV /* Constant advection in the diagonal */ # define SOLID_BODY_PER /* Example with a space and time-varying velocity */ # undef OPENMP # undef MPI # undef UV_ADV # define NEW_S_COORD # undef UV_COR # define SOLVE3D # define M2FILTER_NONE # define ANA_VMIX # define ANA_GRID # define ANA_INITIAL # define ANA_SMFLUX # define ANA_SRFLUX # define ANA_STFLUX # define ANA_BTFLUX # define ANA_BSFLUX # define ANA_SSFLUX # define NO_FRCFILE # define SALINITY # define EW_PERIODIC # define NS_PERIODIC # define TS_HADV_UP3 /* Choose specific advection scheme */ # undef TS_HADV_C4 # undef TS_HADV_UP5 # undef TS_HADV_WENO5 # undef TS_HADV_C6 # undef RVTK_DEBUG #elif defined DUNE /* ! Dune test case example ! ==== ==== ==== ======= ! */ # undef ANA_DUNE /* Analytical test case (Marieu) */ # undef DUNE3D /* 3D Dune example */ # undef OPENMP # undef MPI # define M2FILTER_NONE # define UV_ADV # define NEW_S_COORD # undef UV_COR # define SOLVE3D # define ANA_GRID # define ANA_INITIAL # define ANA_SSFLUX # define ANA_SRFLUX # define ANA_STFLUX # define ANA_BSFLUX # define ANA_BTFLUX # define ANA_SMFLUX # define OBC_WEST # define OBC_EAST # define ANA_SSH # define ZCLIMATOLOGY # define ANA_M2CLIMA # define M2CLIMATOLOGY # define SEDIMENT # undef MUSTANG # define MORPHODYN # ifdef SEDIMENT # undef SUSPLOAD # define BEDLOAD # undef BEDLOAD_WENO5 # ifdef ANA_DUNE # define BEDLOAD_MARIEU # else # define BEDLOAD_WULIN # define TAU_CRIT_WULIN # endif # endif # ifdef MUSTANG # define key_MUSTANG_V2 # define key_MUSTANG_bedload # define key_tenfon_upwind # endif # define GLS_MIXING # define NO_FRCFILE # undef RVTK_DEBUG #elif defined SED_TOY /* ! SED TOY (1D Single Column example) ! === === === ====== ====== ======== ! */ /* Choose an experiment : */ # define SED_TOY_ROUSE /* Rouse */ # undef SED_TOY_CONSOLID /* Consolidation */ # undef SED_TOY_RESUSP /* Erosion and sediment resuspension */ # undef SED_TOY_FLOC /* Flocculation */ # undef OPENMP # undef MPI # define NEW_S_COORD # define SOLVE3D # undef NONLIN_EOS # define SALINITY # undef UV_VIS2 # define ANA_GRID # define ANA_INITIAL # define ANA_SMFLUX # define ANA_SRFLUX # define ANA_STFLUX # define ANA_SSFLUX # define ANA_BTFLUX # define ANA_BSFLUX # define EW_PERIODIC # define NS_PERIODIC # ifdef SED_TOY_ROUSE # define ANA_VMIX # define BODYFORCE # endif # define SEDIMENT # undef MUSTANG # ifdef SEDIMENT # define SUSPLOAD # undef BEDLOAD # ifdef SED_TOY_ROUSE # define SED_TAU_CD_CONST # endif # if defined SED_TOY_FLOC || defined SED_TOY_CONSOLID || \ defined SED_TOY_RESUSP # undef BBL # define GLS_MIXING # define GLS_KOMEGA # define MIXED_BED # undef COHESIVE_BED # endif # ifdef SED_TOY_FLOC # undef FLOC_TURB_DISS # define FLOC_BBL_DISS # define SED_FLOCS # define SED_DEFLOC # endif # endif # undef MORPHODYN # define NO_FRCFILE # undef RVTK_DEBUG #elif defined TIDAL_FLAT /* ! TIDAL_FLAT Example ! ========== ======= */ # undef OPENMP # undef MPI # undef NONLIN_EOS # define NEW_S_COORD # define SALINITY # define UV_ADV # define TS_HADV_WENO5 # define TS_VADV_WENO5 # define UV_HADV_WENO5 # define UV_VADV_WENO5 # define UV_COR # define SOLVE3D # define UV_VIS2 # define GLS_MIXING # define ANA_INITIAL # define WET_DRY # define TS_DIF2 # define SPONGE # define ANA_GRID # define ANA_INITIAL # define ANA_SMFLUX # define ANA_SRFLUX # define ANA_STFLUX # define ANA_SSFLUX # define ANA_BTFLUX # define ANA_BSFLUX # define OBC_WEST # define FRC_BRY # ifdef FRC_BRY # define ANA_BRY # define Z_FRC_BRY # define OBC_M2CHARACT # define OBC_REDUCED_PHYSICS # define M2_FRC_BRY # undef M3_FRC_BRY # define T_FRC_BRY # endif # undef SEDIMENT # define MUSTANG # ifdef SEDIMENT # define SUSPLOAD # undef BEDLOAD # endif # ifdef MUSTANG # define key_sand2D # undef key_MUSTANG_V2 # endif # define NO_FRCFILE # undef ZETA_DRY_IO # undef RVTK_DEBUG #endif /* END OF CONFIGURATION CHOICE */ #include "cppdefs_dev.h" #include "set_global_definitions.h"