SETO-BUNGO 1.5KM MODEL CROCO V1.3.1 1440 ntimes Total number of timesteps for 3D equations. 30.00 dt Timestep [sec] for 3D equations 60 ndtfast Number of 2D timesteps within each 3D step. 1 ninfo Number of timesteps between runtime diagnostics. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: time_stepping_nbq --> DISREGARDED. 7.000E+00 theta_s S-coordinate surface control parameter. 1.000E-01 theta_b S-coordinate bottom control parameter. 2.000E+02 Tcline S-coordinate surface/bottom layer width used in vertical coordinate stretching, meters. Run start date: 2020-05-01 12:00:00 Run end date: 2020-09-20 12:00:00 WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: xios_origin_date --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: origin_date --> DISREGARDED. DT HIS = 6.00H DT AVG = 24.00H DT RST= 6.00H Grid File: CROCO_FILES/ Forcing Data File: CROCO_FILES/ Bulk Data File: CROCO_FILES/ WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: climatology --> DISREGARDED. Boundary File: CROCO_FILES/ Initial State File: CROCO_FILES/ Record: 1 Restart File: CROCO_FILES/ nrst = 720 rec/file: -1 History File: CROCO_FILES/ Create new: T nwrt = 720 rec/file = 0 1 ntsavg Starting timestep for the accumulation of output time-averaged data. 2880 navg Number of timesteps between writing of time-averaged data into averages file. Averages File: CROCO_FILES/ rec/file = 0 Fields to be saved in history file: (T/F) T write zeta free-surface. T write UBAR 2D U-momentum component. T write VBAR 2D V-momentum component. T write U 3D U-momentum component. T write V 3D V-momentum component. T write T( 1) Tracer of index 1. T write T( 2) Tracer of index 2. T write T( 3) Tracer of index 3. T write T( 4) Tracer of index 4. T write T( 5) Tracer of index 5. T write T( 6) Tracer of index 6. T write T( 7) Tracer of index 7. T write T( 8) Tracer of index 8. T write T( 9) Tracer of index 9. T write T(10) Tracer of index10. T write T(11) Tracer of index11. T write T(12) Tracer of index12. T write T(13) Tracer of index13. T write T(14) Tracer of index14. T write T(15) Tracer of index15. T write T(16) Tracer of index16. T write T(17) Tracer of index17. T write T(18) Tracer of index18. T write T(19) Tracer of index19. T write T(20) Tracer of index20. T write T(21) Tracer of index21. T write T(22) Tracer of index22. T write T(23) Tracer of index23. T write T(24) Tracer of index24. T write T(25) Tracer of index25. T write T(26) Tracer of index26. F write RHO Density anomaly. F write Omega Omega vertical velocity. T write W True vertical velocity. F write Akv Vertical viscosity. T write Akt Vertical diffusivity for temperature. F write Aks Vertical diffusivity for salinity. F write bvf Brunt Vaisala Frequency. F write Visc3d Horizontal viscosity. T write Hbl Depth of model boundary layer. T write shflx_rlw [W/m2] Long Wave heat flux. T write shflx_lat [W/m2] Latent heat flux. T write shflx_sen [W/m2] Sensible heat flux T write Bostr Bottom Stress. F write Bustr U-Bottom Stress. F write Bvstr V-Bottom Stress. T write Wstress Wind Stress. T write U-Wstress comp. U-Wind Stress. T write V-Wstress comp. V-Wind Stress. T write Shflx [W/m2] Surface net heat flux T write Swflx [cm/day] Surface freshwater flux (E-P) T write Shflx_rsw [W/m2] Short-wave surface radiation Fields to be saved in history file: (T/F) T write TKE turbulent kinetic energy. T write GLS generic length scale. T write Lscale vertical mixing length scale. Fields to be saved in averages file: (T/F) T write zeta free-surface. T write UBAR 2D U-momentum component. T write VBAR 2D V-momentum component. T write U 3D U-momentum component. T write V 3D V-momentum component. T write T( 1) Tracer of index 1. T write T( 2) Tracer of index 2. T write T( 3) Tracer of index 3. T write T( 4) Tracer of index 4. T write T( 5) Tracer of index 5. T write T( 6) Tracer of index 6. T write T( 7) Tracer of index 7. T write T( 8) Tracer of index 8. T write T( 9) Tracer of index 9. T write T(10) Tracer of index10. T write T(11) Tracer of index11. T write T(12) Tracer of index12. T write T(13) Tracer of index13. T write T(14) Tracer of index14. T write T(15) Tracer of index15. T write T(16) Tracer of index16. T write T(17) Tracer of index17. T write T(18) Tracer of index18. T write T(19) Tracer of index19. T write T(20) Tracer of index20. T write T(21) Tracer of index21. T write T(22) Tracer of index22. T write T(23) Tracer of index23. T write T(24) Tracer of index24. T write T(25) Tracer of index25. T write T(26) Tracer of index26. F write RHO Density anomaly T write Omega Omega vertical velocity. T write W True vertical velocity. F write Akv Vertical viscosity T write Akt Vertical diffusivity for temperature. F write Aks Vertical diffusivity for salinity. F write bvf Brunt Vaisala Frequency. F write visc3d Horizontal viscosity T write Hbl Depth of model boundary layer T write shflx_rlw [W/m2] Long Wave heat flux. T write shflx_lat[W/m2] Latente heat flux. T write shflx_sen [W/m2] Sensible heat flux. T write Bostr Bottom Stress. F write Bustr U-Bottom Stress. F write Bvstr V-Bottom Stress. T write Wstr Wind Stress. T write U-Wstress comp. U-Wind Stress. T write V-Wstress comp. V-Wind Stress. T write Shflx [W/m2] Surface net heat flux. T write Swflx [cm/day] Surface freshwater flux (E-P) T write Shflx_rsw [W/m2] Short-wave surface radiation. Fields to be saved in average file: (T/F) T write TKE turbulent kinetic energy. T write GLS generic length scale. T write Lscale vertical mixing length scale. 1025.0000 rho0 Boussinesq approximation mean density, kg/m3. 1.000E-02 visc2 Horizontal Laplacian mixing coefficient [m2/s] for momentum. 1.000E-02 tnu2( 1) Horizontal Laplacian mixing coefficient (m2/s) for tracer 1. 1.000E-02 tnu2( 2) Horizontal Laplacian mixing coefficient (m2/s) for tracer 2. 1.000E-02 tnu2( 3) Horizontal Laplacian mixing coefficient (m2/s) for tracer 3. 1.000E-02 tnu2( 4) Horizontal Laplacian mixing coefficient (m2/s) for tracer 4. 1.000E-02 tnu2( 5) Horizontal Laplacian mixing coefficient (m2/s) for tracer 5. 1.000E-02 tnu2( 6) Horizontal Laplacian mixing coefficient (m2/s) for tracer 6. 1.000E-02 tnu2( 7) Horizontal Laplacian mixing coefficient (m2/s) for tracer 7. 1.000E-02 tnu2( 8) Horizontal Laplacian mixing coefficient (m2/s) for tracer 8. 1.000E-02 tnu2( 9) Horizontal Laplacian mixing coefficient (m2/s) for tracer 9. 1.000E-02 tnu2(10) Horizontal Laplacian mixing coefficient (m2/s) for tracer 10. 1.000E-02 tnu2(11) Horizontal Laplacian mixing coefficient (m2/s) for tracer 11. 1.000E-02 tnu2(12) Horizontal Laplacian mixing coefficient (m2/s) for tracer 12. 1.000E-02 tnu2(13) Horizontal Laplacian mixing coefficient (m2/s) for tracer 13. 1.000E-02 tnu2(14) Horizontal Laplacian mixing coefficient (m2/s) for tracer 14. 1.000E-02 tnu2(15) Horizontal Laplacian mixing coefficient (m2/s) for tracer 15. 1.000E-02 tnu2(16) Horizontal Laplacian mixing coefficient (m2/s) for tracer 16. 1.000E-02 tnu2(17) Horizontal Laplacian mixing coefficient (m2/s) for tracer 17. 1.000E-02 tnu2(18) Horizontal Laplacian mixing coefficient (m2/s) for tracer 18. 1.000E-02 tnu2(19) Horizontal Laplacian mixing coefficient (m2/s) for tracer 19. 1.000E-02 tnu2(20) Horizontal Laplacian mixing coefficient (m2/s) for tracer 20. 1.000E-02 tnu2(21) Horizontal Laplacian mixing coefficient (m2/s) for tracer 21. 1.000E-02 tnu2(22) Horizontal Laplacian mixing coefficient (m2/s) for tracer 22. 1.000E-02 tnu2(23) Horizontal Laplacian mixing coefficient (m2/s) for tracer 23. 1.000E-02 tnu2(24) Horizontal Laplacian mixing coefficient (m2/s) for tracer 24. 1.000E-02 tnu2(25) Horizontal Laplacian mixing coefficient (m2/s) for tracer 25. 1.000E-02 tnu2(26) Horizontal Laplacian mixing coefficient (m2/s) for tracer 26. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: tracer_diff4 --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: vertical_mixing --> DISREGARDED. 3.000E-04 rdrg Linear bottom drag coefficient (m/si). 0.000E+00 rdrg2 Quadratic bottom drag coefficient. 0.000E+00 Zobt Bottom roughness for logarithmic law (m). 1.000E-04 Cdb_min Minimum bottom drag coefficient. 1.000E-01 Cdb_max Maximum bottom drag coefficient. 1.00 gamma2 Slipperiness parameter: free-slip +1, or no-slip -1. SPONGE_GRID is defined: x_sponge parameter in sponge/nudging layer is set generically in set_nudgcof.F routine 1.157E-05 tauT_in Nudging coefficients [sec^-1] 3.215E-08 tauT_out Nudging coefficients [sec^-1] 3.858E-06 tauM_in Nudging coefficients [sec^-1] 3.215E-08 tauM_out Nudging coefficients [sec^-1] WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: diagnostics --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: diag_avg --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: diag3D_history_fields --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: diag2D_history_fields --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: diag3D_average_fields --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: diag2D_average_fields --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: diagnosticsM --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: diagM_avg --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: diagM_history_fields --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: diagM_average_fields --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: diags_vrt --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: diags_vrt_avg --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: diags_vrt_history_fields --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: diags_vrt_average_fields --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: diags_ek --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: diags_ek_avg --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: diags_ek_history_fields --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: diags_ek_average_fields --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: surf --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: surf_avg --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: surf_history_fields --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: surf_average_fields --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: diags_pv --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: diags_pv_avg --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: diags_pv_history_fields --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: diags_pv_average_fields --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: diags_eddy --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: diags_eddy_avg --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: diags_eddy_history_fields --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: diags_eddy_average_fields --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: diagnostics_bio --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: diagbio_avg --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: diagbioFlux_history_fields --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: diagbioVSink_history_fields --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: diagbioGasExc_history_fields --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: diagbioFlux_average_fields --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: diagbioVSink_average_fields --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: diagbioGasExc_average_fields --> DISREGARDED. Biology Forcing Data File: CROCO_FILES/ WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: wkb_boundary --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: wkb_wwave --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: wkb_roller --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: wave_history_fields --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: wave_average_fields --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: wci_history_fields --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: wci_average_fields --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: sediments --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: sediment_history_fields --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: bbl_history_fields --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: floats --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: float_fields --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: stations --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: station_fields --> DISREGARDED. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: psource --> DISREGARDED. Runoff Data File: CROCO_FILES/ 3 Number of point sources 65 I point source indice 120 J point source indice 0 Orientation of point source flow -1. Direction of point source flow T write Lsrc( 1) Tracer of index 1. T write Lsrc( 2) Tracer of index 2. T write Lsrc( 3) Tracer of index 3. T write Lsrc( 4) Tracer of index 4. T write Lsrc( 5) Tracer of index 5. T write Lsrc( 6) Tracer of index 6. T write Lsrc( 7) Tracer of index 7. T write Lsrc( 8) Tracer of index 8. T write Lsrc( 9) Tracer of index 9. T write Lsrc(10) Tracer of index10. T write Lsrc(11) Tracer of index11. T write Lsrc(12) Tracer of index12. T write Lsrc(13) Tracer of index13. T write Lsrc(14) Tracer of index14. T write Lsrc(15) Tracer of index15. T write Lsrc(16) Tracer of index16. T write Lsrc(17) Tracer of index17. T write Lsrc(18) Tracer of index18. T write Lsrc(19) Tracer of index19. T write Lsrc(20) Tracer of index20. T write Lsrc(21) Tracer of index21. T write Lsrc(22) Tracer of index22. T write Lsrc(23) Tracer of index23. T write Lsrc(24) Tracer of index24. T write Lsrc(25) Tracer of index25. T write Lsrc(26) Tracer of index26. 110 I point source indice 135 J point source indice 0 Orientation of point source flow 1. Direction of point source flow T write Lsrc( 1) Tracer of index 1. T write Lsrc( 2) Tracer of index 2. T write Lsrc( 3) Tracer of index 3. T write Lsrc( 4) Tracer of index 4. T write Lsrc( 5) Tracer of index 5. T write Lsrc( 6) Tracer of index 6. T write Lsrc( 7) Tracer of index 7. T write Lsrc( 8) Tracer of index 8. T write Lsrc( 9) Tracer of index 9. T write Lsrc(10) Tracer of index10. T write Lsrc(11) Tracer of index11. T write Lsrc(12) Tracer of index12. T write Lsrc(13) Tracer of index13. T write Lsrc(14) Tracer of index14. T write Lsrc(15) Tracer of index15. T write Lsrc(16) Tracer of index16. T write Lsrc(17) Tracer of index17. T write Lsrc(18) Tracer of index18. T write Lsrc(19) Tracer of index19. T write Lsrc(20) Tracer of index20. T write Lsrc(21) Tracer of index21. T write Lsrc(22) Tracer of index22. T write Lsrc(23) Tracer of index23. T write Lsrc(24) Tracer of index24. T write Lsrc(25) Tracer of index25. T write Lsrc(26) Tracer of index26. 120 I point source indice 148 J point source indice 1 Orientation of point source flow -1. Direction of point source flow T write Lsrc( 1) Tracer of index 1. T write Lsrc( 2) Tracer of index 2. T write Lsrc( 3) Tracer of index 3. T write Lsrc( 4) Tracer of index 4. T write Lsrc( 5) Tracer of index 5. T write Lsrc( 6) Tracer of index 6. T write Lsrc( 7) Tracer of index 7. T write Lsrc( 8) Tracer of index 8. T write Lsrc( 9) Tracer of index 9. T write Lsrc(10) Tracer of index10. T write Lsrc(11) Tracer of index11. T write Lsrc(12) Tracer of index12. T write Lsrc(13) Tracer of index13. T write Lsrc(14) Tracer of index14. T write Lsrc(15) Tracer of index15. T write Lsrc(16) Tracer of index16. T write Lsrc(17) Tracer of index17. T write Lsrc(18) Tracer of index18. T write Lsrc(19) Tracer of index19. T write Lsrc(20) Tracer of index20. T write Lsrc(21) Tracer of index21. T write Lsrc(22) Tracer of index22. T write Lsrc(23) Tracer of index23. T write Lsrc(24) Tracer of index24. T write Lsrc(25) Tracer of index25. T write Lsrc(26) Tracer of index26. WARNING: Unrecognized keyword: online --> DISREGARDED. Activated C-preprocessing Options: REGIONAL SETOBUNGO_1P5KM MPI TIDES OBC_EAST OBC_WEST OBC_NORTH OBC_SOUTH BIOLOGY USE_CALENDAR CURVGRID SPHERICAL MASKING WET_DRY NEW_S_COORD SOLVE3D UV_COR UV_ADV SALINITY NONLIN_EOS BULK_FLUX BULK_GUSTINESS BULK_LW READ_PATM OBC_PATM FRC_BRY Z_FRC_BRY M2_FRC_BRY M3_FRC_BRY T_FRC_BRY UV_HADV_UP3 UV_VIS2 UV_VIS_SMAGO UV_VADV_WENO5 TS_HADV_UP3 TS_DIF2 TS_MIX_S TS_VADV_WENO5 SPONGE LIMIT_BSTRESS GLS_MIXING ANA_BSFLUX ANA_BTFLUX PSOURCE ANA_PSOURCE PSOURCE_NCFILE PSOURCE_NCFILE_TS SSH_TIDES UV_TIDES POT_TIDES TIDERAMP OBC_M2CHARACT OBC_M3ORLANSKI OBC_TORLANSKI AVERAGES AVERAGES_K BIO_HADV_WENO5 PISCES key_pisces M2FILTER_POWER TRACERS TEMPERATURE HZR VAR_RHO_2D SPLIT_EOS UV_MIX_S VIS_COEF_3D NTRA_T3DMIX SPONGE_GRID SPONGE_DIF2 SPONGE_VIS2 GLS_KEPSILON CANUTO_A NF_CLOBBER NUMBER OF THREADS: 1 BLOCKING: 1 x 1. trc_sms_pisces : read PISCES namelists ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ file : namelist_pisces_ref open ok unit = 16 status = OLD form = FORMATTED access = SEQUENTIAL file : namelist_pisces_cfg open ok unit = 17 status = OLD form = FORMATTED access = SEQUENTIAL number of tracer : 24 tracer nb : 1 short name : DIC long name : Dissolved inorganic Concentration unit : mmol/m3 tracer nb : 2 short name : Alkalini long name : Total Alkalinity Concentration unit : meq/m3 tracer nb : 3 short name : O2 long name : Dissolved Oxygen Concentration unit : mmol/m3 tracer nb : 4 short name : CaCO3 long name : Calcite Concentration unit : mmol/m3 tracer nb : 5 short name : PO4 long name : Phosphate Concentration unit : mmol/m3 tracer nb : 6 short name : POC long name : Small organic carbon Concentration unit : mmol/m3 tracer nb : 7 short name : Si long name : Silicate Concentration unit : mmol/m3 tracer nb : 8 short name : PHY long name : Nanophytoplankton Concentration unit : mmol/m3 tracer nb : 9 short name : ZOO long name : Microzooplankton Concentration unit : mmol/m3 tracer nb : 10 short name : DOC long name : Dissolved organic Concentration unit : mmol/m3 tracer nb : 11 short name : PHY2 long name : Diatoms Concentration unit : mmol/m3 tracer nb : 12 short name : ZOO2 long name : Mesozooplankton Concentration unit : mmol/m3 tracer nb : 13 short name : BSi long name : Diatoms Silicate Concentration unit : mmol/m3 tracer nb : 14 short name : Fer long name : Dissolved Iron Concentration unit : mmol/m3 tracer nb : 15 short name : BFe long name : Big iron particles Concentration unit : mmol/m3 tracer nb : 16 short name : GOC long name : Big organic carbon Concentration unit : mmol/m3 tracer nb : 17 short name : SFe long name : Small iron particles Concentration unit : mmol/m3 tracer nb : 18 short name : DFe long name : Diatoms iron Concentration unit : mmol/m3 tracer nb : 19 short name : DSi long name : Sinking biogenic Silicate Concentration unit : mmol/m3 tracer nb : 20 short name : NFe long name : Nano iron Concentration unit : mmol/m3 tracer nb : 21 short name : NCHL long name : Nano chlorophyl Concentration unit : mg/m3 tracer nb : 22 short name : DCHL long name : Diatoms chlorophyl Concentration unit : mg/m3 tracer nb : 23 short name : NO3 long name : Nitrates Concentration unit : mmol/m3 tracer nb : 24 short name : NH4 long name : Ammonium Concentration unit : mmol/m3 Spherical grid detected. hmin hmax grdmin grdmax Cu_min Cu_max 2.000000 1635.084759 0.146202265E+04 0.151429452E+04 0.00212714 0.05914344 volume= 4.002311702626241699219E+12 open_cross= 2.006764715274214148521E+08 lonmin = 130.48 lonmax = 133.33 latmin = 32.39 latmax = 34.43 Vertical S-coordinate System: level S-coord Cs-curve at_hmin over_slope at_hmax 32 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.000 0.000 0.000 31 -0.0312500 -0.0000461 -0.062 -5.052 -5.636 30 -0.0625000 -0.0001867 -0.124 -10.166 -11.410 29 -0.0937500 -0.0004285 -0.186 -15.346 -17.331 28 -0.1250000 -0.0007831 -0.248 -20.601 -23.416 27 -0.1562500 -0.0012675 -0.309 -25.940 -29.691 26 -0.1875000 -0.0019050 -0.371 -31.381 -36.188 25 -0.2187500 -0.0027262 -0.433 -36.942 -42.954 24 -0.2500000 -0.0037705 -0.495 -42.649 -50.044 23 -0.2812500 -0.0050880 -0.557 -48.536 -57.532 22 -0.3125000 -0.0067418 -0.619 -54.644 -65.510 21 -0.3437500 -0.0088113 -0.681 -61.025 -74.094 20 -0.3750000 -0.0113956 -0.743 -67.744 -83.428 19 -0.4062500 -0.0146184 -0.805 -74.882 -93.692 18 -0.4375000 -0.0186338 -0.867 -82.541 -105.111 17 -0.4687500 -0.0236338 -0.929 -90.847 -117.964 16 -0.5000000 -0.0298569 -0.991 -99.956 -132.599 15 -0.5312500 -0.0375996 -1.053 -110.064 -149.448 14 -0.5625000 -0.0472302 -1.115 -121.411 -169.048 13 -0.5937500 -0.0592052 -1.177 -134.299 -192.063 12 -0.6250000 -0.0740908 -1.239 -149.098 -219.318 11 -0.6562500 -0.0925879 -1.301 -166.269 -251.835 10 -0.6875000 -0.1155632 -1.364 -186.382 -290.876 9 -0.7187500 -0.1440865 -1.426 -210.139 -338.000 8 -0.7500000 -0.1794756 -1.489 -238.406 -395.127 7 -0.7812500 -0.2233499 -1.551 -272.247 -464.615 6 -0.8125000 -0.2776926 -1.614 -312.963 -549.355 5 -0.8437500 -0.3449227 -1.678 -362.145 -652.870 4 -0.8750000 -0.4279753 -1.741 -421.720 -779.437 3 -0.9062500 -0.5303890 -1.805 -494.012 -934.210 2 -0.9375000 -0.6563931 -1.869 -581.800 -1123.352 1 -0.9687500 -0.8109876 -1.934 -688.368 -1354.147 0 -1.0000000 -1.0000000 -2.000 -817.542 -1635.085 Time splitting: ndtfast = 60 nfast = 82 Maximum grid stiffness ratios: rx0 = 0.250000000000000 rx1 = 14.6295951500303 Origin date of time axis (YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss) : 1900-01-01 00:00:00 GET_INITIAL -- Processing data for time = 0.4395E+05 record = 1 GET_INITIAL - unable to find variable: CACO3 in input NetCDF file: CROCO_FILES/ -> analytical value GET_INITIAL - unable to find variable: POC in input NetCDF file: CROCO_FILES/ -> analytical value GET_INITIAL - unable to find variable: NANO in input NetCDF file: CROCO_FILES/ -> analytical value GET_INITIAL - unable to find variable: ZOO in input NetCDF file: CROCO_FILES/ -> analytical value GET_INITIAL - unable to find variable: DIA in input NetCDF file: CROCO_FILES/ -> analytical value GET_INITIAL - unable to find variable: MESO in input NetCDF file: CROCO_FILES/ -> analytical value GET_INITIAL - unable to find variable: BSI in input NetCDF file: CROCO_FILES/ -> analytical value GET_INITIAL - unable to find variable: BFE in input NetCDF file: CROCO_FILES/ -> analytical value GET_INITIAL - unable to find variable: GOC in input NetCDF file: CROCO_FILES/ -> analytical value GET_INITIAL - unable to find variable: SFE in input NetCDF file: CROCO_FILES/ -> analytical value GET_INITIAL - unable to find variable: DFE in input NetCDF file: CROCO_FILES/ -> analytical value GET_INITIAL - unable to find variable: DSI in input NetCDF file: CROCO_FILES/ -> analytical value GET_INITIAL - unable to find variable: NFE in input NetCDF file: CROCO_FILES/ -> analytical value GET_INITIAL - unable to find variable: NCHL in input NetCDF file: CROCO_FILES/ -> analytical value GET_INITIAL - unable to find variable: DCHL in input NetCDF file: CROCO_FILES/ -> analytical value GET_INITIAL - unable to find variable: NH4 in input NetCDF file: CROCO_FILES/ -> analytical value GET_INITIAL - unable to find variable: tke in input NetCDF file: CROCO_FILES/ ==> Initialized to zero state. >> CAUTION in case of #define EXACT_RESTART << If it is the case - OK if it is a 'cold start' i.e coming from a 3rd-party initial file - otherwise if it is a 'hot start' i.e from a restart file produced by this code: => problem: run is not restartable => check your initial file GET_INITIAL - unable to find variable: gls in input NetCDF file: CROCO_FILES/ ==> Initialized to zero state. >> CAUTION in case of #define EXACT_RESTART << If it is the case - OK if it is a 'cold start' i.e coming from a 3rd-party initial file - otherwise if it is a 'hot start' i.e from a restart file produced by this code: => problem: run is not restartable => check your initial file GET_INITIAL - unable to find variable: AKv in input NetCDF file: CROCO_FILES/ ==> Initialized to zero state. >> CAUTION in case of #define EXACT_RESTART << If it is the case - OK if it is a 'cold start' i.e coming from a 3rd-party initial file - otherwise if it is a 'hot start' i.e from a restart file produced by this code: => problem: run is not restartable => check your initial file GET_INITIAL - unable to find variable: AKt in input NetCDF file: CROCO_FILES/ ==> Initialized to zero state. >> CAUTION in case of #define EXACT_RESTART << If it is the case - OK if it is a 'cold start' i.e coming from a 3rd-party initial file - otherwise if it is a 'hot start' i.e from a restart file produced by this code: => problem: run is not restartable => check your initial file GET_INITIAL - unable to find variable: AKs in input NetCDF file: CROCO_FILES/ ==> Initialized to zero state. >> CAUTION in case of #define EXACT_RESTART << If it is the case - OK if it is a 'cold start' i.e coming from a 3rd-party initial file - otherwise if it is a 'hot start' i.e from a restart file produced by this code: => problem: run is not restartable => check your initial file Ntimes from date_start and date_end: 408960 p4z_ini : PISCES biochemical model initialisation ~~~~~~~ p4z_sms_init : PISCES initialization ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Namelist : nampisbio frequency for the biology nrdttrc = 1 POC sinking speed wsbio = 2.00000000000000 half saturation constant for mortality xkmort = 2.000000000000000E-007 Fe/C in zooplankton ferat3 = 1.000000000000000E-005 Use of new sinking scheme (y/n) ln_sink_new = F Big particles sinking speed wsbio2 = 50.0000000000000 Big particles maximum sinking speed wsbio2max = 50.0000000000000 Big particles sinking speed length scale wsbio2scale = 5000.00000000000 Maximum number of iterations for POC niter1max = 10 Maximum number of iterations for GOC niter2max = 50 Tracer time step rfact = 30.0000000000000 rdt = 30.0000000000000 Biology time step rfact2 = 30.0000000000000 *** Total number of passive tracer jptra = 24 TRACER STAT at time-step kt = 1 tracer nb : 1 name : DIC mean : 0.2170260748E-02 min : 0.2018256853E-02 max : 0.2375844182E-02 tracer nb : 2 name : Alkalini mean : 0.2340382201E-02 min : 0.2258146219E-02 max : 0.2355461315E-02 tracer nb : 3 name : O2 mean : 0.1801129008E-03 min : 0.7214518338E-04 max : 0.2727201371E-03 tracer nb : 4 name : CaCO3 mean : 0.1000000000E-07 min : 0.1000000000E-07 max : 0.1000000000E-07 tracer nb : 5 name : PO4 mean : 0.1067883119E-05 min : 0.5366436667E-07 max : 0.2937922654E-05 tracer nb : 6 name : POC mean : 0.1000000000E-07 min : 0.1000000000E-07 max : 0.1000000000E-07 tracer nb : 7 name : Si mean : 0.3254246816E-04 min : 0.1631485450E-05 max : 0.1429057390E-03 tracer nb : 8 name : PHY mean : 0.1000000000E-07 min : 0.1000000000E-07 max : 0.1000000000E-07 tracer nb : 9 name : ZOO mean : 0.1000000000E-07 min : 0.1000000000E-07 max : 0.1000000000E-07 tracer nb :10 name : DOC mean : 0.1240218526E-04 min : 0.1495446899E-06 max : 0.1935657088E-04 tracer nb :11 name : PHY2 mean : 0.1000000000E-07 min : 0.1000000000E-07 max : 0.1000000000E-07 tracer nb :12 name : ZOO2 mean : 0.1000000000E-07 min : 0.1000000000E-07 max : 0.1000000000E-07 tracer nb :13 name : BSi mean : 0.1500000000E-08 min : 0.1500000000E-08 max : 0.1500000000E-08 tracer nb :14 name : Fer mean : 0.5675147114E-09 min : 0.2674657711E-09 max : 0.1020805710E-08 tracer nb :15 name : BFe mean : 0.5000000000E-13 min : 0.5000000000E-13 max : 0.5000000000E-13 tracer nb :16 name : GOC mean : 0.1000000000E-07 min : 0.1000000000E-07 max : 0.1000000000E-07 tracer nb :17 name : SFe mean : 0.5000000000E-13 min : 0.5000000000E-13 max : 0.5000000000E-13 tracer nb :18 name : DFe mean : 0.5000000000E-13 min : 0.5000000000E-13 max : 0.5000000000E-13 tracer nb :19 name : DSi mean : 0.1500000000E-08 min : 0.1500000000E-08 max : 0.1500000000E-08 tracer nb :20 name : NFe mean : 0.5000000000E-13 min : 0.5000000000E-13 max : 0.5000000000E-13 tracer nb :21 name : NCHL mean : 0.2181818182E-08 min : 0.2181818182E-08 max : 0.2181818182E-08 tracer nb :22 name : DCHL mean : 0.2181818182E-08 min : 0.2181818182E-08 max : 0.2181818182E-08 tracer nb :23 name : NO3 mean : 0.1376524861E-04 min : 0.4292533064E-06 max : 0.4289492229E-04 tracer nb :24 name : NH4 mean : 0.1000000000E-07 min : 0.1000000000E-07 max : 0.1000000000E-07 p4z_opt_init : ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Namelist : nampisopt Default value for the PAR fraction parlux = 0.430000000000000 trc_oce_rgb_read : optical look-up table read in kRGB61.txt file ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ file : kRGB61.txt open ok unit = 19 status = OLD form = FORMATTED access = SEQUENTIAL p4z_lim_init : initialization of nutrient limitations ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Namelist : namp4zlim mean rainratio caco3r = 0.300000000000000 NO3 half saturation of nanophyto concnno3 = 1.000000000000000E-006 NO3 half saturation of diatoms concdno3 = 3.000000000000000E-006 NH4 half saturation for phyto concnnh4 = 1.000000000000000E-007 NH4 half saturation for diatoms concdnh4 = 3.000000000000000E-007 half saturation constant for Si uptake xksi1 = 2.000000000000000E-006 half saturation constant for Si/C xksi2 = 2.000000000000000E-005 half-sat. of DOC remineralization xkdoc = 4.170000000000000E-004 Iron half saturation for nanophyto concnfer = 1.000000000000000E-009 Iron half saturation for diatoms concdfer = 3.000000000000000E-009 size ratio for nanophytoplankton xsizern = 3.00000000000000 size ratio for diatoms xsizerd = 3.00000000000000 NO3 half saturation of bacteria concbno3 = 2.000000000000000E-007 NH4 half saturation for bacteria concbnh4 = 2.000000000000000E-008 Minimum size criteria for diatoms xsizedia = 1.000000000000000E-006 Minimum size criteria for nanophyto xsizephy = 1.000000000000000E-006 Fe half saturation for bacteria concbfe = 9.999999999999999E-012 halk saturation constant for anoxia oxymin = 1.000000000000000E-006 optimal Fe quota for nano. qnfelim = 7.000000000000000E-006 Optimal Fe quota for diatoms qdfelim = 7.000000000000000E-006 p4z_lim_init : initialization of nutrient limitations ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Namelist : namp4zlim mean rainratio caco3r = 0.300000000000000 NO3 half saturation of nanophyto concnno3 = 1.000000000000000E-006 NO3 half saturation of diatoms concdno3 = 3.000000000000000E-006 NH4 half saturation for phyto concnnh4 = 1.000000000000000E-007 NH4 half saturation for diatoms concdnh4 = 3.000000000000000E-007 half saturation constant for Si uptake xksi1 = 2.000000000000000E-006 half saturation constant for Si/C xksi2 = 2.000000000000000E-005 half-sat. of DOC remineralization xkdoc = 4.170000000000000E-004 Iron half saturation for nanophyto concnfer = 1.000000000000000E-009 Iron half saturation for diatoms concdfer = 3.000000000000000E-009 size ratio for nanophytoplankton xsizern = 3.00000000000000 size ratio for diatoms xsizerd = 3.00000000000000 NO3 half saturation of bacteria concbno3 = 2.000000000000000E-007 NH4 half saturation for bacteria concbnh4 = 2.000000000000000E-008 Minimum size criteria for diatoms xsizedia = 1.000000000000000E-006 Minimum size criteria for nanophyto xsizephy = 1.000000000000000E-006 Fe half saturation for bacteria concbfe = 9.999999999999999E-012 halk saturation constant for anoxia oxymin = 1.000000000000000E-006 optimal Fe quota for nano. qnfelim = 7.000000000000000E-006 Optimal Fe quota for diatoms qdfelim = 7.000000000000000E-006 p4z_prod_init : phytoplankton growth ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Namelist : namp4zprod mean Si/C ratio grosip = 0.159000000000000 P-I slope pislopen = 2.00000000000000 Acclimation factor to low light xadap = 0.000000000000000E+000 excretion ratio of nanophytoplankton excretn = 5.000000000000000E-002 excretion ratio of diatoms excretd = 5.000000000000000E-002 basal respiration in phytoplankton bresp = 3.300000000000000E-002 Maximum Chl/C in phytoplankton chlcmin = 4.000000000000000E-003 P-I slope for diatoms pisloped = 2.00000000000000 Minimum Chl/C in nanophytoplankton chlcnm = 3.300000000000000E-002 Minimum Chl/C in diatoms chlcdm = 5.000000000000000E-002 Maximum Fe/C in nanophytoplankton fecnm = 8.000000000000001E-005 Minimum Fe/C in diatoms fecdm = 8.000000000000001E-005 p4z_sbc_init : initialization of the external sources of nutrients ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Namelist : nampissbc dust input from the atmosphere ln_dust = F river input of nutrients ln_river = T atmospheric deposition of n ln_ndepo = F Fe input from sediments ln_ironsed = T coastal release of iron sedfeinput = 2.000000000000000E-009 solubility of the dust dustsolub = 1.400000000000000E-002 Mineral Fe content of the dust mfrac = 3.500000000000000E-002 sinking speed of the dust wdust = 2.00000000000000 nitrogen fixation rate nitrfix = 1.000000000000000E-007 nitrogen fixation sensitivty to light diazolight = 50.0000000000000 Fe half-saturation cste for diazotrophs concfediaz = 1.000000000000000E-010 p4z_rem_init : Initialization of iron chemistry parameters ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Namelist : nampisfer variable concentration of ligand ln_ligvar = F scavenging rate of Iron xlam1 = 0.150000000000000 scavenging rate of Iron by dust xlamdust = 150.000000000000 ligand concentration in the ocean ligand = 7.000000000000000E-010 rate constant for nanoparticle formation kfep = 1.000000000000000E-002 p4z_rem_init : Initialization of remineralization parameters ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Namelist parameters for remineralization, nampisrem remineralization rate of DOC xremik = 0.300000000000000 remineralization rate of Si xsirem = 3.000000000000000E-003 fast remineralization rate of Si xsiremlab = 3.000000000000000E-002 fraction of labile biogenic silica xsilab = 0.500000000000000 NH4 nitrification rate nitrif = 5.000000000000000E-002 Bacterial Fe/C ratio feratb = 1.000000000000000E-005 Half-saturation constant for bact. Fe/C xkferb = 3.000000000000000E-010 p4z_poc_init : Initialization of remineralization parameters ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Namelist : nampispoc remineralisation rate of POC xremip = 3.500000000000000E-002 Number of lability classes for POC jcpoc = 15 Shape factor of the gamma distribution rshape = 1.00000000000000 p4z_mort_init : Initialization of phytoplankton mortality parameters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Namelist : namp4zmort quadratic mortality of phytoplankton wchl = 1.000000000000000E-002 maximum quadratic mortality of diatoms wchld = 1.000000000000000E-002 maximum quadratic mortality of diatoms wchldm = 3.000000000000000E-002 phytoplankton mortality rate mprat = 1.000000000000000E-002 Diatoms mortality rate mprat2 = 1.000000000000000E-002 p4z_micro_init : Initialization of microzooplankton parameters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Namelist : namp4zzoo part of calcite not dissolved in microzoo guts part = 0.500000000000000 microzoo preference for POC xprefc = 0.100000000000000 microzoo preference for nano xprefn = 1.00000000000000 microzoo preference for diatoms xprefd = 0.600000000000000 diatoms feeding threshold for microzoo xthreshdia = 1.000000000000000E-008 nanophyto feeding threshold for microzoo xthreshphy = 1.000000000000000E-008 poc feeding threshold for microzoo xthreshpoc = 1.000000000000000E-008 feeding threshold for microzooplankton xthresh = 3.000000000000000E-007 exsudation rate of microzooplankton resrat = 3.000000000000000E-002 microzooplankton mortality rate mzrat = 4.000000000000000E-003 maximal microzoo grazing rate grazrat = 3.00000000000000 non assimilated fraction of P by microzoo unass = 0.300000000000000 Efficicency of microzoo growth epsher = 0.300000000000000 Minimum efficicency of microzoo growth epshermin = 0.300000000000000 Fraction of microzoo excretion as DOM sigma1 = 0.600000000000000 half sturation constant for grazing 1 xkgraz = 2.000000000000000E-005 p4z_meso_init : Initialization of mesozooplankton parameters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Namelist : namp4zmes part of calcite not dissolved in mesozoo guts part2 = 0.750000000000000 mesozoo preference for phyto xpref2n = 0.300000000000000 mesozoo preference for diatoms xpref2d = 1.00000000000000 mesozoo preference for zoo xpref2z = 1.00000000000000 mesozoo preference for poc xpref2c = 0.300000000000000 microzoo feeding threshold for mesozoo xthresh2zoo = 1.000000000000000E-008 diatoms feeding threshold for mesozoo xthresh2dia = 1.000000000000000E-008 nanophyto feeding threshold for mesozoo xthresh2phy = 1.000000000000000E-008 poc feeding threshold for mesozoo xthresh2poc = 1.000000000000000E-008 feeding threshold for mesozooplankton xthresh2 = 3.000000000000000E-007 exsudation rate of mesozooplankton resrat2 = 5.000000000000000E-003 mesozooplankton mortality rate mzrat2 = 3.000000000000000E-002 maximal mesozoo grazing rate grazrat2 = 0.750000000000000 mesozoo flux feeding rate grazflux = 3000.00000000000 non assimilated fraction of P by mesozoo unass2 = 0.300000000000000 Efficiency of Mesozoo growth epsher2 = 0.350000000000000 Minimum Efficiency of Mesozoo growth epsher2min = 0.350000000000000 Fraction of mesozoo excretion as DOM sigma2 = 0.600000000000000 half sturation constant for grazing 2 xkgraz2 = 2.000000000000000E-005 p4z_lys_init : initialization of CaCO3 dissolution ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Namelist : nampiscal diss. rate constant calcite (per month) kdca = 6.00000000000000 order of reaction for calcite dissolution nca = 1.00000000000000 p4z_flx_init : atmospheric conditions for air-sea flux calculation ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Namelist : nampisext --- parameters for air-sea exchange Constant Atmospheric pCO2 value atcco2 = 417.000000000000 GET_BRY -- Read all boundary data for time = 43950.0000 0 GET_BRY -- Read all boundary data for time = 43951.0000 0 GET_BRY_BIO - unable to find variable: cal_time in input NetCDF file: CROCO_FILES/ -> analytical value GET_BRY_BIO - unable to find variable: poc_time in input NetCDF file: CROCO_FILES/ -> analytical value GET_BRY_BIO - unable to find variable: phy_time in input NetCDF file: CROCO_FILES/ -> analytical value GET_BRY_BIO - unable to find variable: zoo_time in input NetCDF file: CROCO_FILES/ -> analytical value GET_BRY_BIO - unable to find variable: dia_time in input NetCDF file: CROCO_FILES/ -> analytical value GET_BRY_BIO - unable to find variable: mes_time in input NetCDF file: CROCO_FILES/ -> analytical value GET_BRY_BIO - unable to find variable: bsi_time in input NetCDF file: CROCO_FILES/ -> analytical value GET_BRY_BIO - unable to find variable: bfe_time in input NetCDF file: CROCO_FILES/ -> analytical value GET_BRY_BIO - unable to find variable: goc_time in input NetCDF file: CROCO_FILES/ -> analytical value GET_BRY_BIO - unable to find variable: sfe_time in input NetCDF file: CROCO_FILES/ -> analytical value GET_BRY_BIO - unable to find variable: dfe_time in input NetCDF file: CROCO_FILES/ -> analytical value GET_BRY_BIO - unable to find variable: dsi_time in input NetCDF file: CROCO_FILES/ -> analytical value GET_BRY_BIO - unable to find variable: nfe_time in input NetCDF file: CROCO_FILES/ -> analytical value GET_BRY_BIO - unable to find variable: nch_time in input NetCDF file: CROCO_FILES/ -> analytical value GET_BRY_BIO - unable to find variable: dch_time in input NetCDF file: CROCO_FILES/ -> analytical value GET_BRY_BIO - unable to find variable: nh4_time in input NetCDF file: CROCO_FILES/ -> analytical value GET_BRY_BIO -- Read all boundary data for time = 0.4393E+05 0 GET_BRY_BIO -- Read all boundary data for time = 0.4396E+05 0 GET_BRY_BIO -- Read all boundary data for time = 0.4395E+05 0 GET_BRY_BIO -- Read all boundary data for time = 0.4395E+05 0 GET_BRY_BIO -- Read all boundary data for time = 0.4393E+05 0 GET_BRY_BIO -- Read all boundary data for time = 0.4396E+05 0 GET_BRY_BIO -- Read all boundary data for time = 0.4393E+05 0 GET_BRY_BIO -- Read all boundary data for time = 0.4396E+05 0 GET_BRY_BIO -- Read all boundary data for time = 0.4393E+05 0 GET_BRY_BIO -- Read all boundary data for time = 0.4396E+05 0 GET_BRY_BIO -- Read all boundary data for time = 0.4393E+05 0 GET_BRY_BIO -- Read all boundary data for time = 0.4396E+05 0 GET_BRY_BIO -- Read all boundary data for time = 0.4393E+05 0 GET_BRY_BIO -- Read all boundary data for time = 0.4396E+05 0 GET_BRY_BIO -- Read all boundary data for time = 0.4393E+05 0 GET_BRY_BIO -- Read all boundary data for time = 0.4396E+05 0 GET_PSOURCE -- Read Run-off flow fields for time = 0.4393E+05 0 GET_PSOURCE -- Read Run-off flow fields for time = 0.4396E+05 0 GET_PSOURCE_TS -- Read conc fields of tracer 1 for time = 0.4393E+05 0 GET_PSOURCE_TS -- Read conc fields of tracer 1 for time = 0.4396E+05 0 GET_PSOURCE_TS -- Read conc fields of tracer 2 for time = 0.4393E+05 0 GET_PSOURCE_TS -- Read conc fields of tracer 2 for time = 0.4396E+05 0 GET_PSOURCE_TS -- Read conc fields of tracer 3 for time = 0.4393E+05 0 GET_PSOURCE_TS -- Read conc fields of tracer 3 for time = 0.4396E+05 0 GET_PSOURCE_TS -- Read conc fields of tracer 4 for time = 0.4393E+05 0 GET_PSOURCE_TS -- Read conc fields of tracer 4 for time = 0.4396E+05 0 GET_PSOURCE_TS -- Read conc fields of tracer 5 for time = 0.4393E+05 0 GET_PSOURCE_TS -- Read conc fields of tracer 5 for time = 0.4396E+05 0 GET_PSOURCE_TS -- Read conc fields of tracer 6 for time = 0.4393E+05 0 GET_PSOURCE_TS -- Read conc fields of tracer 6 for time = 0.4396E+05 0 GET_PSOURCE_TS -- Read conc fields of tracer 7 for time = 0.4393E+05 0 GET_PSOURCE_TS -- Read conc fields of tracer 7 for time = 0.4396E+05 0 GET_PSOURCE_TS -- Read conc fields of tracer 8 for time = 0.4393E+05 0 GET_PSOURCE_TS -- Read conc fields of tracer 8 for time = 0.4396E+05 0 GET_PSOURCE_TS -- Read conc fields of tracer 9 for time = 0.4393E+05 0 GET_PSOURCE_TS -- Read conc fields of tracer 9 for time = 0.4396E+05 0 GET_PSOURCE_TS -- Read conc fields of tracer 10 for time = 0.4393E+05 0 GET_PSOURCE_TS -- Read conc fields of tracer 10 for time = 0.4396E+05 0 GET_PSOURCE_TS -- Read conc fields of tracer 11 for time = 0.4393E+05 0 GET_PSOURCE_TS -- Read conc fields of tracer 11 for time = 0.4396E+05 0 GET_PSOURCE_TS -- Read conc fields of tracer 12 for time = 0.4393E+05 0 GET_PSOURCE_TS -- Read conc fields of tracer 12 for time = 0.4396E+05 0 GET_PSOURCE_TS -- Read conc fields of tracer 13 for time = 0.4393E+05 0 GET_PSOURCE_TS -- Read conc fields of tracer 13 for time = 0.4396E+05 0 GET_PSOURCE_TS -- Read conc fields of tracer 14 for time = 0.4393E+05 0 GET_PSOURCE_TS -- Read conc fields of tracer 14 for time = 0.4396E+05 0 GET_PSOURCE_TS -- Read conc fields of tracer 15 for time = 0.4393E+05 0 GET_PSOURCE_TS -- Read conc fields of tracer 15 for time = 0.4396E+05 0 GET_PSOURCE_TS -- Read conc fields of tracer 16 for time = 0.4393E+05 0 GET_PSOURCE_TS -- Read conc fields of tracer 16 for time = 0.4396E+05 0 GET_PSOURCE_TS -- Read conc fields of tracer 17 for time = 0.4393E+05 0 GET_PSOURCE_TS -- Read conc fields of tracer 17 for time = 0.4396E+05 0 GET_PSOURCE_TS -- Read conc fields of tracer 18 for time = 0.4393E+05 0 GET_PSOURCE_TS -- Read conc fields of tracer 18 for time = 0.4396E+05 0 GET_PSOURCE_TS -- Read conc fields of tracer 19 for time = 0.4393E+05 0 GET_PSOURCE_TS -- Read conc fields of tracer 19 for time = 0.4396E+05 0 GET_PSOURCE_TS -- Read conc fields of tracer 20 for time = 0.4393E+05 0 GET_PSOURCE_TS -- Read conc fields of tracer 20 for time = 0.4396E+05 0 GET_PSOURCE_TS -- Read conc fields of tracer 21 for time = 0.4393E+05 0 GET_PSOURCE_TS -- Read conc fields of tracer 21 for time = 0.4396E+05 0 GET_PSOURCE_TS -- Read conc fields of tracer 22 for time = 0.4393E+05 0 GET_PSOURCE_TS -- Read conc fields of tracer 22 for time = 0.4396E+05 0 GET_PSOURCE_TS -- Read conc fields of tracer 23 for time = 0.4393E+05 0 GET_PSOURCE_TS -- Read conc fields of tracer 23 for time = 0.4396E+05 0 GET_PSOURCE_TS -- Read conc fields of tracer 24 for time = 0.4393E+05 0 GET_PSOURCE_TS -- Read conc fields of tracer 24 for time = 0.4396E+05 0 GET_PSOURCE_TS -- Read conc fields of tracer 25 for time = 0.4393E+05 0 GET_PSOURCE_TS -- Read conc fields of tracer 25 for time = 0.4396E+05 0 GET_PSOURCE_TS -- Read conc fields of tracer 26 for time = 0.4393E+05 0 GET_PSOURCE_TS -- Read conc fields of tracer 26 for time = 0.4396E+05 0 GET_BULK -- Read fields for bulk formula for time = 43950.5000 0 GET_BULK -- Read fields for bulk formula for time = 43950.5417 0 DEF_HIS/AVG - Created new netCDF file 'CROCO_FILES/'. mynode = 0 WRT_GRID -- wrote grid data into file 'CROCO_FILES/'. mynode = 0 WRT_HIS -- wrote history fields into time record = 1 / 1 mynode = 0 MAIN: started time-stepping 2020-05-01 12:00:00 STEP time[DAYS] NO3 DIA ZOO DOC trd 0 0.00035 1.3811954E+01 1.0000000E-02 1.0000000E-02 1.2378028E+01 0 Number of days per year in file year2daydta = 0.000000000000000E+000 forrtl: severe (174): SIGSEGV, segmentation fault occurred forrtl: severe (174): SIGSEGV, segmentation fault occurred forrtl: severe (174): SIGSEGV, segmentation fault occurred forrtl: severe (174): SIGSEGV, segmentation fault occurred forrtl: severe (174): SIGSEGV, segmentation fault occurred forrtl: severe (174): SIGSEGV, segmentation fault occurred forrtl: severe (174): SIGSEGV, segmentation fault occurred forrtl: severe (174): SIGSEGV, segmentation fault occurred forrtl: severe (174): SIGSEGV, segmentation fault occurred forrtl: severe (174): SIGSEGV, segmentation fault occurred forrtl: severe (174): SIGSEGV, segmentation fault occurred forrtl: severe (174): SIGSEGV, segmentation fault occurred forrtl: severe (174): SIGSEGV, segmentation fault occurred forrtl: severe (174): SIGSEGV, segmentation fault occurred forrtl: severe (174): SIGSEGV, segmentation fault occurred forrtl: severe (174): SIGSEGV, segmentation fault occurred forrtl: severe (174): SIGSEGV, segmentation fault occurred forrtl: severe (174): SIGSEGV, segmentation fault occurred forrtl: severe (174): SIGSEGV, segmentation fault occurred forrtl: severe (174): SIGSEGV, segmentation fault occurred forrtl: severe 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=================================================================================== =================================================================================== = BAD TERMINATION OF ONE OF YOUR APPLICATION PROCESSES = RANK 4 PID 145421 RUNNING AT = KILLED BY SIGNAL: 9 (Killed) =================================================================================== =================================================================================== = BAD TERMINATION OF ONE OF YOUR APPLICATION PROCESSES = RANK 5 PID 145422 RUNNING AT = KILLED BY SIGNAL: 9 (Killed) =================================================================================== =================================================================================== = BAD TERMINATION OF ONE OF YOUR APPLICATION PROCESSES = RANK 9 PID 145426 RUNNING AT = KILLED BY SIGNAL: 9 (Killed) =================================================================================== =================================================================================== = BAD TERMINATION OF ONE OF YOUR APPLICATION PROCESSES = RANK 10 PID 145427 RUNNING AT = KILLED BY SIGNAL: 9 (Killed) =================================================================================== =================================================================================== = BAD TERMINATION OF ONE OF YOUR APPLICATION PROCESSES = RANK 11 PID 145428 RUNNING AT = KILLED BY SIGNAL: 9 (Killed) =================================================================================== =================================================================================== = BAD TERMINATION OF ONE OF YOUR APPLICATION PROCESSES = RANK 14 PID 145431 RUNNING AT = KILLED BY SIGNAL: 9 (Killed) =================================================================================== =================================================================================== = BAD TERMINATION OF ONE OF YOUR APPLICATION PROCESSES = RANK 15 PID 145432 RUNNING AT = KILLED BY SIGNAL: 9 (Killed) =================================================================================== =================================================================================== = BAD TERMINATION OF ONE OF YOUR APPLICATION PROCESSES = RANK 19 PID 145436 RUNNING AT = KILLED BY SIGNAL: 9 (Killed) =================================================================================== =================================================================================== = BAD TERMINATION OF ONE OF YOUR APPLICATION PROCESSES = RANK 20 PID 145437 RUNNING AT = KILLED BY SIGNAL: 9 (Killed) =================================================================================== =================================================================================== = BAD TERMINATION OF ONE OF YOUR APPLICATION PROCESSES = RANK 21 PID 145438 RUNNING AT = KILLED BY SIGNAL: 9 (Killed) =================================================================================== =================================================================================== = BAD TERMINATION OF ONE OF YOUR APPLICATION PROCESSES = RANK 24 PID 145441 RUNNING AT = KILLED BY SIGNAL: 9 (Killed) =================================================================================== =================================================================================== = BAD TERMINATION OF ONE OF YOUR APPLICATION PROCESSES = RANK 25 PID 145442 RUNNING AT = KILLED BY SIGNAL: 9 (Killed) =================================================================================== =================================================================================== = BAD TERMINATION OF ONE OF YOUR APPLICATION PROCESSES = RANK 26 PID 145443 RUNNING AT = KILLED BY SIGNAL: 9 (Killed) =================================================================================== =================================================================================== = BAD TERMINATION OF ONE OF YOUR APPLICATION PROCESSES = RANK 27 PID 145444 RUNNING AT = KILLED BY SIGNAL: 9 (Killed) =================================================================================== =================================================================================== = BAD TERMINATION OF ONE OF YOUR APPLICATION PROCESSES = RANK 28 PID 145445 RUNNING AT = KILLED BY SIGNAL: 9 (Killed) =================================================================================== =================================================================================== = BAD TERMINATION OF ONE OF YOUR APPLICATION PROCESSES = RANK 30 PID 145447 RUNNING AT = KILLED BY SIGNAL: 9 (Killed) ===================================================================================